10 Benefits For Health And Achievement Practicing From Creatine

Creatine is favored by athletes and bodybuilders

Creatine is a natural supplement used to increase athletic performance .

This is one of the best supplements to build muscle and strength in the world .

Despite many popular rumors in the media, creatine is still very safe and is also used clinically to treat neurological diseases .

There are more than 500 studies supporting its safety and effectiveness .

Here are 10 benefits based on the scientific basis of creatine:

1. Help muscle cells produce more energy

Creatine supplement supplements increase reserves in muscle .

Creatine phosphate helps create new ATP, the main molecule that cells use for energy and all the basic functions of life .

During exercise, ATP decomposes to produce energy.

ATP re-synthesis rate limits the ability to exercise continuously at maximum intensity. You use ATP faster than you can store it .

Creatine supplement supplements increase the storage of creatine phosphate, allowing you to produce more ATP energy as fuel for muscle activity during intense exercise .

This is the main mechanism behind the effect of improving the performance of creatine.

Summary: Creatine supplementation can provide additional ATP energy, which helps improve intense exercise.

2. Support many other functions in muscles

Creatine may stimulate some important biological processes that promote muscle growth as well as size

Creatine is a popular and effective supplement to increase muscle mass .

It can alter many cell pathways that promote muscle growth, including promoting the formation of proteins that create new muscle fibers .

It can also increase IGF-1 levels and stimulate the Akt / PKB pathway. They transmit signals to the body to create muscle mass .

Dietary supplements can also increase the content of water in muscles. This is called cell thickening, and can quickly increase the size of the muscle .

Some studies have also shown that supplementation reduces concentration a molecule responsible for slowing muscle growth. Reducing myostatin can help you build muscle faster .

Summary: Creatine may stimulate some important biological processes that promote muscle growth as well as size.

3. Improve high-performance workout

The direct role of creatine in ATP energy production means that it can significantly improve intense exercise .

Studies have shown that creatine can improve many factors to help you exercise better, including:

  • Power .
  • Weightlifting .
  • Ability to sprint .
  • Muscle endurance .
  • Anti-fatigue .
  • Muscle mass .
  • Rehibilitate .
  • Brain activity .

Unlike many functional foods that only benefit professional athletes, creatine benefits regardless of how strong your fitness is .

A review shows that it improves high-intensity exercise performance by up to 15% .

Summary: Creatine is the world's most effective supplement for high-intensity sports. It benefits even if your current capacity level is like.

4. Increase muscle growth

Creatine is a supplemental supplement to increase the most effective muscle available

Creatine is the most effective supplement in the world to increase muscle mass .

It takes at least 5-7 days to see lean mass and markedly increased muscle size.

This initial increase is due to increased water in the muscle .

In the long run, it also helps to increase muscle fibers by signaling important biological pathways and increasing mass and achievement in the gym .

In one study, participants followed a six-week exercise regime. Those taking creatine increased 4.4 lb (2 kg) of muscle mass, compared to non-users .

A comprehensive review showed that muscle mass increased significantly more than those who performed the same exercise regime without creatine .

This review also compares the most popular sports supplements in the world and finds creatine to be the best. It also has the added benefit of being less expensive and safer than most supplements used in other sports .

Summary: Creatine can increase muscle mass in both short and long term. These are supplemental functional foods to increase the most effective muscle available.

5. May be helpful for Parkinson's disease

manifested in the reduction of brain function of a major neurotransmitter called dopamine .

A sharp decrease in dopamine levels causes death of brain cells and some serious symptoms, including tremors, loss of muscle function and impaired speech .

Creatine has been shown to have beneficial effects on Parkinson's disease in mice, preventing a 90% reduction in dopamine levels .

In an effort to treat muscle loss and strength, Parkinson's patients often perform weight exercises .

In people with Parkinson's disease, combining creatine with weight training will improve strength and daily activity to a greater degree than just exercising alone .

Summary: Creatine can help reduce symptoms and severity of Parkinson's disease by maintaining dopamine levels and muscle function.

6. Can resist other neurological diseases

Creatine may help with symptoms as well as disease progression

The key factor in some neurological diseases is the reduction of phosphocreatine levels in the brain .

Because creatine can increase this concentration, it can help reduce or slow the progression of the disease.

In mice with Huntington's disease, it restored the brain's phosphocreatine levels to 72% before the disease, compared with only 26% for the control mice .

Restoration of phosphocreatine levels helps maintain daily function and reduce cell death by about 25% .

Animal studies suggest that creatine supplementation can also treat other diseases, including:

  • Alzheimer .
  • Ischemic stroke .
  • Epilepsy .
  • Damage to the brain or spinal cord .

Creatine has also shown benefits against a disease that affects motor neurons needed for movement. It improves motor function, reduces muscle damage and increases survival rate to 17% .

Although more human studies are needed, many researchers believe that creatine supplementation may have a very good effect on neuropathy when used in combination with medical treatment and other common drugs.

Summary: Animal studies show that creatine may help with symptoms as well as disease progression and even prolong life for patients with neurological diseases.

7. Can reduce blood sugar and fight diabetes

The effect of reducing blood sugar after meals of creatine still needs to be studied further

Research shows that creatine supplementation may help reduce blood sugar .

This can happen by increasing the function of GLUT4, a transport molecule that carries blood sugar into the muscle .

A 12-week study examined how creatine affects blood sugar after a high-carb meal .

People who combine creatine with exercise achieve better efficiency in controlling blood sugar, compared to those who only exercise .

Short-term blood sugar responses to meals are important signs of diabetes risk. The faster the body cleans blood sugar, the better .

These benefits are very promising, but more research is needed on the long-term effects on blood sugar control and diabetes.

Summary: There is some evidence that creatine may help reduce blood sugar after a meal, but there is very little data on long-term effects.

8. Can improve brain function

Creatine plays an important role in brain health and function .

Research has shown that the brain requires a significant amount of ATP energy when performing difficult tasks .

Supplements can increase phosphocreatine in the brain and help the brain produce more ATP. Creatine can also support brain function by increasing dopamine levels and function ( 45).

Meat is the best source of food creatine, and vegetarians often have this low concentration due to abstaining from meat. A study of creatine supplements in vegetarians recorded their intellectual and intellectual scores improved by 20-50% .

For elderly people, two weeks of creatine supplement supplements significantly improve their ability to remember and recall .

Along with other studies, this study shows creatine is very beneficial for the elderly. It helps brain function, reduces muscle loss and age-related strength, and protects against neuropathy .

Despite positive findings, more research is needed in young, healthy people who eat meat or fish regularly.

Summary: Creatine supplementation can provide additional energy to the brain, thereby improving memory and intelligence in people with low creatine levels.

9. Can reduce physical and mental fatigue

Creatine provides the brain with more energy and increases dopamine levels

Creatine supplementation can also reduce both physical and mental fatigue .

One of the most notable studies has so far monitored patients with brain injury for six months. People taking supplements had 50% less dizziness than those who did not take the medicine .

Furthermore, only 10% of patients in the supplemented group were tired compared to 80% of the control group patients .

Another study found that creatine reduces fatigue and increases energy levels during sleep deprivation .

Creatine can also reduce fatigue due to physical activity in athletes who ride bicycles, and is also used to reduce fatigue during intense exercise .

Summary: Creatine can relieve symptoms of physical and mental fatigue by providing the brain with energy and increasing dopamine levels.

10. Safe and easy to use

Along with the diverse benefits outlined in this article, creatine is also one of the cheapest and safest supplements available.

It has been studied for over 200 years and many studies support the long-term safety. Five-year clinical trials have reported no side effects in healthy people .

Moreover, it is easy to supplement this substance. Simply take 3-5 grams of creatine monohydrate powder daily .

Finally, creatine is an effective supplement with strong benefits in both sports and health.