10 Reasons for Explaining The Importance Of Delicious Sleep

Modern lifestyles are increasingly making sleep quality go down

A good sleep is extremely important for health.

In fact, sleep is as important as healthy eating and exercise.

Unfortunately, the Western habitat is interfering with natural sleep.

Sleep time has now been shortened, and quality sleep also decreased.

Here are 10 explanations about the importance of sleep.

1. Less sleep can make you gain weight

Sleep is less closely related to weight gain.

People with short periods of time tend to weigh much higher than those who get enough sleep .

In fact, nap time is one of the risk factors biggest for obesity.

In an overall evaluation study, children with sleep time of 89% and adults with 55% had an increased risk of obesity .

The effect of sleep on weight gain is thought to be caused by many intermediary factors such as hormones and exercise motivation .

Having a quality sleep is a very important thing, if you are trying weight loss .

Conclude: Nap sleep can increase the risk of weight gain and obesity in children and adults.

2. Good sleep often makes us eat less calories

People who get enough sleep tend to eat less calories

Studies show that people with insomnia will crave more food and tend to absorb more calories than.

Lack of sleep disrupts daily fluctuations in appetite hormones and this is believed to make appetite less controlled as increasing the level (appetite hormone) and reduced intake leptin (hormone suppresses appetite .

Conclude: Lack of sleep affects the hormones that regulate appetite. People who get enough sleep tend to eat less calories.

3. Good sleep can improve concentration and productivity

Getting enough sleep can help work more effectively

Sleep is very important for many factors in brain activity.

Including awareness, concentration, productivity and performance .

All these weaknesses are negatively affected if you lack sleep.

A study of medical trainees is an example of this.

Trainees who work on a "regular schedule" cause 36% more serious errors than scheduled work trainees with a lot of sleep time .

Another study found that sleep had a negative effect similar to alcohol poisoning to an element of brain function .

On the other hand, a quality sleep has been shown to improve problem solving skills and enhance memory performance of both children and adults .

Conclude: Good sleep can greatly improve problem solving skills and enhance memory. Sleep deprivation has been shown to impair brain function.

4. Good sleep can maximize athletic performance

Sleep has been shown to enhance athletic performance.

Getting enough sleep has been shown to improve many aspects of physical fitness and movement

In a study of basketball players, longer sleep significantly improved speed, accuracy, reaction time, and mental health .

Less sleep time can also reduce exercise efficiency and limit body activity in older women.

A study of more than 2,800 women found that lack of sleep can make them walk slower, their hand force is weaker and more difficult to perform independent activities .

Conclude: Getting enough sleep has been shown to improve many aspects of physical fitness and movement.

5. People who lack sleep are at high risk of heart disease and stroke

We all know that sleep quality and time can have a big effect on many risk factors.

These are risk factors for chronic diseases including heart disease.

A review of 15 studies showed that people who lacked sleep had a much higher risk of heart disease or stroke than those who slept between 7 and 8 hours a night .

Conclude: Sleeping less than 7-8 hours a night can lead to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

6. Sleep affects glucose metabolism and the risk of type 2 diabetes

Short-term sleep can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes

Lack of sleep affects blood sugar and reduces insulin sensitivity .

In one study, healthy men only slept 4 hours a night for 6 consecutive nights, resulting in these symptoms. Pre-diabetes .

This condition disappears after only 1 week of increasing sleep time.

Low sleep habits can also cause adverse effects on blood sugar in most people.

People who sleep less than 6 hours a night have been repeatedly shown to be at risk for type 2 diabetes .

Conclude: Lack of sleep can cause pre-diabetes symptoms in healthy adults in just 6 days. Many studies have shown that short-term sleep can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

7. Poor sleep quality causes depression

Mental health problems, such as depression, are closely related to poor sleep quality and sleep disorders.

An estimated 90% of depressed patients complain about sleep quality .

Lack of sleep even increases the risk of death from suicide .

People with sleep disorders, such as insomnia or sleep apnea, also have significantly higher rates of depression than those without these disorders .

Conclude: Sleep deprivation can lead to depression, especially for people with sleep disorders.

8. Sleep improves immune function

Sleeping at least 8 hours a day can help with less illness

Mild sleeplessness has also been shown to impair immune function .

A large 2-week study monitored the development of a common cold after giving participants a nasal spray containing a cold virus (25).

This study found that people who slept less than 7 hours were more likely to have a cold 3 times compared to people who sleep 8 hours or more.

If you often catch a cold, make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Eating garlic may also help you improve the situation.

Conclude: Sleeping at least 8 hours a day can improve immune function and help fight common colds.

9. Lack of sleep can lead to increased inflammation

Sleep can have a big effect on inflammation in the body.

In fact, insomnia is known to cause unwanted signs of inflammation and cell damage.

Poor sleep quality also causes long-term inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, also known as inflammatory bowel diseases .

A study has shown that insomnia can make people with Crohn's disease twice as likely to relapse as patients who have good sleep .

Researchers even suggest assessing sleep to help predict the condition of people with chronic inflammation .

Conclude: Sleep affects the body's inflammatory reactions. Lack of sleep can cause inflammatory bowel disease and increase the risk of recurrence.

10. Sleep affects emotions and social interaction

Insomnia reduces the ability to socialize.

Some studies have validated this using facial facial recognition tests .

One study found that people without sleep reduced their ability to recognize angry and happy expressions .

Researchers believe that poor sleep quality affects the ability to recognize important social communication signals and process emotional information.

Things to remember

Besides nutrition and exercise, sleep plays an important role in health.

You cannot have a healthy body without taking care of sleep quality.