10 Types of Foods to Help Immune System

Keeping your immune system healthy is important.

What you eat always has a great impact on immune health.

Some foods help reduce your chances of getting sick, while others help your body recover faster if you get sick.

This article provides a list of 10 foods to eat to boost your immune system.

1. Iron-rich foods

Iron is a mineral that plays an important role in immune function. A diet low in iron can cause anemia and weaken the immune system .

That's why optimizing the amount Iron-rich foods It is very important, such as meat, poultry, fish, crustaceans, legumes, nuts, nuts, vegetables and dried fruit.

You can also improve the absorption of iron from food by using iron pots and pans for cooking, avoiding tea or coffee during meals.

Combining iron-rich foods with sources of vitamin C enhances iron absorption even more.

However, it is important to remember that iron is too high may be harmful and suppression of the immune system .

Therefore, only iron supplements should be used in case of iron deficiency, or as directed by your doctor.

Conclude: Optimizing the amount of iron in the blood enhances immune function. Therefore, adding iron-containing foods to meals is very beneficial.

2. Probiotic rich foods

Fermented foods are rich in probiotics

Probiotic rich foods are believed to help boost immune system function.

Probiotic is a beneficial bacterium that lives in the intestines and helps stimulate the body's immune system.

Recent assessments suggest that probiotics may reduce the risk of developing upper respiratory infections by up to 42% .

They also help maintain the health of the intestinal membrane, help prevent unwanted substances "leaking" into the body and stimulate the immune response .

Studies also show that when sick, people who regularly take probiotics will need less than 33% antibiotics. In some cases, regular consumption of probiotics can also help your body recover faster when you are sick .

Most studies on this topic provide for participants of probiotic supplements. However, it is possible to increase the amount of probiotic consumed by adding these Food containing probiotics into the daily ration .

Probiotic food sources include German sauerkraut, natural fermented pickles, yogurt, kefir milk mushrooms, milk juice, kimchi, tempeh, miso paste, natto and kombucha tea.

Conclude: Probiotic helps strengthen the body's immune system. This helps reduce the ability and severity of symptoms and helps the body recover faster when sick.

3. Citrus fruit

Vitamin C in citrus fruits is recognized for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties

Fruits such as oranges, grapefruit and tangerines have high levels of vitamin C, a well-known immune enhancer.

Vitamin C is recognized for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps maintain skin healing and acts as a protective barrier against infection .

In addition, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, helping to protect immune cells against harmful compounds formed from bacterial or bacterial infections .

Therefore, getting enough vitamin C is a great way to boost the body's immune system as well as help reduce the likelihood of infection .

Some studies also report that increasing vitamin C intake when colds can help improve disease faster .

However, it is recommended to increase the intake of vitaminc C from plant foods instead of dietary supplements, as plants contain other beneficial compounds that are not available to functional foods.

Foods rich in vitamin C include bell peppers, guava fruit, dark green vegetables, broccoli, berries, tomatoes, papayas and young beans.

Conclude: Citrus fruit and other foods rich in vitamin C help boost the immune system. This helps reduce the risk of infection and may even accelerate the body's recovery.

4. Ginger

Fresh ginger or pickled ginger tea is an effective way to use ginger

Ginger rich in gingerol, a bioactive substance that reduces the risk of infection .

In fact, ginger has anti-microbial properties, which can inhibit the growth of certain types of bacteria, including E. coli , Candida and Salmonella .

Human cell studies show that fresh ginger may also help fight human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV), a virus that causes many respiratory diseases. However, more research is needed in people to reinforce this protective characteristic .

The effect of ginger will be especially strong if ginger compounds have entered the body before infection occurs .

Finally, ginger is also effective against nausea, helping to reduce nausea symptoms during the flu .

More research is needed to determine effective doses.

In the meantime, simply sprinkle fresh or dried ginger into dishes and smoothies. It is also possible to drink fresh ginger tea or use pickled ginger as a probiotic rich dessert between dishes.

Conclude: Ginger is a regular food in the diet. It helps reduce the risk of infection and reduces nausea symptoms when sick.

5. Garlic

Garlic Also contains active compounds that reduce the risk of infection ( 32).

For example, allicin, a compound that works primarily in garlic, is thought to help improve its ability to fight colds and flu of immune cells.

Garlic also has anti-microbial and viral properties that help it fight off bacteria and viral infections .

In one study, participants who received allicin supplements daily had 63% fewer colds than placebo. In addition, when ill, participants of allicin recovered 3.5 days earlier .

In another study, participants taking daily garlic extract supplements were still as sick as the placebo group. However, the report showed that symptoms occurred less than 21% and recovered 58% faster than the placebo group .

To maximize the immune boosting effect of garlic, eat a garlic clove 2-3 times a day.

Garlic grinding and letting 10 minutes before cooking can also increase its effectiveness .

Conclude: Eat 2 to 3 fresh garlic cloves a day to boost your body's immune system. Garlic is also particularly effective in reducing symptoms and the duration of colds and flu.

6. Berries

Berries contain beneficial plant compounds that reduce the risk of viral and bacterial infections

For a long time, Native Americans have used berries to treat infections like the common cold .

This is because berries have a rich source of polyphenols, a group of beneficial plant compounds with antibacterial properties.

For example, quercetin, a polyphenol from berries is thought to be particularly effective in reducing the risk of illness after intense exercise .

Studies also show that their berries and polyphenols are protective against influenza viruses that cause influenza .

They even help to prevent Staphylococcus , E. coli and Salmonellainfections .

Berries also contain a good amount of vitamin C, complementing their immune-enhancing properties.

Conclude: Berries contain beneficial plant compounds that reduce the risk of viral and bacterial infections.

7. Coconut oil

Coconut fat can fight bacteria that cause stomach ulcers, sinusitis, tooth decay, food poisoning and urinary tract infections.

Coconut oil contains the medium chain triglyceride (MCT), a type of fat that has antibacterial properties.

The most popular MCT type is found in coconut oil is lauric acid, which is converted into monolaurin during digestion.

Both lauric and monolaurin are capable of killing harmful viruses, bacteria and fungi .

For example, researchers have reported that coconut fat can fight bacteria that cause stomach ulcers, sinusitis, tooth decay, food poisoning and urinary tract infections .

Researchers also believe that coconut oil is effective against viruses that cause influenza and hepatitis C. It also helps fight back Candida albicans , a common cause of human yeast infections .

Coconut oil can Easily added to the diet By using it instead of butter or vegetable oil in cooking or baking.

Consuming up to two tablespoons (30 ml) of coconut oil per day is enough to make room for other healthy fats in the diet, such as butter, nuts, olives and linseed oil.

However, it is recommended to increase the dosage gradually to avoid symptoms such as nausea or loose stools that may occur when taken in very high doses.

Conclude: The type of fat in coconut helps protect the body against viral, bacterial and fungal infections.

8. Licorice

Licorice tea helps fight bacteria

Licorice is a spice made from dried roots of plants Glycyrrhiza glabra .

It has been used in traditional herbal medicine in Asia and Europe for thousands of years.

Research shows that licorice is resistant to certain fungi and bacteria, including E. coli, Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus .

Licorice can also fight flu viruses, gastroenteritis and polio .

However, many licorice products also have very high sugar content. Try to reduce the amount of sugar consumed by choosing low-sugar foods, such as licorice tea.

Besides, excessive consumption of licorice also has some side effects, including high blood pressure, arrhythmia and increased risk of preterm birth .

Individuals with these symptoms should limit licorice consumption.

Conclude: Licorice helps your body fight off viruses, bacteria and fungi. However, excessive consumption may increase the risk of certain side effects, including high blood pressure.

9. Nuts and nuts

Nuts and nuts are very nutritious, providing all the health benefits

Nuts and extremely nutritious nuts.

They are rich in selenium, copper, vitamin E, zinc and other nutrients. All these substances play a role in maintaining a healthy immune system .

Sesame seeds and almonds are special sources of copper and vitamin E, while pumpkin seeds and cashew nuts are rich in zinc.

For selenium, it is possible to meet the daily requirement by eating a Brazil nut every day.

Nuts and nuts are also excellent sources of fiber, antioxidants and fats, all of which are healthy .

Conclude: Nuts and nuts are a source of selenium, copper, vitamin E and zinc, all of which play an important role in immune health.

10. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potato Not only delicious but also rich in vitamin A.

Not absorbing enough vitamin A-rich foods can lead to deficiency, research has shown that this will make the immune system weaker and infection sensitivity higher .

For example, one study reported that children who were deficient in vitamin A were 35% more likely to experience respiratory symptoms than those with normal vitamin A levels .

Another study has shown that giving children vitamin A supplements will help improve the response to certain types of vaccines .

However, excessive consumption of vitamin A can lead to side effects such as nausea, headache, bone weakness, lethargy and even premature death - especially if taking vitamin A as a dietary supplement .

Taking a lot of vitamin A supplements during pregnancy may also increase your risk of birth defects. Therefore, it is safest to meet the needs of vitamin A through diet instead of supplementary foods .

Besides sweet potatoes, other foods also contain vitamin A, including carrots, dark green leafy vegetables, squash, Cos island lettuce, dried apricots, red peppers, fish and organ meats.

Conclude: Sweet potatoes and other foods rich in vitamin A help boost the immune system and reduce the likelihood of infection.

Functional foods Enhance immunity

If you can't get enough from food you should use functional foods

A well-functioning immune system requires a sufficient amount of different nutrients.

Those who apply a balanced diet rich in the above mentioned foods are not difficult to reach the daily requirement.

However, some people may not meet the recommended daily intake just by eating.

If this is the case, consider adding the following functional foods to your diet:

  • Probiotic: Ideally the strain Lactobacillus good Bifidobacterium with amounts of 2-3 billion CFU per day .
  • Vitamin C: Approximately 75-90 mg should be taken daily and increasing the dose up to 1 gram daily will provide additional benefits when sick .
  • Multivitamins: Look for an amount that contains iron, zinc, copper, vitamin E and selenium in sufficient quantities to meet 100% RDI.
  • Zinc lozenges: The minimum dose of 75 mg daily at the onset of cold symptoms will reduce the duration of infection .

In addition, low blood levels of vitamin D may increase the risk of respiratory infections, including influenza, sinusitis and bronchitis .

Therefore, people living in northern climates where sunlight is limited, should also consume at least 600 IU (15 mcg). vitamin D from supplements every day .

Conclude: These functional foods help boost immune function in people who are unable to meet the daily nutritional needs only through diet.

Main message

Diet plays an important role for the strength of the immune system.

Regular consumption of the foods listed above will help reduce the frequency of frequent illnesses as well as help restore the disease faster.

People who are unable to add these foods to the diet may consider taking supplements with an immune boosting property.