11 Foods to Avoid When Having Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease that has reached an epidemic level in adults and children worldwide .

Uncontrolled diabetes can cause serious consequences, including cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, blindness and other complications.

Pre-diabetes is also linked to these conditions .

It is important to eat incorrect foods that can increase blood sugar, insulin levels and cause many infections, thereby increasing your risk.

This article will list 11 foods that diabetics need to avoid.

People with diabetes need a reasonable diet

Why is carb intake important for people with diabetes?

Carb , proteins and fats are macro nutrients that supply energy to your body.

Of the three types above, carb has the greatest effect on blood sugar. This is because they are broken down into sugar, or glucose and absorbed into the bloodstream.

Carb includes starch, Street and fiber. However, fiber is not digested and absorbed by your body in the same way as other carb types, so it does not increase blood sugar.

With the exception of fiber from total carbohydrates in food, it provides carb for digestion or for real carb. For example, if a cup of vegetables contains 10 grams of carb and 4 grams of fiber, the actual amount of carb will be 6 grams.

When people with diabetes consume too much carb at the same time, blood sugar levels can rise to dangerous levels.

Over time, high levels can damage the body's nerves and blood vessels, which can cause diseases like heart disease, kidney disease, and other serious health conditions.

Maintaining low carb intake can prevent hyperglycemia and reduce the risk of complications of diabetes.

Therefore, it is important to avoid the foods listed below

1. Sweetened drinks

Sugar additives in sugar drinks are extremely harmful to health

Sugar drinks are the worst choice for anyone with diabetes.

The first is that they have very high carb content, 354 ml soda contains up to 38 grams of carb .

The same amount of iced lemon tea contains 38 grams of carb only from sugar .

In addition, they contain fructose , the substance is closely related to the evidence insulin resistance and diabetes. In fact, studies show that consumption of sugary drinks increases the risk of diabetes-related diseases such as fatty liver .

Moreover, high fructose levels in sugary drinks can lead to changes in abdominal fat metabolism and may increase harmful cholesterol levels along with triglycerides.

In a study of overweight and obese people, consumption of about 25% of calories from fructose-containing beverages in a weight-maintaining diet caused insulin and abdominal obesity, lower metabolic rate. and may have heart disease .

To help control blood sugar levels and prevent disease risk, drink filtered water, non-carbonated soft drinks or unsweetened iced tea instead of sugary drinks.

Summary: Soda and high-sugar sugary drinks increase blood sugar levels. In addition, high fructose levels are associated with insulin resistance and an increased risk of obesity, fatty liver and many other diseases.

2. Trans fat

Margarine is high in trans fat

Trans fat Industry is extremely bad for health.

They are created by adding hydrogen to unsaturated fatty acids in order to make them more stable.

Trans fat is found in margarine, peanut butter, jam butter, ice cream and frozen meals. In addition, food manufacturers often add them to biscuits, muffins and other baked goods to help extend the shelf life.

Although trans fats do not directly increase blood sugar, they are associated with increased inflammation, insulin resistance and abdominal fat, as well as reduced HDL - good cholesterol and arterial function. impaired .

These effects are particularly relevant to diabetics because they have a higher risk of heart disease.

Fortunately, trans fat has been banned in most countries, and in 2015 the FDA called for its removal from US market products completely within three years .

Until trans fats no longer exist in the supply of food, avoid using any product with the word "partial hydrogenation" in the ingredient list.

Summary: Trans fats are essentially unsaturated, chemically modified unsaturated fats that increase their stability. They are thought to be associated with inflammation, insulin resistance, abdominal obesity and heart disease risk

3. White bread, pasta and rice

Rice contains a lot of carb, which increases blood sugar

White bread, rice and pasta are all kinds Processed foods, High carb content.

Eating bread, toast and other refined wheat flour foods shows an increase in blood sugar levels in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes .

This reaction does not exclude wheat products. In one study, gluten-free pasta also showed the ability to increase blood sugar, the types made from rice had the greatest impact .

Another study showed that a meal containing toast with high carb content not only increased blood sugar but also reduced brain function in people with type 2 diabetes and psychological disorders .

These processed foods contain very little fiber, slowing the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream.

In another study, people replaced white bread with high fiber bread, which can significantly reduce blood sugar in people with diabetes. In addition, they are effective in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure .

Summary: White bread, pasta and rice are high in carb but very low in fiber. This combination may increase blood sugar levels. In addition, choosing high-fiber, high-quality foods can help reduce blood sugar responses.

4. Fruit flavored yogurt

White yogurt is the best choice

Yogurt White may be a good choice for people with diabetes. However, fruits with fruity flavors are another story.

Yogurt is often made from fat-free or low-fat milk and contains lots of carb and sugar.

In fact, 245 grams of fruit-flavored yogurt can contain 47 grams of sugar, meaning that about 81% of its calories come from sugar .

A lot of people think that frozen yogurt is healthier than ice cream. However, it may contain more sugar, possibly more than ice cream .

Instead of choosing high-sugar yogurt that can increase blood sugar and insulin, choose pure yogurt, white yogurt - contains no sugar and is beneficial in stimulating appetite, weight control. heavy and good for your intestines .

Summary: Fruit-flavored yogurt is usually low in fat but has high sugar content, causing high blood sugar and insulin levels. Pure, white yogurt is a better choice for controlling diabetes and overall health.

5. Breakfast cereals contain sweeteners

Eating cereals is the worst way to start your day if you are diabetic.

Although there are health claims posted on box labels, most cereals are well processed and contain more carbs than people think.

In addition, they provide very little the protein - A nutrient can help you feel full and satisfied while keeping blood sugar stable throughout the day .

Even "healthy" cereals are not a good choice for diabetics.

For example, only 55 grams of granola cereal contains about 30 grams of carbohydrates, and Grape Nuts contains about 41 grams. Moreover, each of these offers only 7 grams of protein in each part .

To keep your blood sugar stable and control hunger, skip cereals and choose breakfast with protein and low carb.

Summary: Breakfast cereals are high in carb but contain less protein. A high-protein and low-carb breakfast is the best choice for diabetics and appetite control.

6. Variety of flavored coffee

Coffee is considered to have Many health benefits , including reducing diabetes risk .

However, coffee drinks taste like a dessert drink, not a healthy drink.

Studies show that our brains do not handle the same liquid and solid foods. When you drink a high calorie drink, if you do not compensate by eating less, it can lead to weight gain .

Coffee flavor also contains many carb. Even "mild" types contain carb enough to significantly increase blood sugar levels.

For example, about 454 ml of Starbucks caramel frappuccino contains 67 grams of carb, a light caramel frappuccino cup with the same size containing 30 grams of carb ).

To control blood sugar and prevent weight gain, choose pure coffee or espresso with 1 teaspoon of fresh cream or half of the other half.

Summary: Coffee tastes high in liquid carb, can increase blood sugar and does not help your appetite

7. Honey, buttery nectar and maple syrup

Honey is good for health but still has sugar

People with diabetes often try to minimize the amount of white diameter loaded into the body, as well as confectionery and biscuits.

However, other types of sugar can also cause blood sugar mutations. They include brown sugar and "natural" sugar like honey , rose flower honey, maple syrup.

Although these sweeteners are not much processed, they contain at least the same amount of carb as diameter. In fact most are more.

Here are the number of carb in a tablespoon of popular sweeteners:

  • White sugar: 6 grams .
  • Aged nectar: 16 grams
  • Honey: 17 grams
  • Syrup syrup: 13 grams .

In one study, people with prediabetes often increased blood sugar levels, insulin and similar signs of infection, even if they consumed 50 grams of white sugar or honey .

Your best goal is to avoid all forms of sugar and use low-carb natural sweeteners instead.

Summary: Honey, buttery nectar and maple syrup are not treated as white diameters, but they also have similar effects on blood sugar, insulin and signs of infection.

8. Dried fruit

Fruits is a great source of nutrition containing important vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and potassium.

when the The fruit is dried , this process leads to dehydration and these nutrients have higher concentrations.

Unfortunately, sugar content also becomes more.

A cup of fresh grapes contains about 27 grams of carb, including 1 gram of fiber. In contrast, a cup of raisins contains 115 grams of carb, 5 grams of which comes from fiber (43, 44).

Therefore, raisins contain 3 times more carb than fresh grapes. Other dried fruits also have a higher carb content than fresh fruit.

If you have diabetes, you don't have to give up eating fruit completely. You can use low-sugar fruits such as fresh berries or a small apple can also provide health benefits, while keeping blood sugar at the standard level.

Summary: Dried fruits tend to have a lot of sugar and contain 3 times more carb than fresh fruits. Dried fruits should be avoided and low-sugar fruits selected to best control blood sugar levels.

9. Canned snacks

Cookies contain lots of carb

Tree cookies, crackers and other canned foods are not a good snack.

They are usually made of refined flour and have only a few types of nutrients, although they have a variety of fast-digesting carb types and can quickly increase blood sugar.

Here is the amount of carb for 1 part 28 grams of some popular snacks:

  • Salty crackers: 21 grams of carb, including 1 gram of fiber .
  • Twist cake: 22 grams carb, including 1 gram of fiber .
  • Cookies made of non-sifted flour: 21 grams of carb, including 1 gram of fiber .

In fact, some of these foods may contain more carb than those on the label. A study has shown that junk foods offer an average of over 7.7% carb, more than on the label .

If you feel hungry between meals, it's best to eat nuts or some low-carb vegetables with a little cheese.

Summary: Canned junk food is usually food through many stages of processing refined flour, which can easily increase blood sugar levels.

10. Fruit juice

Though fruit juice Often thought to be a healthy drink, its effect on blood sugar is actually similar to other soda and sugary drinks.

This happens with 100% unsweetened juices, as well as additional types sugar additive . In some cases, juice also contains sugar and carb higher both soda.

For example, 250 ml of apple juice and soda do not remove sugar containing 24 grams of sugar each. An equal amount of grape juice contains 32 grams of sugar .

Like other sweetened sweet drinks, fruit juice contains fructose, a sugar that makes the body resistant to insulin, causing obesity and the risk of heart disease .

The best alternative is to use filtered water with lemon, containing less than 1 gram carb and almost no calories .

Summary: Sugar-free fruit juices contain at least as much sugar as soda. High fructose levels can make insulin resistance worse, cause weight gain and a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

11. French fries

Potatoes contain a lot of carb, when fried in vegetable oils that are high in trans fat it becomes extremely harmful

French fries are a food you need to stay away from, especially if you have diabetes.

Myself potato has relatively high carb content. A medium-sized potato contains about 37 grams of carb, 4 of which are from fiber .

However, when they have been peeled and fried in vegetable oil, potatoes can spike your blood sugar.

Fried foods show they contain high levels of toxic compounds like and can cause inflammation and increase the risk of disease .

Indeed, some studies have shown a link between regular potato consumption and other fried foods with heart disease and cancer .

If you don't want to avoid eating potatoes, eating a small amount of sweet potatoes is the best choice.

Summary: In addition to eating more carbohydrates that increase blood sugar, fries in toxic oils can increase the risk of inflammation in the body and increase the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Main message

Knowing what kind of food to avoid when you have diabetes seems a bit difficult. However, following some guidelines will be easier.

The main goal is to stay away from unhealthy fats, liquid sugars, processed grains and other refined carb foods.

Avoiding foods that increase blood sugar and promote insulin resistance can help you stay healthy and reduce your risk of future diabetic complications.

To learn about the best foods for diabetics, see more this paragraph.