12 rich carb foods are actually extremely good for health

Not all carb is harmful

It is unfair that blamed carbohydrates are the cause of obesity.

However, it is true that not all carbohydrates are created equal.

Processed snacks with high sugar and refined grains are certainly not good for health but also obesity.

However, this has nothing to do with fiber-rich foods and also foods carbohydrates .

Although Low-carb diets It may be beneficial for some people but this does not mean that all high carb foods are "bad".

Here is a list of 12 foods with high carb content but also extremely good for health.

1. Quinoa seeds (Quinoa)

Quinoa As a nutritious nut has become very popular in the community favoring natural health-based products.

It is classified as a category " ", A seed is processed and eaten as a cereal.

Cooked quinoa contains 21.3% of carb, making it a high-carb food. However, Quinoa is also a good source of protein and fiber.

Quinoa has a lot of minerals and plant compounds. It is associated with health benefits such as improving blood sugar control .

Gluten-free (a mixture of two proteins, gliadin and glutenin) makes Quinoa seeds a popular alternative to wheat in a gluten-free diet.

Quinoa also makes us satisfied because it contains relatively high levels of fiber and protein. For this reason, Quinoa can be a great source of supplements for diet to lose weight effective .

Crux: Quinoa is very nutritious. It can bring many health benefits, including controlling blood sugar. Quinoa also has lots of protein and fiber so it can be helpful for weight loss.

2. Oats

Oat can be considered the best pure grain on the planet.

They are a good source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Pure oats contain 66% carb, and nearly 11% are fiber. They specifically contain a large amount of strong soluble fiber called .

Oats are also a relatively good source of protein, containing more protein than most other grains .

Many studies have shown that oats can reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol levels .

Eating oats can also reduce blood sugar, especially in people with diabetes .

Moreover, oats are easy to feel full of stomach and can help you lose weight .

Crux: Oats contain many beneficial nutrients, including fiber and protein. Oats have been shown to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

3. K Circuit

Buckwheat seeds are also a "fake grain".

Despite its name, buckwheat is unrelated to wheat in any way, and is gluten-free.

Pure buckwheat contains 71.5% carb, and cooked buckwheat contains about 20% carb.

Buckwheat seeds are very nutritious and contain the protein and fiber. It also has more minerals and antioxidants than most grains .

Eating buckwheat is particularly beneficial for heart health and blood sugar control, especially in people with diabetes .

Crux : Buckwheat seeds are rich in nutrients and contain more antioxidants and minerals than most grains. Buckwheat eating may be beneficial for cardiovascular health and control blood sugar.

4. Bananas

Banana is one of the most popular fruits in the world.

Both green bananas and ripe bananas are good for health

They are made up of about 23% carb in the form of starch or sugar.

Unripe (green) bananas contain more starch, which turn into natural sugars when bananas ripen (turn yellow).

Bananas are high in potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. They also contain many beneficial plant compounds.

Due to a high content of potassium, bananas can help lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health .

Unripe bananas also contain resistant starch and pectin. Both support digestive health and help feed beneficial gut bacteria .

Crux : Bananas with a high potassium content may help regulate blood pressure. Unripe bananas also contain resistant starch and pectin, which can improve digestive health.

5. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a delicious, nutritious tuber.

Cooked sweet potatoes contain about 18-21% carb. Carb in sweet potatoes includes starch, sugar and fiber.

Sweet potatoes are a rich source of vitamin A (from beta-carotene), vitamin C and potassium.

They are rich in antioxidants and can help reduce oxidative damage and the risk of certain diseases .

Crux : Sweet potatoes are a great source of vitamin A (from beta-carotene), as well as contain some vitamins and other antioxidants.

6. Beetroot

Beetroot is a purple vegetable, often referred to as sugar beet.

Raw and cooked beetroots contain about 8-10% carb, made of sugar and fiber.

They contain vitamins, minerals, powerful antioxidants and plant compounds.

Beetroots also have inorganic nitrite content, which transforms into nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide helps lower blood pressure and may reduce the risk of certain diseases .

Beetroot juice also contains very high levels of inorganic nitrate, and is often used to enhance physical activity in endurance exercises .

Crux: Beetroots contain vitamins, minerals and plant compounds. They have a high inorganic nitrite content, which can improve health and enhance physical activity.

7. Cam

Orange is one of the most popular fruits in the world.

They consist mainly of water and contain 11.8% of carb. Orange is also a good source of fiber.

Oranges are especially rich in vitamin C, potassium and some vitamin B. They also contain citric acid, as well as some very powerful plant compounds and antioxidants.

Eating oranges can improve heart health and help prevent kidney stones. They can also increase the absorption of iron from food, reducing the risk of anemia .

Crux : Orange is a good source of fiber. They also contain lots of vitamin C and plant compounds. Eating oranges can bring many benefits to cardiovascular health and help prevent anemia.

8. Blueberries

Blueberry very delicious.

They are often called "superfoods" because of their powerful plant compounds and antioxidants.

Most components of blueberries are water, as well as about 14.5% carb.

Blueberries also contain lots of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese.

Studies have shown that blueberries help protect the body from oxidation. They can also improve memory in the elderly .

Crux : Blueberries are very good for health. They contain lots of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and protect the body from oxidation.

9. Grapefruit

Eating grapefruit can help lose weight and reduce insulin resistance

Pomelo is citrus fruit, sweet, bitter and sour.

It contains about 9% carb and high content of some vitamins, minerals and plant compounds.

Eating grapefruit can help lose weight and reduce insulin resistance .

Moreover, eating grapefruit can help prevent kidney stones, reduce cholesterol and protect against colon cancer .

Crux : Grapefruit contains many vitamins, minerals and plant compounds. It can help lose weight and bring many health benefits.

10. Apples

Apples are a popular fruit with a sweet taste and are especially crispy.

They come in many colors, sizes and flavors, but often contain about 13-15% carb.

Apples contain many vitamins and minerals, but usually only in a small amount.

However, they are good sources of vitamin C, antioxidants and plant compounds.

Eating apples can bring health benefits in many ways, such as improving blood sugar control and reducing the risk of heart disease. Apples may also reduce the risk of certain types of cancer .

Crux : Apples contain an adequate amount of vitamin C, antioxidants and plant compounds. Eating apples can improve blood sugar control, as well as reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers.

11. Kidney beans or kidney beans

Kidney beans are a popular bean. They are a branch of legumes.

Cooked kidney beans contain 22.8% carb, in the form of starch and fiber. They also have High protein content .

Kidney beans have lots of vitamins, minerals and plant compounds. They also contain antioxidants such as anthocyanins and isoflavones.

Kidney beans can bring many health benefits, such as controlling blood sugar and reducing the risk of colon cancer .

Just make sure you never eat these beans, because eating them raw or cooking improperly will be toxic .

Crux : Kidney beans contain many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Cooked kidney beans are also a good source of protein and involve some health benefits.

12. Chicken Beans (Chickpea)

Also known as garbanzo beans, chickpeas are also a legume.

Cooked chicken beans contain 27.4% carb, of which 8% is fiber. They are also a source of plant proteins.

Chicken beans contain lots of vitamins and minerals, including iron, phosphorus and vitamin B.

Chicken peas have been shown to be associated with improved cardiovascular and digestive health. They can also help prevent cancer .

Crux: Chicken beans are an excellent source of plant proteins, which contain many vitamins and minerals. Eating chicken peas has proven to bring heart and digestive health benefits, as well as cancer prevention.

Message for you

"Carb" is not unhealthy, is that just a rumor?

The truth is some types The healthiest food The world has a high carbohydrate content.

Although you should not eat much if you are on a low-carb diet, carbs can be an important source of nutrition for many others.

Refined carb is not good, but the whole source of food containing carb is extremely healthy for most people.