13 False Nutrition Information Causes People to Be Sick and Rising ...

There are nutrition facts that are considered orthodox but completely wrong

Nutrition is always full of useless things.

The worst examples will be listed below, but unfortunately they are just the tip of the iceberg.

Here are the top 13 nutrition lies that cause many of the world's top diseases and obesity

1. Eggs are not good for health

Eggs are so rich in nutrients that they are also called "natural multivitamins."

Nutrients in eggs are enough to turn a single cell into a chicken.

However, before egg supposedly evil Because they contain a huge amount of cholesterol that is considered to increase the risk of heart disease.

But the truth is that even with high cholesterol, eggs don't really raise the bad cholesterol in the blood. In fact, eggs also mostly improve good cholesterol levels .

Although there are many warnings about eating eggs in the past few decades, studies show that eggs are NOT related to heart disease .

Either way, eggs are still a great source of food for humans. They are high in protein, good fats, vitamins, minerals and special antioxidants that protect the eyes .

They are also an abundant source of Choline, a nutrient that is important for the brain and about 90% of the population does not absorb this substance enough .

Although it is a "high-fat" food source, eating eggs at breakfast is proven to help weight loss Significant compared to breakfast with toast .

Summary: Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods and do not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Eating eggs at breakfast can help with weight loss.

2. Any calories are the same

It is often said that the only thing essential for weight loss is "caloric intake,

The problem lies in what foods are calories

calories. ”

Truth is quantity calories Of course it's important, but the kind of food we eat is just as important.

This is because different foods will pass through different metabolic pathways to enter the body .

Also the foods we eat can directly affect these hormone Adjust when and how much we eat, as well as calories burned.

Here are two examples of why calories are:

  • The protein: Eating protein can speed up metabolism and reduce appetite when compared to the same amount of calories from fat and carb . It can increase muscle mass where the charge burns calories .
  • Fructose with glucose: Fructose stimulates appetite when compared to the same amount of calories from glucose .

Although calories are important, say them governor Determining the weight (or for health problems) is completely wrong.

Summary: All calories are not created equal. Different foods will go through many different metabolic pathways and affect hunger, hormones and health.

3. Saturated fat is unhealthy

In fact, saturated fat has many health benefits

For decades, it is believed that eating all kinds saturated fat May increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In fact, this thought is the foundation of making formal nutrition recommendations.

However, studies have been published for decades to prove that saturated fat is completely harmless.

A large study, conducted in 2010, looked at data from a total of 21 studies involving 347,747 individuals. They No link between consumption of saturated fat and risk of heart disease was found .

Many other studies also confirm these findings ... that fat is saturated What is involved with heart disease? Fat "war" based on unproven hypotheses has somehow become widely available .

The truth is that saturated fat increases HDL ("good" cholesterol). It also changes HDL cholesterol from small, dense (very, very bad) to large, benign forms .

It means There is no reason We are afraid of butter or meat coconut oil ... these foods are completely healthy.

Summary: New studies show that saturated fats do not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. It increases good cholesterol and changes the "bad" cholesterol to a more benign type

4. Eat lots of proteins that are bad for health

Many people think that eating a lot of protein can damage the bone system.

Protein actually helps to lose weight and create body composition

Despite the increase the protein may increase the excretion of calcium from the bones in the short term, but long-term studies give the opposite result completely.

In fact, eating a lot of protein always goes with improved bone and reducing the risk of fractures in old age .

This is an example of blindly following common nutritional advice The result is quite the opposite .

Another anecdote is that proteins increase pressure on the kidneys and contribute to kidney failure.

In fact it seems a bit more complicated. Although it is true that people with kidney disease should reduce the amount of protein in the diet, studies in normal people show that the protein is completely safe .

In healthy people, protein actually reduces two main risks for kidney disease ... diabetes and high blood pressure .

Eating a high-protein diet has many other benefits, including increasing muscle mass, reducing body fat and reducing the risk of diseases such as cardiovascular disease .

Summary: Studies show that protein has a positive effect on bone health for a long time and does not increase the risk of kidney disease in healthy people. High-protein diets have many important health benefits.

5. Everyone should eat "heart-healthy" whole wheat.

Bread contains a lot of gluten, which most people cannot tolerate

Often people often confuse that wheat is a healthy food, as evidence suggests that they contribute to various health problems.

That includes whole-hearted "heart-healthy" wheat.

Wheat is the largest source of gluten in the diet. New studies show that most people are sensitive to it .

In sensitive people, gluten can contribute to symptoms such as digestive problems, pain, depression, fatigue, exhaustion and can damage the intestinal mucosa .

There are also a number of controlled trials of gluten-linked wheat with brain disorders, including schizophrenia, autism and cerebellar ataxia syndrome .

Not only that, a human-controlled trial showed that whole-wheat wheat greatly increased the risk of cardiovascular disease in just 12 weeks .

Although whole wheat is "less healthy" than refined wheat, the best option is still ignore wheat completely.

Summary: Wheat is the largest source of gluten in the diet. Many studies show that whole wheat may cause some health problems.

6. Coffee is not good for health

The benefit of coffee goes far beyond its bad side

The coffee which has been infamous since ancient times.

The truth is that coffee can increase light blood pressure in a short period of time .

However, long-term studies suggest that coffee may actually reduce the risk of some serious diseases

Those who drink coffee have:

  • 67% reduction in risk of type 2 diabetes .
  • Low risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease .
  • Reduce up to 80% risk of liver diseases, such as cirrhosis ..
  • Caffeine also helps to mobilize fatty acids from adipose tissue, increase metabolism and increase average exercise performance up to 11-12% .

Many studies have examined the effects of caffeine on the brain indicating it can improve mood, memory, reaction, alertness and overall brain functions .

You may be surprised that coffee also contains a lot of antioxidants. In fact, it is the largest anti-oxidant source of the modern diet, surpassing fruits and vegetables combined together .

If you are sensitive to caffeine or have insomnia, green tea has the same health benefits as a small amount of caffeine.

Summary: Coffee contains a lot of antioxidants. Studies show that people who drink coffee have a much lower risk of serious diseases.

7. Red meat is not good for health

Red meat is harmful only when it is too hot to burn

Blaming new health problems for old foods has never made sense to me.

One example is red meat - the kind of human food eaten during evolution in the row year.

For some strange reason, many people are now blaming meat for causing many diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

This is quite unreasonable and studies do not support it.

Although it is true that processed meats are related to all kinds of diseases, it is not true for the type Red meat unprocessed.

An overall 2010 review looked at data from 20 studies totaling 1,218 and 380 individuals that showed that unprocessed red meat had no Significant relevance Which cardiovascular disease or diabetes type 2 .

Other studies with hundreds of thousands of people also agree with this, processed meat is not good, but unprocessed red meat is harmless .

Although some observational studies have found a link between meat consumption and cancer, studies looking at overall data suggest that the effect is quite weak and inconsistent .

If there is a link between red meat and cancer (which is NOT proven) it could be due to overcooking, not by the meat itself. For this reason, it is important to avoid burning the meat .

Also don't forget that meat is very nutritious. It contains many virtamines, minerals, some high-quality proteins, healthy fats and little-known nutrients that are important to the body and brain .

Summary: Studies show that unprocessed red meat does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or diabetes. There is a very small association with cancer, but it may be due to overcooking, not red meat itself.

8. The best diet is low in fat, rich in carb

Actually the right diet should be rich in fat and low in carb

Since 1977, health authorities have advised people to eat a low-fat, high-carb diet.

This was originally based on low-quality political and research decisions that have been thoroughly exposed.

Interestingly, obesity begins to erupt at almost exactly the same time with the introduction of low-fat diets for the first time.

Since then, some research great tested the health effects of a low-fat diet.

In Action for Women's Health , one of the largest studies allowed 48,835 women to randomly eat a low-fat diet or continue to eat a standard Western diet.

After a study period of 7.5 years, obese people only weigh less than 0.4 kg and does not reduce cardiovascular disease or cancer .

Other studies also agree that this diet is notoriously ineffective .

While it may be effective for healthy and active individuals, for obese people with metabolic syndrome or diabetes, a low-fat diet can be very dangerous.

Summary: Low-carb, low-fat diets given by nutritional organizations are a terrible failure and have been proven ineffective.

9. Vegetable oil and refined seed oil are good for health

Omega-6 fatty acids in vegetable oil, if consumed, will be harmful

Some studies suggest that polyunsaturated fat reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

For this reason, many proposals suggest increasing consumption vegetable oil like soybean oil, sunflower oil or corn oil.

However, it is important to realize that there are many types of polyunsaturated fats, mainly Omega-3 and Omega-6.

While Omega-3 we get from fish and all kinds herbivore, The source of Omega-6 fatty acids comes from vegetable oils.

The problem is that we need to have Omega-3 and Omega-6 in volume . Most people eat too little Omega-3 and too much Omega-6 .

Studies show that excess Omega-6 fatty acids can increase inflammation in the body, especially it plays an important role in some serious diseases .

Most importantly, vegetable oil is significantly related to the risk of heart disease - the world's leading killer disease .

If you want to reduce your risk, eat lots of Omega-3 avoid Refined seed oils and vegetable oils.

It is important to note that this does NOT apply to other vegetable oils such as coconut oil and olive oil. They have low Omega-6 content and are extremely good for health.

Summary: Excessive consumption of seed oil and refined vegetable oils can increase inflammation in the body and significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

10. Low carb diets are not effective and harmful

Eating less carb helps to lose weight effectively

Low carb diet has become popular for decades.

Because of their high fat content, they have been donated by nutritionists and the media bad reputation by.

They constantly believe that such diet is "unproven" and extremely dangerous.

However, since 2002, more than 20 randomized controlled trials have tested the effects of carb in many aspects of health.

Almost all studies agree that:

  1. Low carb diet helps reduce blood pressure significant .
  2. Low-carb diets are places where people are allowed to eat as much as they want to help Lose more weight Low-fat diets with calories are completely banned .
  3. Low carb diet increases HDL (good cholesterol) and decreased triglyceride more than low-fat diets .
  4. Low carb diet LDL granular form (bad cholesterol) from small, dense (very bad) to large LDL - benign .
  5. Low-carb diets have a positive impact on type 2 diabetes, significantly reducing . and reduce the need for medication .
  6. It can be said that a low-carb diet easier to follow low-fat diet, probably because people don't have to limit calories and are hungry all the time .

Although a low-carb diet is not necessary for healthy people, studies suggest they are extremely useful against diabetes, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes - one of many problems. The greatest health in the world.

Despite these strong results, many "experts" remain impudent to believe that a low-carb diet danger and continue to insist that a low-fat diet is doing more harm than helping.

Summary: Low-carb diets are the easiest, healthiest and most effective way to lose weight and solve metabolic diseases. It is a very scientific fact at this time.

11. Everyone should eat less sodium

Eating more or less salt is harmful

Health health agencies constantly recommend that we reduce sodium in the diet to lower blood pressure.

While most people eat about 3400 mg of sodium per day, we are often advised to reduce it to 1500-2300 mg a day (about ¾ teaspoon of salt).

It is true that reducing sodium can significantly reduce blood pressure, especially in people with high blood pressure .

But what is important is that blood pressure does not kill anyone directly. It is a risk factor, not the cause of the disease.

Interestingly, many studies have examined whether sodium restriction has any effect on cardiovascular disease or the risk of death. These studies are continuous any, even in people with high blood pressure .

Other studies show that eating too little sodium can also be harmful, leading to side effects such as insulin resistance, increased LDL and triglyceride cholesterol, as well as an increased risk of death in patients with type 2 diabetes .

General, There is no evidence Which shows healthy people need less sodium.

Summary: Although limiting sodium intake can help significantly lower blood pressure, this does not mean it leads to significant health improvement.

12. Sugar is not good because it contains "empty" calories

Many people think that sugar is not good for health because it contains empty calories.

This is true, sugar is high in calories and without essential nutrients.

But actually this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Primarily due to high fructose content, sugar can cause serious adverse effects on metabolism and cause us to gain weight quickly and metabolic diseases .

When we eat large amounts of fructose, it becomes fat in the liver and moves out as granules of VLDL or stays in the liver, and causes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease .

Human studies have shown that excess fructose can cause insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, small particle LDL and abdominal obesity in just 10 weeks .

Fructose also does not reduce hormones that cause ghrelin hunger and does not affect brain feeling like glucose. In this way, sugar causes a biochemical effect in the brain that makes us eat more and gain weight .

This applies to fructose from sugar Additives , not from natural sugar in fruits.

When absorbed too much, sugar additives are associated with many diseases such as obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and even cancer .

Sugar can be a component worst in modern diet.

Summary: The harmful effects of excess sugar are greater than just empty calories. Sugar can cause serious side effects on metabolism, leading to weight gain and many serious diseases.

13. Fat makes us fatter

In fact, eating a lot of fat will help you lose weight

Eating a lot of fat will make us fatter, which makes sense.

After all, things that make people unstable and edgy are fat.

For this reason, the more fat we eat, the more fat we will get.

However, it turns out this is not so simple. Although fat has more calories per gram than protein or carbohydrates, a high-fat diet doesn't make us fatter.

This depends entirely on each case. A high-carb and fat diet will make us fat, not because we eat a lot of fat.

In fact, studies show that high-fat (but low-carb) diets will lose more weight than low-fat diets .