13 Life-sustaining Habits Proved
Along with genetics, diet and lifestyle are arguably the most important factors for longevity

Many people think that life expectancy is largely determined by genetics.

However, genes seem to play a role not as big as people think.

Instead, environmental factors such as diet and lifestyle are thought to be the most important factors.

Here are 13 things you can do to increase your chances of being 100 years old.

1. Avoid eating too much

The relationship between quantity calories and life expectancy is now very much interested.

Research has shown that a 10-50% reduction in daily intake of calories can maximize life expectancy - at least in some animal studies .

Studies of well-known human lifespans also found a link between low calorie intake, long life and lower incidence of disease .

Moreover, calorie restriction can lead to reduced body weight and Belly Fat . Both of these problems can lead to reduced life expectancy .

However, many people often cannot persevere in limiting calorie intake for a long time and may experience negative side effects such as increased hunger, lower body temperature and reduced sexual desire .

How to limit the amount of calories that slow down aging or increase life expectancy in humans has not been clarified.

Conclude: Limiting calories can help increase longevity and avoid illness. However, more human studies are needed to clarify this issue.

2. Eat nuts

13 Life-sustaining Habits Proved
Eating nuts can help live longer

Nuts very nutritious.

This type of food is very rich the protein , fiber , Antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds.

It is also a good source of vitamins and minerals like copper, magnesium , potassium, folate, niacin, vitamin B6 and E .

Some studies show that nuts have a positive effect on heart disease, high blood pressure, inflammation, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, abdominal fat and even some cancers .

A recent study of old age has shown that those who consume at least 3 portions of nuts per week have a 39% lower risk of premature death .

Similarly, two recent research reviews that observed more than 350,000 subjects showed that those who ate nuts had a 4-27% lower risk of death during the study period, with a significant reduction. most in people who eat a nut fruit every day .

Conclude: Adding nuts to your daily diet can help you stay healthy and live longer.

3. Use turmeric

When it comes to anti-aging properties, turmeric is definitely the most commonly used spice. The reason is because it contains a strong bioactive compound called curcumin.

Because of its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, curcumin is thought to help maintain brain, heart, and lung function, as well as fight cancer and age-related diseases .

Curcumin has been linked to an increase in longevity in insects and mice .

However, these findings have not been replicated in all studies on the same subject and there are currently no human studies .

However, technology has been consumed thousands of years ago in India and considered safe.

Moreover, because of its other potential benefits, you will not lose anything if you add a bit of turmeric to your meal.

Conclude: Curcumin, the main biological compound in turmeric, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Some animal studies suggest that it may increase life expectancy.

4. Eat lots of healthy plant foods

13 Life-sustaining Habits Proved
Plant foods are rich in nutrients and antioxidants, the main agents that cause aging

Eat a variety of plant foods like fruits , vegetables, nuts, seeds, cereals raw and beans Can reduce the risk of disease and increase life expectancy.

For example, many studies have shown a link between a diet rich in plant foods and a reduced risk of premature death. This diet is also associated with reduced risk of cancer, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, depression and brain degeneration .

These effects are due to plant foods rich in nutrients and antioxidants, including polyphenols, carotenoids, folate and vitamin C .

Some studies have also linked vegan and vegan diets, which contain many natural plant foods, with a 12-15% lower risk of premature death .

Similar studies also show that the risk of death from cancer or heart disease, kidney disease or hormonal disease is also 29-52% lower in people with a high-plant diet .

It is worth mentioning that some studies report that consuming a lot of meat may increase the risk of premature death and some diseases .

However, other studies have not found a very weak link or relationship, and the negative effects are mostly related to processed meat .

Vegetarians and vegans often have health conscious than those who eat meat. This can at least partly explain the findings.

It is clear that eating a lot of plant foods can bring benefits to health and longevity.

Conclude: Eating lots of food from plants can help you live longer and do not suffer from common diseases.

5. Exercise and actively participate in physical activity

One obvious thing is that physical activity can help you maintain a healthy body and live longer .

The minimum time for you to receive benefits, such as an extra 3 years of life expectancy, can be at least 15 minutes of exercise each day .

Furthermore, physical activities also bring benefits that the risk of premature death can be reduced by 4% when you have an additional 15 minutes of physical activity each day .

A recent review of the study found that the risk of premature death decreased by 22% in those who exercised, but less than the recommended time of 150 minutes per week .

However, those who exercise on a 150-minute recommendation have a 28% less risk of premature death. Moreover, those who exercise more than that have a 35% less risk of death during the study period .

Finally, some studies have shown that strong activity can further reduce the risk of death, compared to low and medium intensity activities .

Conclude: Exercising more than 150 minutes a week can be the most effective, but even if you have moderate physical activity, it can be beneficial for health and longevity.

6. No smoking

13 Life-sustaining Habits Proved
Quitting smoking is never too late

Smoking is closely related to many diseases and premature deaths .

In general, men and women who smoke may lose up to 10 years of life expectancy and are 3 times more likely to die than those who never smoke .

Thankfully it's never too late to quit.

A study found that people who quit at age 35 could prolong their lives up to 8.5 years .

Moreover, quitting smoking at age 60 can add 3.7 years to life. In fact, quitting smoking at age 80 can still be beneficial .

Conclude: Quitting smoking can significantly increase your life expectancy. It is never too late to enjoy the benefits of quitting smoking.

7. Drink moderate alcohol

Drink lots of alcohol can cause liver, heart and pancreatic diseases, as well as increase the risk of premature death .

However, moderate alcohol consumption may reduce the risk of certain diseases, as well as a 17-18% reduction in the risk of premature death .

Red wine It is considered beneficial for health because of its high levels of polyphenol antioxidants.

Results from a 29-year study show that men who like to drink wine have a 34% lower risk of premature death than those who prefer to drink beer or spirits .

In addition, a review of the study found that alcohol can specifically combat heart disease, diabetes, neurological disorders and metabolic syndrome .

Women are advised to take 1-2 or less alcoholic drinks a day and a maximum of 7 alcoholic drinks per week to maintain moderate alcohol levels. Men should drink less than 3 units per day and a maximum of 14 units per week .

It is important to note that no convincing studies have shown that moderate alcohol intake is healthier than not drinking alcohol.

In other words, if you are not used to drinking alcohol, it is not necessary to drink.

Conclude: If you drink alcohol, maintaining moderate intake can help prevent illness and prolong life. Alcohol may have special benefits.

8. Put your own happiness first

13 Life-sustaining Habits Proved
'Laughter is a tonic scale'

Feeling happy can significantly increase life expectancy .

In fact, happier people have a 3.7% lower risk of premature death during the five-year period of a study .

A study analyzed the happiness of 180 Catholic nuns when they first entered the monastery and then compared this level to life expectancy.

People with the happiest level at age 22 have a chance to live up to 60 years later, 2.5 times higher .

Finally, a summary of 35 studies shows that happy people can live 18% longer than those who feel less happy .

Conclude: Prioritizing things that make you happy can have a positive impact on your mood and your longevity.

9. Avoid prolonged stress and anxiety

Anxiety and stress can significantly reduce life expectancy.

For example, women with stress or anxiety are found to be twice as likely to die from heart disease, stroke or lung cancer .

Similarly, men who are often worried or stressed are 3 times more likely to die early than those who are more comfortable .

If you feel stress, laughter and optimism can be the solution to the problem.

Studies show that pessimists have a 42% higher risk of premature death than those with optimism. However, both laughter and optimism about life can reduce stress and increase life expectancy .

Conclude: Reducing anxiety and stress should be considered a long-term investment in life expectancy. In addition, the spirit of optimism about life also brings many benefits.

10. Interested in social relations

13 Life-sustaining Habits Proved
Close relationships can reduce stress, improve immunity and prolong life

Researchers find that maintaining healthy social relationships can help you live 50% longer .

In fact, at least 3 close social relationships can reduce the risk of death by 200% earlier .

Studies have also shown that healthy social relationships can lead to positive changes in heart, brain, endocrine and immune functions, thereby reducing the risk of chronic diseases .

Close relationships can also help you react less negatively to stress, which can cause its positive effects on life span .

Finally, a study reports that helping others can actually be more beneficial than getting help from others. So, in addition to receiving support from friends and family, you should also help them .

Conclude: Close relationships can reduce stress, improve immunity and prolong life.

11. Be more straightforward

Straightforwardness is the ability of people to have discipline, organizational ability, work efficiency and determination to follow what has been proposed.

Based on data from a study of 1,500 boys and girls until they were older, children who were considered to be consistent, organized and disciplined lived 11% longer than their immediate counterparts. more outspoken .

Straight people may also have low blood pressure, less mental illness, and less risk of diabetes and heart or joint problems .

This may be because people with this virtue are less likely to act recklessly and react negatively to stress, instead they will have a more successful and caring life .

Fortunately, integrity can gradually be formed at any stage in life, even by small actions such as cleaning the desk, following the work plan or punctuality.

Conclude: German integrity is linked to increasing life expectancy and helps us to experience less health problems as we age.

12. Drink coffee or tea

13 Life-sustaining Habits Proved
Those who drink coffee and tea all have a 20-30% lower risk of premature death than those who do not drink

Both the coffee and tea are all associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases.

For example, polyphenols and catechins in green tea may reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes and heart disease .

Similarly, drinking coffee can lead to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, some cancers and brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson's .

In addition, people who drank coffee and tea had 20-30% lower risk of premature death than those who did not drink .

You just need to remember that drink too much caffeine can cause anxiety and insomnia, so should only use 400 mg of caffeine per day, equivalent to 4 cups of coffee or less .

You should also note that it usually takes 6 hours for the effects of caffeine to diminish.

Therefore, if you find it difficult to sleep, adjust the amount of coffee you drink during the day.

Conclude: Moderate drinking of tea and coffee can benefit healthy aging and longevity.

13. Follow a good sleeping habit

13 Life-sustaining Habits Proved
Sleep is important in regulating cell function and helping the body recover from the damage.

A recent study found that life expectancy may be related to sleeping habits, meaning going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day .

Sleep time also seems to be an important factor, and too little or too much sleep is harmful.

For example, sleeping less than 5-7 hours a night can increase your risk of premature death, while sleeping more than 8-9 hours a night can reduce your life expectancy by 38% .

Researchers believe that too little sleep can cause inflammation and increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease and obesity. All of these diseases shorten life expectancy .

On the other hand, excessive sleep can be related to depression, unemployment, poor physical activity and potential health conditions, all of which may negatively affect life expectancy .

Conclude: Forming a sleep routine for about 7-8 hours a night can help you live longer.

Things to remember

Although genetics somewhat affect life expectancy, you can still fully control it.

Follow these tips, you will be able to live for a long time.