13 ways to reduce water volume quickly and safely

Too much water in the body can also cause some problems

The human body contains about 60% of water, which plays an important role in all aspects of life .

However, excessive water accumulation (edema) is a common side effect of chronic inflammation .

Also known as fluid accumulation, the cause of edema may be due to indigestion, poor diet, exposure to toxins and diseases such as kidney failure.

Women may also feel an accumulation of clear water of the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy.

For most people, excess water weight is not a serious health problem. However, it can still negatively affect appearance and quality of life.

Here are 13 ways to reduce water storage quickly and safely.

1. Exercise regularly

Exercise can be one of the best ways to reduce water storage in the short term. Any kind of exercise increases sweating, which means you will lose water.

The average amount of liquid lost during 1 hour of exercise is from 16-64 oz (0.5-2 liters / hour), depending on factors such as heat and exercise clothes .

During exercise, your body also moves a lot of water into your muscles.

This can help reduce water outside the cell and reduce the "soft" appearance of people with excessive water accumulation .

However, you still need to drink lots of water during the training period.

Another good option to increase perspiration and dehydration is sauna, which you can supplement after a workout.

The bottom line: Regular exercise can help you maintain the natural balance of body fluids and excessive accumulation of water is excreted through sweat.

2. Sleep more

Getting enough sleep helps reduce long-term fluid retention

Sleep research emphasizes that sleep is as important as diet and exercise .

Sleep affects the sympathetic nerves in the kidney, which balances sodium and water .

One study found that when sleeping, the body acts as a plumbing system and pushes "toxins" out of the brain .

Sedimentation can also help your body control the level of hydration and minimize water accumulation.

Healthy sleep every night for most people will be about 7-9 hours.

The bottom line: A good sleep can help your body control fluid and sodium balance, reducing the amount of water stored in the long term.

3. Less stress

Long-term stress can increase cortisol hormones, directly affect water accumulation and weight .

This can happen because of stress and cortisol, which increases hormones that control water balance in the body, called ADH anti-diuretic .

ADH works by sending signals to the kidneys, reporting the amount of water to be pumped back into the body .

If you control stress levels, you will maintain normal levels of ADH and cortisol, which are important for fluid balance, risk of disease and long-term health .

The bottom line: Stress increases cortisol and anti-diuretic hormones, directly affecting the body's water balance.

4. Load electrolytes

Electrolytes are charged minerals, such as magnesium and potassium. They play an important role in the body, including regulating water balance .

When electrolyte levels become too low or too high, they can alter fluid balance. This can increase the volume of water .

You should adjust the electrolyte to the amount of drinking water. If you drink lots of water, you may need more electrolytes .

If you exercise daily or live in a humid environment, you may need an electrolyte to compensate for the loss of perspiration .

Conversely, a large amount of electrolytes from functional foods or high-salt foods, along with low amounts of water, can have the opposite effect and increase water weight.

The bottom line: Electrolytes control water balance and cell hydration. Electrolyte supplements are beneficial if you drink lots of water, exercise a lot, live in hot climates or don't eat foods high in salt.

5. Controlling salt intake

Eat just enough salt to help balance the liquid

Sodium absorbed daily from salt is one of the most common electrolytes in the human body.

It plays an important role in the level of hydration. If it is too low or too high, it will lead to an imbalance in the body and thus cause fluid accumulation.

Salt intake High, often due to diets with a lot of processed foods, can increase water retention. This is especially true if drinking too little water and not exercising .

However, this seems to depend on the amount of sodium currently absorbed each day and the amount of blood each individual has.

One study examined this and found that you only accumulated excessive water if you increased or changed your daily eating habits too much .

The bottom line: Salt or sodium plays an important role in fluid balance. Try to avoid extreme changes, such as eating too much salt or removing salt.

6. Add magnesium

Magnesium is an important electrolyte and mineral. Recently it has become a very popular supplement for health and sports performance.

Research on magnesium has been expanded and shows that it has more than 600 roles in the human body .

A lot of evidence in women suggests that magnesium can reduce the amount of water stored and the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) .

These changes may occur because magnesium plays an integrated role with other electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium.

These substances help control the body's water balance.

The bottom line: Magnesium absorption needs to be optimized because it plays an important role in the level of hydration and water content in the body.

7. Use functional foods containing dandelion flower extract

Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale , used in alternative medicine to treat water accumulation .

In recent years, it has become popular among bodybuilders and athletes, who need to be dehydrated for cosmetic purposes or to meet the weight class.

Dandelion supplements can help you reduce the amount of water stored by signaling kidney waste and excess salt or sodium.

In human studies, dandelion absorption increased the frequency of urination over a 5-hour period .

However, although functional foods containing dandelion extracts have been widely used, we still need more research to come to confirm.

The bottom line: Dandelion is a popular herb commonly used by bodybuilders and athletes to reduce the amount of water stored.

8. Drink plenty of water

It is interesting to drink enough water to reduce water accumulation .

Your body is always trying to achieve a healthy balance, so if you are constantly dehydrated, your body tends to retain more water to prevent too low water levels.

Achieved Daily optimal amount of drinking water It is also important for liver and kidney health, which may reduce long-term water flow .

The benefit of drinking plenty of water does not stop there. Other studies show that water is very important for health, fat loss, brain function and more .

Achieving balance is always the best thing. If you drink too much fluid, you can increase your body's water weight.

Simply drink when you are thirsty and stop when you feel you drink enough water. You should also drink a little more when you are in a hot environment or when exercising.

You can also monitor urine color to assess hydration. Should be light yellow or slightly clear, this is a good indicator that you drink enough water.

The bottom line: Dehydration or excessive drinking can lead to water accumulation. Remember to drink a balanced amount of water every day.

9. Focus on these foods

Eat more vegetables

There are many types of foods that you may want to include in your diet to combat water accumulation.

Potassium-rich foods are often recommended because potassium can help balance sodium and increase urine output, helping you reduce excess water .

Dark green leafy vegetables, beans, banana , butter , tomatoes and yogurt or other dairy products are both nutritious and rich in potassium.

Need magnesium or magnesium rich foods. These include black chocolate, Dark green leafy vegetables, seeds and whole grains.

The following foods and herbs are often recommended as an alternative to reducing stored water, with some clinical evidence demonstrating their use:

  • Corn silk .
  • Ponytail .
  • Parsley .
  • Hibiscus flowers .
  • Garlic .
  • Chili .
  • Nettle .

Along with trying these foods, you may also want to temporarily remove foods that cause flatulence or any indigestion.

They include highly processed foods, high fiber foods and sometimes beans and milk. You can also try using FODMAP less food for a while to see its benefits.

The bottom line : Some foods and herbs can act as diuretics and reduce water accumulation. Combine them with easily digestible foods without causing bloating or indigestion.

ten. Cuts c arb

Cuts carb is a popular strategy to quickly reduce excess water. Carb is stored in muscle and liver like glycogen, but glycogen also pulls with water.

Every gram of muscle glycogen stored in the body has 3-4 grams (0.11 - 0.14 oz) of water stored with it. This explains why many people lose weight fast when switching to Low-carb diet , causing a decrease in glycogen storage.

Carb also leads to increased hormonal insulin, which can increase sodium accumulation and reabsorb water in the kidneys .

Low-carb diets lead to reduced insulin levels, causing dehydration and sodium loss in the kidneys.

Conversely, if you are following a low-carb diet or diet in general, a high-carb meal can pull excess fluid from your body into your muscles and increase your water weight.

This can also make visible differences, increase muscle water, but help you reduce excess water under the skin .

Try changing Carb intake and see what's best for you.

The bottom line : Low-carb diets can reduce the amount of water stored by lowering glycogen levels and lower insulin levels.

11. Use Functional foods contain caffeine or tea and coffee

Caffeine helps balance water

Tea and coffee are well-known diuretics that are effective mainly due to high caffeine content.

Caffeine has been shown to increase short-term urine output and slightly reduce water weight .

In one study, participants drank a glass of water without caffeine or at a dose of 2 mg / lb (4.5 mg / kg) compared to body weight.

When combining caffeine with water, the urine output of participants increased significantly .

Although caffeine has a mild diuretic effect, it does not lead to dehydration in frequent users.

The bottom line : A moderate amount of caffeine from coffee, tea or caffeine-containing foods can help you reduce excess water.

12. Change habits

One of the best changes you can make is reducing excessive processed and consumed foods.

Also, avoid sitting all day or sitting for a long time, this reduces blood circulation. Physical activity can improve circulation and help you sweat to save excess water .

Some medicines can cause water accumulation, so check with your doctor or internal medicine if you take your medicine daily and keep too much water .

Also pay attention to the food you eat, and make sure they don't cause digestive or inflammatory problems .

Finally, consuming too much water, alcohol, minerals, caffeine and salt can cause water retention. Find a normal and healthy balance.

The bottom line : Check your diet for too many processed foods, salt, caffeine and alcohol.

13. See again Oral medicines water control prescription

Medication is considered

Diuretics and oral control medications are sometimes indicated for the treatment of excessive water accumulation .

They work by activating the kidneys to push excess water and salts through the urine.

These diuretics are often prescribed to people with heart or lung problems and to help regulate blood pressure, prevent fluid buildup and reduce swelling.

It is important to note the difference between prescription diuretics and over-the-counter diuretics or online water control medications.

Prescription drugs have been clinically tested for long-term safety, while over-the-counter drugs may lack clinical studies and are not always tested for safety.

One of these two types can help fight edema, which is benign or overweight.

Ask your doctor before trying.

The bottom line : When you learn about medications or diuretics, consult your doctor and take supervised prescription drugs.

Main message

If you experience persistent problems, seem serious or increase suddenly, it is best to seek medical care.

In some cases, excessive water accumulation may be due to a serious medical condition.

Finally, the best way to combat excess water is to identify and treat the cause.

It may be due to excessive salt consumption, lack of electrolytes, inactivity, excessive stress or frequent consumption of processed foods and inflammation.

One of these is among the main factors related to poor health and disease, these are even greater reasons to stay away from them.