14 Effective Ways To Reduce Insulin Levels In Blood

Cinnamon is an effective insulin-reducing medicine

Insulin is an extremely important hormone produced in the pancreas.

It has many functions, such as allowing cells to convert blood sugar into energy.

However, too much insulin can lead to serious health problems.

High insulin levels, also known as excess insulin syndrome in the blood, are linked to obesity, heart disease and cancer .

High levels of insulin in the blood can also cause cells to resist hormonal effects.

When the body is resistant to insulin, the pancreas even produce more insulin , create a vicious cycle .

Here are 14 ways to help reduce insulin levels.

1. Eat low carb

Of the three types of macronutrients - carb, protein and fat - carb increases blood sugar and insulin levels the most.

For this reason and many other reasons, low carb diet Can be very effective in weight loss and diabetes control.

Many studies have confirmed the low carb diet's ability to reduce insulin and increase insulin sensitivity compared to other diets .

People with specific health conditions with insulin resistance, such as metabolic syndrome and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), can be significantly lowered with the restriction of carb intake.

In one study, people with metabolic syndrome were randomized to a low carb or low-fat diet containing 1,500 calories.

The average amount of insulin decreased by 50% in the low carb diet, compared with 19% in the low-fat group .

In another study, when women with polycystic ovaries ate a lower-carb diet that contained enough calories to maintain weight, their insulin levels dropped significantly compared to when they ate the diet. More carb .

Crux : Low carb diets have been shown to increase insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin levels in people with obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and polycystic syndrome.

2. Use apple cider vinegar

Use apple cider vinegar along with rich carb foods to increase the effectiveness of insulin reduction

Apple cider vinegar It is thought to work to prevent insulin spikes and blood sugar after eating.

This has been shown to occur primarily when vinegar is consumed with carb-rich foods .

A small study showed that people who consumed two teaspoons (28 ml) of vinegar in a carb-rich meal had low insulin levels and felt fuller for 30 minutes after eating .

Researchers believe that this effect is partly due to the ability of vinegar to slow down the feeling of hunger, leading to gradual absorption of sugar into the bloodstream .

Crux : Vinegar can help prevent hyperinsulinemia after eating rice or high-carb foods.

3. Pay attention to the size of the serving

Lower calorie consumption has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity in obese people

Although the pancreas releases different amounts of insulin depending on the type of food you eat, eating too much of it for a while can lead to excess blood insulin syndrome.

This is of particular concern in obese people with insulin resistance.

In one study, obese people with insulin resistance who consumed a meal containing 1,300 calories doubled the amount of insulin compared to those who ate a similar meal.

They also had double insulin levels as obese people, who were considered "metabolic healthy" .

Lower calorie consumption has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin levels in overweight and obese people, regardless of the type of food they consume .

One study looked at different ways of losing weight in 157 people with metabolic syndrome.

The researchers found that blood glucose levels decreased to 16% with calorie restriction and 12% with the control group .

Crux : Reducing calories consumed by controlling food intake or counting can help reduce insulin in overweight and obese people, people with type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome.

4. Avoid consuming all types of sugar

Street may be the most important food you must avoid if you are trying to reduce insulin levels.

In a study of people who ate too much candy or peanuts, the group eating a lot of candies had a 13% increase in blood insulin levels, compared with 12% of the group that ate a lot of peanuts .

In another study, when consuming jam containing high sugar levels, the insulin levels of these people were significant, faster after eating jam with low sugar concentrations .

Fructose is found in diameter, honey, high molecular weight corn syrup. Consuming them in large amounts will stimulate insulin resistance, eventually increasing insulin levels .

One study found that people had the same insulin response after consuming 50 grams of diameter, honey or high-molecular corn syrup every day for 14 days .

In another study, overweight people supplementing high-sugar foods with their daily diet increased 22% of blood glucose levels.

In contrast, groups of people supplemented with foods containing artificial sweeteners in their regular diets reduction 3% concentration of insulin .

Crux : High sugar consumption in all forms is thought to increase insulin levels and stimulate insulin resistance.

5. Exercise regularly

Participating in regular physical activity may have a significant effect on reducing insulin intake.

Aerobic exercise seems to be very effective in increasing insulin sensitivity in obese people or with type 2 diabetes .

One study compared two groups: a regular aerobics group and the other with high intensity exercises.

Research shows that, although both groups have improved body balance, only regular rhythmic exercise groups have significantly reduced insulin levels .

There are also studies that show that exercise regularly can help reduce insulin in the elderly and those who have a lot of work .

Combining regular aerobic exercise and endurance exercise seems to be the most effective way and has also been shown to have the greatest effect on insulin sensitivity and insulin concentration .

In one study of 101 breast cancer survivors, those who combined strength and endurance exercise for 16 weeks reduced their insulin intake by 27% .

Crux : Aerobic exercise, high-intensity exercises or a combination of both can help increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood insulin levels.

6. Add cinnamon to food and beverage

Rice pudding and cinnamon

Cinnamon is a delicious spice, containing many healthy antioxidants.

Research in healthy people and people with insulin resistance suggests that eating cinnamon can increase insulin sensitivity and lower insulin levels .

In one study, healthy people consuming about 1.5 teaspoons of cinnamon in rice pudding had significantly lower insulin reactions than when they ate pudding without cinnamon .

In another small study, young adults who consumed drinking water with high sugar levels after eating cinnamon for 14 days had lower insulin levels than when they drank soft drinks after taking placebo for 14 days .

It is important to note that not all studies indicate that cinnamon reduces insulin or increases insulin sensitivity. The effect of cinnamon can vary according to the individual's condition .

However, consuming up to one teaspoon (2 grams) per day can provide other health benefits, even if it does not significantly reduce insulin levels.

Crux: Some studies suggest that adding cinnamon to foods and drinks reduces blood insulin levels and increases insulin sensitivity.

7. Stay away from carb refining

Bread contains a lot of carbohydrates

Refined carb is the main ingredient in many people's diets.

However, studies in animals and humans suggest that consuming them regularly can lead to some health problems.

These problems include increased insulin and weight gain .

Moreover, refined carb has a high GI index.

The GI index is a scale that measures the ability of certain foods to raise blood sugar. Sugar load will take into account the glycemic index of the food, as well as the amount of carbohydrate ingested in each serving.

Some studies have compared food with different blood sugar levels to see if they affect insulin differently.

They found that eating foods high in blood sugar increased blood sugar more when eating the same amount of food with low blood sugar levels, even if the two foods had the same amount of carb .

In one study, overweight people followed one of two diets without calorie restriction for 10 weeks. After eating, the high GI food group had higher insulin levels than the lower GI group .

Crux : Replacing carbohydrates that are digested and absorbed quickly with slow digesting foods can help reduce insulin levels.

8. Avoid sitting in one place

To reduce insulin, an active lifestyle is essential.

A study of more than 1,600 people found that people who sat in a seat almost had metabolic syndrome twice as high as those with moderate activity of at least 150 minutes per week .

Other studies have shown that standing up and walking around rather than sitting for a long time can help keep insulin levels from spiking after meals .

A 12-week study in mid-seated middle-aged women found that those who walked 20 minutes after eating a large meal had increased insulin sensitivity compared to those who did not walk after a meal.

Moreover, the group of pedestrians is more fit and reduces excess fat .

Another study of 113 overweight men was at risk for type 2 diabetes.

The more people walk every day, the lower the concentration of insulin and the lower the belly fat than the less-traveled everyday group .

Crux : Avoid prolonged sitting and increase walking or moderate activity can reduce insulin levels.

9. Try fasting interruptions

Some studies suggest that intermittent fasting reduces insulin efficiency

Fasting interruption It is very popular among those who want to lose weight.

Research indicates that it can help reduce the amount of insulin effectively as a daily calorie restriction diet .

One study showed that obese women lose weight and have other health improvements when eating an intermittent fast diet that cuts calories both in liquid or solid form.

However, only liquid diets significantly reduce insulin levels .

Fasting the day involves fasting and significantly reducing calories in a day and eating normally on the next day. Some studies suggest that it helps reduce insulin levels effectively .

In one study, an average of 26 dieters in 22 days had an impressive 57% reduction in insulin .

Although many people think fasting is beneficial and very interesting, it doesn't work for everyone and can cause problems in some people.

To find out more about fasting, read this paragraph .

Crux : Intermittent fasting can help reduce insulin levels. However, research results are not uniform and this diet may not be suitable for everyone.

10. Increase the amount of soluble fiber consumed

Soluble fiber is abundant in fruits and vegetables

Soluble fiber has many health benefits, including helping to lose weight and Reduce blood sugar.

It absorbs water and forms a glue that makes food move slowly in the digestive system. This stimulates satiety, keeping blood sugar and insulin levels from rising too fast after eating .

An observational study found that women who ate a lot of soluble fiber were half as likely to be insulin resistant than women who ate the least soluble fiber .

Soluble fiber is also a diet of intestinal bacteria, which can improve intestinal health and reduce insulin resistance.

In a 6-week controlled study in obese older women, those who ate flaxseed with increased insulin sensitivity and reduced insulin levels were more likely than those who consumed probiotics or placebo .

In general, pure food fiber seems to be more effective in reducing insulin levels than fiber in supplemental form, although the results are still differentiated.

One study found that combining synthetic fiber and dietary fiber reduced insulin levels the most. Meanwhile, another study found that insulin decreased when people consumed black beans but not when they consumed dietary supplements .

Crux : Soluble fiber, especially from pure foods, is thought to increase insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin levels, especially in obese people or with type 2 diabetes.

11. Reduce belly fat

Abdominal fat, also known as visceral fat or abdominal fat, is associated with many health problems.

Too much fat in the abdomen will increase inflammation and insulin resistance, causing excessive blood insulin syndrome .

Research shows that reducing belly fat leads to increased insulin sensitivity and reduced insulin intake .

Interestingly, a study showed that people who lose belly fat keep their benefits for insulin sensitivity, even after increasing the amount of belly fat .

Unfortunately, people with high insulin levels often find it difficult to lose weight. In one study, people with the highest insulin levels not only lost weight slowly but also gained more weight later .

However, there Something you can do to reduce belly fat effectively but also help reduce insulin levels.

Crux: Reducing belly fat can increase insulin sensitivity and help reduce insulin levels.

12. Drink green tea

Green tea is an extremely healthy drink. It contains a large amount of called antioxidants .

Several studies have shown that it may help fight insulin resistance .

In one study, people with high levels of insulin who drank green tea extract reduced a small amount of insulin within 12 months, while placebo users increased insulin levels .

In a detailed analysis of 17 studies, the researchers suggest that green tea is thought to reduce significant insulin levels in studies that are considered to be of the best quality .

However, not all high-quality studies show that green tea reduces insulin intake or increases insulin sensitivity .

Crux : Some studies suggest that green tea may increase insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin levels.

13. Eat fatty fish

Omega-3 fatty fish is beneficial in all aspects of health

There are many reasons to eat fatty fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring and anchovies.

They provide high quality protein and are a source omega-3 , fat has many benefits.

Research has shown that they can also help reduce insulin resistance in obese people, type 1 diabetes and syndromes

A study in women with polycystic syndrome showed that insulin levels decreased significantly to 8.4% in fish oil users, compared to those taking placebo .

Another study in obese children and young people showed that taking fish oil supplements significantly reduced insulin resistance and triglyceride levels.

Crux : Omega-3 fatty acids - 3 long chains found in fatty fish may help reduce insulin resistance and blood insulin levels.

14. Absorb sufficient amounts and the right type of protein

Consume enough protein During meals, it may be beneficial to control weight and insulin levels.

In one study, overweight older women had lower insulin levels after eating a protein-rich breakfast than a low-protein breakfast. They also feel fuller and eat less calories at lunch .

However, proteins regulate insulin production so muscles need to absorb amino acids. Therefore, eating too much will result in high insulin levels.

Furthermore, some proteins seem to cause more insulin reactions than others. One study showed that protein whey and casein in dairy products increases the amount of insulin even higher than bread in healthy people .

However, insulin responses to proteins in dairy products may vary from person to person.

A recent study showed that the same amount of insulin increased in both obese women and men after eating beef or dairy products .

Another study in obese adults found that a high-dairy diet made insulin levels higher than high-carb diets .

Crux : Avoid eating too much protein, especially protein in dairy products, can help prevent insulin levels from rising too high after eating.

Message for you

High insulin levels can lead to many health problems.

Ways to increase insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin levels can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of disease and improve your quality of life.

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15 ways to reduce blood sugar naturally and easily