16 Simple Ways To Reduce Stress And Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are more and more common in modern people

Stress and anxiety are common in most people.

In fact, 70% of adult Americans say they feel stressed or worried every day.

Here are 16 simple ways to reduce stress and anxiety.

1. Exercise

Exercise is one of the first things you can do to combat stress.

It sounds contradictory, but physical stress through exercise can help reduce mental stress.

And if you exercise regularly, the benefits you receive are extremely large. People who exercise regularly are less anxious than those who do not exercise .

There are several explanations for this effect:

  • Stress hormone: In the long term, exercise reduces the amount of stress hormones in the body like cortisol. Exercise also helps release endorphins - a chemical that improves mood and acts like a natural pain reliever.
  • Sleep: Sleep can be negatively affected by stress and anxiety. Exercise also helps improve sleep quality.
  • Confidence: When exercising regularly, you will find yourself more confident, from which the spirit will be more comfortable.

Find a form of exercise that you like, such as walking, dancing, climbing or yoga.

Activities with repeated movements in large muscle groups such as walking or jogging effectively reduce stress.

Conclude: Regular exercise can reduce stress, anxiety by releasing endorphins, improving sleep as well as your appearance and spirit.

2. Consider using functional foods

Consult your doctor before taking supplements

Some supplements work to reduce stress and anxiety. Here is a list of some of the most commonly used products:

  • Lemon balm: Lemon balm is a plant of the peppermint family that has been studied and proven to have anti-anxiety effects .
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: One study found that medical students who received omega-3 supplements had a 20% reduction in anxiety symptoms .
  • Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha (Indian ginseng) is a herb used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat stress and anxiety. Some studies have proven this effective .
  • Green tea: Green tea has many polyphenol antioxidants that provide health benefits and help reduce stress and anxiety by increasing serotonin levels .
  • Langur: The root of the langur is a medicine for insomnia that is commonly used because of its sedative effect. Tree roots Altering GABA receptors thereby reducing anxiety.
  • Kava-kava: Kava-kava is a member of the pepper family. It has long been used as a sedative in the South Pacific and it is increasingly being used in Europe and the United States to treat mild stress and anxiety .

Some supplements may interact with drugs or cause side effects, so consult your doctor if you are treating the disease.

Conclude: Some functional foods can relieve stress and anxiety like ashwagandha, omega-3 fatty acids, green tea and lemon balm.

3. Light up scented candles

Aromatherapy can improve morale and sleep

Using essential oils or burning scented candles can help you feel less stressed and anxious.

There are some particularly soft scents. Here are some aromas that reduce stress:

  • Lavender.
  • Rose.
  • Cardinal grass (vetiver).
  • Bergamot.
  • Roman daisy.
  • Neroli (bitter orange flower oil).
  • Frankincense.
  • Sandalwood.
  • Royal Orchid.
  • Orange or orange flower.
  • Geraniums.

Using aroma to help comfort is called aromatherapy. Some studies show that this method can reduce anxiety and improve sleep .

Conclude: Aromatherapy can help reduce anxiety and stress. Light candles or use essential oils will help you relax your mind.

4. Reduce the amount of caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant found in coffee, tea, chocolate and energy drinks. High-dose caffeine may increase feelings of anxiety .

Each person can tolerate different amounts of caffeine.

If you find that caffeine makes you feel anxious, consider limiting your intake.

Although many studies show Coffee can be good for health If used in moderation, this is not true for everyone. In general, you should only drink no more than five cups a day.

Conclude: High levels of caffeine can increase stress and anxiety. However, each person's sensitivity to caffeine is different.

5. Write down your thoughts

One way to get rid of stress is to write down what you think.

Some people write things that make them nervous, others write things that make them grateful.

Gratitude can help alleviate anxiety by directing your thoughts into positive things in life.

Conclude: Journaling can help reduce stress and anxiety, especially when you focus on positive things.

6. Chew gum

According to some studies, chewing gum can help you relax

Chewing gum is a quick and easy way to reduce stress.

One study found that people chewing gum felt more relaxed and less stressed .

There are several reasons for this.

One theory is that chewing gum produces the same brain waves of people without stress. Another theory is that gum helps promote blood flow into the brain.

In addition, a recent study shows that the more chewing gum is, the less stress is reduced .

Conclude: According to some studies, chewing gum can help you relax. It can also help you feel relaxed and reduce stress.

7. Spend time with friends and family

Support from friends and family can help you in times of stress.

Friends will bring a sense of belonging and make you feel valued. These will help in difficult times.

A study shows that spending time with friends and children helps women release oxytocin, a natural stress reliever. This effect is called "caring and making friends", and the opposite effect is "fighting or running" .

Moreover, friendship offers benefits for both men and women.

Another study found that men and women with fewer social relationships are more likely to experience depression and anxiety .

Conclude: Strong social relationships can help you overcome stress and reduce your risk of anxiety.

8. Laugh

When you laugh, anxiety is unlikely to continue. Good laughs, and laughter can help relieve stress in the following ways:

  • Bring more oxygen to your body and organs.
  • Stimulates and reduces stress response.
  • Reduce stress by relaxing muscles.

In the long run, laughter can also help improve the immune system and mood.

A study in people with cancer found that people in the group who experienced amusing measures reduced stress more than those who were just distracted .

Watch a funny TV show, hang out with funny friends and you'll even find humor in difficult situations.

Conclude: Finding humor in everyday life, spending time with funny friends or watching a funny program will help you reduce stress.

9. Learn to say No

Do not hug too much work

You can still control the stressors, though not all.

Change some things that make you stressful in life.

One way to change that is to say "no" more often.

This is especially true if you find yourself carrying a lot of overwork, as this may make you feel overwhelmed.

Consider choosing what you should do and saying no to unnecessary work. This can be a good start to control stress levels.

Conclude: You should not take too much work. Saying no is also a way to control stress.

10. Avoid delays

Another way to control stress is to not delay things that need to be completed.

Delaying can make you work in a coping way, which means you have to try to keep up with the progress of your work. This can cause stress, negatively affect your health and sleep quality .

Get into the habit of setting up a task list in order of priority. Give yourself a deadline to complete and perform tasks in the order in the list.

Doing many things at the same time will make you extremely stressed out. You should focus on the work to be completed during the day then give yourself a break.

Conclude: Spend time completing top priorities. Completing your work in the order listed can help you avoid the stresses associated with procrastination.

11. Join Yoga class

Yoga has become a popular stress relief method of all ages.

Although there are many different yoga styles

Yoga can improve mood and may even be as effective as antidepressants that treat depression and anxiety

But, almost all have the same purpose to make the body and mind become one.

To achieve this goal, yoga mainly focuses on the body and breath.

Some studies have examined the effect of yoga on mental health. In general, they found that yoga can improve mood and may even be as effective as antidepressants that treat depression and anxiety .

However, these studies are still limited, and there are still many questions about yoga's stress reduction method.

Overall, yoga helps reduce stress and anxiety seems to be due to its effects on the nervous system and stress response.

Yoga can help reduce cortisol, blood pressure, heart rate and increase (GABA), neurotransmitters help reduce mood disorders.

Conclude: Many people practice yoga to reduce stress. It may also help reduce stress hormones and blood pressure.

12. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is a method of focusing thoughts on the present moment.

The method can help combat the factors that cause anxiety from negative thinking .

There are a number of methods to improve mindfulness, including mindfulness awareness, mindfulness, yoga and meditation.

A recent study on college students said that mindfulness can increase self-esteem, thereby reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression .

Conclude: Practicing mindfulness can help relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression.

13. Cuddle

Loving, kissing, hugging and sexual gestures can help reduce stress .

Physical contacts can help release oxytocin and reduce cortisol levels, thereby lowering blood pressure and heart rate - two symptoms of stress.

Interestingly, humans are not the only creatures that need cuddling gestures to reduce stress. Chimp also caresses when their friends are stressed .

Conclude: Cuddling, hugging, kissing and sex gestures help reduce stress by releasing oxytocin and lowering blood pressure.

14. Listen to melodious songs

Listening to music can help your body feel relaxed.

Slow-moving instruments will provide a relaxing response by helping to lower blood pressure and heart rate and stress hormones.

Some types of classical music, Celtic musical instruments, Indian and Indian aborigines are very gentle, but just listening to whatever music you like is enough to reduce stress .

Natural sounds are also effective at reducing stress. This is the reason these sounds are often used as meditation and relaxation music.

Conclude: Listening to favorite songs is a good way to reduce stress.

15. Deep breathing

The mental stress will activate the sympathetic nervous system, signaling the body to turn on "fighting or running."

During this reaction, stress hormone is released, causing symptoms of tachycardia, shortness of breath, and vasoconstriction.

Deep breathing exercises will help activate the parasympathetic nervous system that controls relaxation reactions.

Some deep breathing exercises include diaphragmatic breathing, lower abdominal breathing, upper abdominal breathing and rhythmic breathing.

The purpose of deep breathing is to concentrate your thoughts on the breath, making the breath slower and deeper. When breathing deeply with your nose, your lungs will expand to the fullest and your abdomen will stretch.

This helps slow your heart rate, making you feel calmer.

This video will show you how to breathe by diaphragm.

Conclude: Breathing deeply will trigger a relaxing reaction. There are many methods to help you practice deep breathing.

16. Spend time with pets

Play with pets to help relax

Pets in the home can help reduce stress and improve your mood.

According to a study, dog owners show that stress levels are lower than those who don't.

Interaction with pets releases oxytocin, a chemical in the brain that improves mood .

Raising a pet can also help reduce stress by making you busy with caregiving and affection between the owner and the pet - these are all factors that reduce anxiety.