18 ways to help reduce hunger and appetite based on science

Losing weight is extremely difficult

To lose weight, you need to reduce the amount calories Loaded daily.

Unfortunately, the diet weight loss often leads to increased appetite and makes us hungry.

This makes it difficult to reduce and keep weight

Here is a list of 18 ways to reduce hunger and appetite based on science:

1. Eat enough protein

More more protein on a diet can increase satiety, make you eat less during the next meal and help reduce fat .

For example, a weight loss study comparing two breakfast meals had identical calories: one consisted of an egg, one consisted of croissants.

Breakfast participants had eggs that decreased by 65% ​​by weight and 16% by fat for eight weeks .

In addition, High protein content Can help prevent muscle loss when reducing daily calories to lose weight .

Protein accounts for about 20-30% of total caloric intake, or 0.45-0.55 g / lb body weight (1.0-1.2 g / kg), which is enough to benefit the body .

The bottom line: Getting enough protein in your diet can help you lose weight, in part by reducing your appetite.

2. Choose foods high in fiber

Chicken beans are rich in fiber

Eat a lot fiber straining the stomach, slowing the digestion rate and affecting the release of hormones causing satiety .

In addition, fiber can ferment in the intestine. This produces short-chain fatty acids that are thought to help increase satiety .

In fact, a recent report said adding high-fiber beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils to your diet can increase satiety by 31% compared to equivalent meals. have beans .

Whole grains rich in fiber also help reduce hunger and keep you feeling full .

Eating an extra 14 grams of fiber each day can reduce calories to 10%. After more than 3.8 months may reduce to 4.2 lbs (1.9 kg) .

However, newer assessments find less real efficiency. This may be related to the different types of fiber studied .

The type of viscous fiber such as pectin, beta-glucan and guar gum seems to cause more satiety than low-viscous fiber .

In addition, some negative effects are related to high fiber diets. Foods high in fiber usually contains many other beneficial nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and useful plant compounds .

Therefore, choosing a diet with enough fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts helps promote long-term health.

The bottom line: Eating a high-fiber diet can reduce hunger and help you consume less calories. It also enhances long-term health.

3. Choose solid form instead of liquid form

Solid calories and liquid calories have different effects on appetite.

A recent review showed that people who use liquid snacks are less likely to eat less during the next meal than 38% solid meals .

In the second study, participants who ate a semi-solid snack showed less hunger, a lower appetite and more satiety than those who took a light snack .

Solids require more chewing, which helps the signaling time to move to the brain longer .

The scientists also believe that the extra chewing time allows solids to come into contact with the taste buds longer, and may increase satiety .

The bottom line: Eating calories instead of drinking can help you eat less without feeling hungry.

4. Drink coffee

Coffee brought many benefits for health and athletic performance - also helps to reduce your appetite.

Research shows that coffee increases the release (PYY). This hormone is produced in the intestine in response to eating and increases satiety .

Scientists believe that the concentration of PYY plays an important role in determining your eating level .

Interestingly, caffeine-removed coffee may reduce hunger to the highest degree, with effects lasting up to three hours after consumption .

However, much research is needed to determine exactly how this works.

The bottom line: Drinking coffee, especially caffeine-removed, can help reduce hunger by up to three hours.

5. Drink plenty of water

To drink country Can help you reduce hunger feeling before meals.

It also increases the feeling of fullness after meals and promote weight loss .

In fact, studies show that people who drink two glasses of water just before eating 22% less than those who do not drink water .

Scientists believe that about 17 oz (500 ml) of water is capable of straining the stomach enough for the signal to pass to the brain .

Even so, water is known to withdraw from the stomach quickly. Apply this tip, it is best to drink water as close to the meal as possible.

Interestingly, starting your meal with soup has the same effect.

Researchers observed that eating a bowl of soup just before meals reduced hunger and reduced the amount of calories eaten during meals to about 100 calories .

The bottom line: Drinking low calorie liquids before meals can help you eat fewer calories without feeling hungry.

6. Eat consciously

Mind when eating

Under normal conditions, the brain knows you are hungry or full.

However, eating fast or while you are distracted can make it difficult for the brain to recognize these signs.

Solve this problem by eliminating distraction and focusing on food in front of you - an important aspect of mindful eating.

Research shows that practicing mindfulness during meals can help people experience more fun while eating. This helps keep the focus on quality, not quantity, and alleviates excessive eating behavior .

It also seems that there is a link between hunger, fullness and what your eyes see.

An experiment provides two identical liquid ice cream cups for participants. One is called "passionate source of 620 calories", while the other is labeled "120 calories consciousness".

Although both groups consume the same amount of calories, the levels of hormones that cause hunger decrease more in those who believe they have been drinking "passion" .

Believing that high-calorie drinks can also activate brain regions associated with feeling full .

What you see affects the level of feeling full, and paying attention to what you eat can be very beneficial.

The bottom line: Careful eating has shown to reduce hunger and increase satiety. This also reduces calories and helps prevent excessive eating.

7. Eat lots of dark chocolate

Bitterness of black chocolate It is thought to reduce appetite and reduce the desire to eat sweets .

Researchers also believe that stearic acid in dark chocolate can help slow digestion, increasing satiety .

It is interesting that the simple action of sniffing this dish can also produce the same effect.

One study showed that 85% dark chocolate smelling also reduced appetite and hunger as much as real food .

However, more research is needed to examine the effect of dark chocolate on satiety.

The bottom line: Eating or even smelling dark chocolate can reduce overall appetite and crave sweet food.

8. Eat some ginger

Ginger related to many health benefits. These include reducing nausea, muscle pain, inflammation and blood sugar .

It's interesting that recent studies add another benefit to this list: reducing hunger.

One study found that consuming 2 grams of diluted ginger powder in hot water in the morning made participants feel less hungry after meals .

However, this is only a small study and needs more research in humans before a definitive conclusion can be made.

The bottom line: Ginger may help reduce hunger, but more research is needed to confirm this effect.

9. Increase spice on your meal

Ginger may not be the only hunger-reducing spice.

A recent study examined the effects of capsaicin, found in hot peppers, and capsiate, found in sweet peppers.

These compounds can help reduce hunger and increase satiety .

Moreover, the ability of these compounds to generate heat can also increase the amount of calories burned after meals .

However, these effects are not seen in all studies and research that are still small. In addition, people who eat this food often endure the side effects.

The bottom line: Compounds in hot peppers and sweet peppers can help reduce hunger and increase satiety, but more research is needed.

10. Eat in smaller plates

Reducing the size of appliances can help you reduce your intake unconsciously. This helps to consume less food without feeling lacking .

Interestingly, this effect can fool even those who eat the most.

For example, a study has shown that even nutrition experts accidentally add 31% cream when given a larger bowl .

Another study found that participants self-serving food in larger bowls ate 142 calories more than those who ate from smaller bowls .

The bottom line: Eating in smaller plates can help you inadvertently eat less without increasing hunger.

11. Use larger fork

The size of the feeding device also affects the amount of food eaten

The size of eating utensils can have a significant impact on the amount of food you need to feel full.

One study showed that participants using larger forks were 10% less likely to eat with smaller fork meals .

The researchers deduced that using a small fork made many people not feel better in satisfying hunger, making them eat more.

Note, this effect does not seem to apply to the size of all instruments. Larger spoonfuls of food may increase food intake by 14.5% during meals .

The bottom line: Using larger fork reduces the amount of food needed before it is full.

12. Exercise

Exercise is thought to reduce the activity of brain regions associated with appetite, which can reduce eating motivation .

It also reduces the concentration of hunger hormones, while increasing satiety .

Research shows that aerobic exercise and endurance exercise have the same effect on the effect of hormone levels and the size of the meal after exercise .

The bottom line: Both aerobic exercise and strength training can help increase hormones causing saturation, reducing hunger and calorie intake.

13. Reduce belly fat

(NPY) is a hormone that affects appetite and energy balance.

Higher NPY levels are said to increase appetite and may even change the percentage of calories stored as fat .

It is interesting that researchers found that body fat, especially the type found around the abdomen, may increase NPY production .

Therefore, lose weight around the abdomen Can help reduce cravings and hunger levels.

The bottom line: Reducing fat around your middle body can reduce the amount of neuropeptide Y. This reduces appetite and reduces hunger.

14. Get enough sleep

Quality sleep also helps reduce hunger and counteract weight gain.

Studies show that too little sleep can increase hunger and appetite by up to 24%, and reduce levels of certain hormones that saturate up to 26% .

The study also found that people who slept less than seven hours per night assessed their after-breakfast levels to be 26 percent lower .

It should be noted that some studies also relate to naps, often understood as less than six hours per night, with 55% higher risk of obesity .

The bottom line: Sleeping at least seven hours a night can reduce hunger levels throughout the day.

15. Reduce stress

Excessive stress is known to increase cortisol hormone levels.

Although having different effects among individuals, high cortisol is often thought to increase appetite and overeating .

Stress can also reduce peptide levels YY (PYY), a satiety hormone .

In a recent test, participants after the stress test had an average of 22% more calories than those with a stress-free version .

Finding ways to reduce stress levels not only helps reduce hunger but also reduces the risk of obesity and depression .

The bottom line: Reducing stress levels can help reduce appetite, increase satiety and even protect you from depression and obesity.

16. Eat Omega-3 fats

Fat omega-3 , especially those found in fish oil and algae, are capable of increasing levels of hormones that cause saturation leptin .

Diets high in omega-3 fats also increase satiety after meals when limiting calories to lose weight .

So far, these effects have only been observed in overweight and obese people. More research is needed to see if it can be applied to people who are just right.

The bottom line : Omega-3 fats may help reduce overweight and obesity. However, more research is needed in moderate individuals.

17. Choose protein-rich snacks

Greek yogurt

Snacks are a matter of personal choice.

If it is part of your daily routine, you may want to choose protein-rich snacks rather than high in fat.

Protein-rich snacks can increase satiety and reduce calorie consumption during later meals.

For example, high-protein yogurt reduces hunger more effectively than fat-rich cookies or chocolate candy .

Protein-rich yogurt in the afternoon also helps you consume less than 100 calories in the evening, compared to the other two options .

The bottom line: Eating protein-rich snacks can reduce hunger and prevent you from overeating during the next meal.

18. Imagine eating food you crave

According to some researchers, visualizing yourself enjoying the food you crave the most can reduce the desire to eat them.

In one experiment, the first 51 participants imagined eating 3 or 33 M & Ms before receiving a candy bowl. Usually, people who imagine eating a lot of M & Ms eat 60% less candy .

The researchers found similar effects when they repeated the experiment with cheese instead of M & Ms .

It seems that visual exercises can deceive the mind so you believe you have eaten the desired food, significantly reducing the craving to eat them.

The bottom line: Visualizing yourself eating foods you crave can reduce your desire to eat them.

Main message

Hunger feelings are important and natural signals should not be overlooked.

The tips mentioned here are just a few simple ways to reduce appetite and hunger between meals.

If you have tried these things but are still too hungry, consider talking to your health care professional about your options.