22 Foods Containing High Fiber Content You Should Eat

People who eat the most fiber tend to be the healthiest

Fiber is extremely important for the body.

It is not digested in the stomach and reaches the intestine. There, it provides food for intestinal bacteria to create a range of health benefits .

Fiber also helps weight loss , reduce blood sugar and prevent constipation .

Not surprisingly, studies show that people who are high in fiber tend to be the healthiest.

For example, they are at lower risk of heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes, and also tend to live longer .

The recommended daily intake is 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men .

However, most people eat only about half that amount, equivalent to 15-17 grams of fiber per day .

Fortunately, increasing the amount of fiber is relatively simple; Some foods high in fiber are also very tasty and easily put into the diet.

Here are 22 fiber-rich foods that are both healthy and extremely pleasing.

All data on fiber content are taken from .

1. Pear (3.1%)

Pears are a popular fruit that is both delicious and nutritious. This is one of the best fruit fiber.

Fiber content: 5.5 grams in a medium-sized pear, or 3.1 grams / 100 grams.

Pears are both delicious and high in fiber

2. Strawberries (2%)

Strawberries are delicious and in my opinion it tastes better than any junk food.

Interestingly, they are also one of the most nutritious fruits you can eat. They are rich in vitamin C, manganese and all kinds of powerful antioxidants.

Fiber content: 3 grams in a cup, or 2 grams per 100 grams. This level is quite high because of the content calories Strawberry's very low.

3. Butter (6.7%)

Butter different from most fruits. Instead of rich carbohydrates It is also rich in healthy fats.

Butter is rich in vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E and many different types of B vitamins. They also have many health benefits.

Fiber content: 10 grams in a cup, or 6.7 grams / 100 grams.

4. Apple (2.4%)

Apples are one of the best fruits you can eat. They also have relatively high fiber content.

Fiber content: 4.4 grams in an average sized apple, or 2.4 grams / 100 grams.

5. Raspberries (6.5%)

Raspberries are highly nutritious fruits with very strong flavors. They are high in vitamin C and manganese.

Fiber content: One cup contains 8 grams of fiber, with 6.5 grams / 100 grams.

6. Bananas (2.6%)

Bananas are a good source of nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin B6 and potassium.

Fiber content: 3.1 grams in a medium-sized banana, or 2.6 grams / 100 grams.

A green or unripe banana also contains a slow amount of powdered pepper, a non-digestible carbohydrate that acts as a fiber.

Some other fiber-rich fruits

Blueberries (3.6 grams per cup) and blueberries (7.6 grams per cup).

7. Carrots (2.8%)

Carrots are a delicious, crunchy and nutritious vegetable.

Carrots are low in calories but high in fiber

It has lots of vitamin K, vitamin B6, magnesium and beta-carotene, an antioxidant that turns into vitamin A in the body.

Fiber content: 3.4 grams in a cup, or 2.8 grams / 100 grams. The fiber content in carrots is very high despite its low calorie content.

8. Turnip (2.8%)

Radishes are vegetables that have many important nutrients such as folate, iron, copper, manganese and potassium.

Radish also contains a lot of inorganic nitrates, which are shown to have different benefits related to regulating blood pressure and movement.

Fiber content: 3.8 grams / cup, or 2.8 grams / 100 grams.

9. Broccoli (2.6%)

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable and one of the most nutritious foods on the planet.

It contains lots of vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, B vitamins, potassium, iron and manganese, contains antioxidants and powerful anti-cancer agents.

Broccoli also contains Relatively high protein content compared to most vegetables.

Fiber content: 2.4 grams per cup or 2.6 grams / 100 grams.

10. Artichoke (5.4%)

Artichoke is a vegetable that is not frequently mentioned. However, it has a high content of nutrients and is one of the best sources of fiber in the world.

Fiber content: 6.9 grams in a cotton artichoke, or 5.4 grams / 100 grams.

11. Brussels Cabbage (3.8%)

Brossels are vegetables with broccoli. Brussels sprouts have high levels of vitamin K, potassium, folate and powerful antioxidants against latent cancer.

Fiber content: 3.3 grams / cup, or 3.8 grams / 100 grams.

Different types of vegetables are high in fiber

Most vegetables contain a significant amount of fiber. Other notable examples include kale (3.6%), spinach (2.2%) and tomatoes (1.2%).

12. Lentils (7.9%)

Lentils are quite inexpensive and one of the most nutritious foods on earth. They are rich in protein and contain all the important nutrients.

Fiber content: 15.6 grams per cup of cooked beans, or 7.9 grams / 100 grams.

13. Peas (6.4%)

Kidney beans

Tofu is a popular bean. Like other beans, they contain a variety of plant proteins and different nutrients.

Fiber content: 11.3 grams / cup of cooked beans, or 6.4 grams / 100 grams.

14. Dried beans split apart (8.3%)

Double split dry beans are made from peas that are peeled, split and dried.

Fiber content: 16.3 grams in each cup of cooked beans, or 8.3 grams / 100 grams.

15. Chicken Beans (7.6%)

Chicken beans are also a very nutritious bean, including minerals and proteins.

Fiber content: 12.5 grams of cooked chicken beans, or 7.6 / 100 grams.

Other fiber-rich beans

Most beans contain high levels of protein, fiber and all kinds of nutrients. When carefully processed, they are one of the best quality nutrition sources in the world.

Other types of beans include black beans (8.7%), whole beans (edamame) (5.2%), lima beans (5.3%) and beans (5.5%).

16. Quinoa seeds (keel) (2.8%)

Quinoa is a kind of fake cereal that has become very popular among health savers in the last few years.

It contains all kinds of nutrients, including protein, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium and antioxidants.

Fiber content: 1.6 grams / cup of quinoa cooked, or 2.8 grams / 100 grams.

17. Oats (10.6%)

Oats help fight many diseases

Oats can be the healthiest cereal food on the planet. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

They contain a strong soluble fiber called beta-glucan, which works well for blood sugar and cholesterol.

Fiber content: 16.5 grams / cup of raw oat, or 10.6 grams / 100 grams.

18. Popcorn (14.5%)

If your goal is to increase the amount of fiber, popcorn may be the best snack you can eat.

Popcorn has a high fiber content. However, if you add a lot of fat, the fiber / calorie ratio will decrease significantly.

Fiber content: 14.5 grams / 100 grams.

Other high-fiber cereals

There are many types of whole grains that are high in fiber.

19. Almonds (12.5%)

Almond is a tree for common nuts.

Almonds contain many nutrients with high levels

Almonds contain high levels of nutrients, including healthy fats, vitamin E, manganese and magnesium.

Fiber content: 3.5 grams / ounce, or 12.5 grams / 100 grams.

20. Split seeds (34.4%)

Particles are small black seeds that are very popular among healthy natural products.

They are rich in nutrients, with high levels of magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Split seeds can also be the best source of fiber on the planet.

Fiber content: 10 grams / ounce, or 34.4 grams / 100 grams.

Nuts and nuts are high in fiber

Most nuts and nuts contain a significant amount of fiber. Including coconut (9%), pistachios (10%), walnuts (7%), sunflower seeds (8.6%) and pumpkin seeds (18.4%).

21. Sweet potato (2.5%)

Sweet potato is a kind of universal flavor with sweet taste. It contains a lot of beta-carotene, B-vitamins and various minerals.

Fiber content: A medium sweet potato boiled (without shells) contains 3.8 grams of fiber, or 2.5 grams / 100 grams.

22. Dark chocolate (10.9%)

Black chocolate supposedly one of the world's best foods.

It is also surprisingly nutritious, and is actually one of the planet's most nutritious and antioxidant-rich foods.

Fiber content: 3.1 grams / 1 piece weighs 1 ounce, or 10.9 grams / 100 grams.

Just be sure to choose the type of dark chocolate that contains more cocoa (70-95% or higher), not the whole sugar.