44 Most Healthy Low-Carb Foods For Low-Carb Diet

Cutting down carb in the daily diet can bring impressive benefits.

Cutting down carb has significantly reduced the level of hunger.

This often helps you lose weight "automatically" without having to count calories.

At least 23 studies have shown that low-carb diets tend to help lose more weight than low-fat diets, sometimes up to 2-3 times.

Cutting down carb may also bring different benefits to metabolic health.

This includes: lowering blood sugar, lowering blood pressure and blood fat, higher HDL cholesterol and many other benefits.

And low-carb diets aren't as complicated as you might think. You just need to base your diet on low-carb foods, maintain the right amount of food and you can lose weight and significantly improve your health.

So which foods are low-carb foods, and which low-carb foods should we choose for meals? This article will help you.

Here is a list of the 44 healthiest low-carb foods, the most delicious and nutritious flavor for you.

Total Carb And Pure Carb

For each food, I will list the total amount of carb for a standard serving, and also give a specific amount of carb for a serving of 100 grams.

However, keep in mind, there are some foods that are high in fiber, so sometimes the actual amount of carbohydrate you have to digest is lower.

1. Egg (Almost Carb = 0)

Eggs are one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods on the planet.

Eggs contain all kinds of nutrients, including important nutrients for the brain and compounds that can improve eye health.

Carb in eggs is almost zero.

Kinds of meat

All carb meats are close to zero. Extracellular foreign organs such as liver have 5% carb content.

Most meats have almost zero carb content

2. Beef (Carb = 0)

Beef contains many important nutrients such as iron and B12. Beef is processed into a variety of delicious foods with different flavors such as steak, humburger.

Carb in beef is zero

3. Lamb (Carb = 0)

Like beef, lamb contains many beneficial nutrients, including iron and B12. Sheep are usually fed with grass, which tends to contain more beneficial fatty acids such as linoleic acid or CLA.

Carb in meat saved by 0.

4. Chicken Meat (Carb = 0)

Chicken is one of the most popular meats in the world. It contains a lot of beneficial nutrients, and a great source of protein.

If you are maintaining a low-carb diet, chicken is the best food for you, especially chicken wings and thighs.

Carb in chicken is 0.

5. Pork, Including Smoked Meat (Usually Carb = 0)

Pork is one of the delicious meats, and bacon is one of the favorite foods of many people following a low-carb diet.

Bacon is a processed meat, so it is certainly not a "healthy" food. However, this dish is still acceptable if eaten with moderate amounts in low-carb diets.

You only need to try to buy bacon without artificial ingredients, and you should carefully read the labels before buying to avoid added bacon.

Carb in pork or bacon is zero

6. Dried Beef (Carb = 0)

Dried beef is beef that has been cut into small fibers and dried. As long as dried beef does not add sugar, or artificial ingredients, dried beef is a perfect low-carb snack.

However, keep in mind, there are many dried beef products in stores that are almost unhealthy, due to the many sugar and other ingredients. Therefore, to make sure the dried beef is good, it is best to make it at home.

Carb in beef is 0, if it's just meat and spices.

Other Low-Carb Meats

  • Turkey
  • Veal
  • Venison
  • Bison

Fish And Seafood

Fish and seafood always tend to be extremely nutritious and healthy

They are especially high in vitamin B12, iodine, and omega-3 fatty acids, and many other nutrients most people lack.

Like meat, all kinds of fish and seafood have no carb.

7. Salmon (Carb = 0)

Salmon is one of the most popular fish, selected by many health-conscious individuals for a few good reasons.

It contains a significant amount of omega-3 fats, which are very beneficial to the heart.

Salmon also contains vitamin B12, iodine and a significant amount of vitamin D3.

Carb in it is 0.

8. Flavored Fish (Carb = 0)

Like salmon, fry is a fatty fish that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and many other important nutrients.

Carb in fry is also 0.

9. Sardines (Carb = 0)

Sardines are oily fish that almost eat whole, including bones.

Sardines are one of the most dense nutrient foods on the planet, and contain most of the essential nutrients that the human body needs.

Carb in sardines is 0.

10. Shellfish (4-5% Carb)

Shellfish such as clam shellfish are rarely given to people's daily menu. However, this is one of the most nutritious foods in the world, comparable to the meat of nutritional density.

Shellfish tend to contain a small amount of carbohydrates.

100g contains 4-5 grams of carbs.

Other Low-Carb Seafoods and Fishes: Shrimp, sea bass, herring, tuna, cod, cat fish, pomfret


Most vegetables have low carb content. Green leafy vegetables and cruciferous vegetables have very low carb content, most of the carb content in it is fiber.

On the other hand, starches like potatoes and sweet potatoes have high carb content.

11. Broccoli (Carb = 7%)

Broccoli is a very delicious cruciferous vegetable that can be eaten both raw and cooked. In broccoli, it is very high in vitamin C, vitamin K and fiber, and also contains strong anti-cancer plant compounds.

100 grams of broccoli contains 6-7 grams of carb.

12. Tomato (Carb = 4%)

Tomato is a fruit, but is eaten as a vegetable. They have a lot of vitamin C and potassium.

100g of tomatoes has 4 grams of Carb, 1 big tomato has 7 grams of carb.

13. Onion (9%)

Onions are one of the most delicious foods on earth, have strong flavors, and are present in many recipes. They have a lot of fiber, antioxidants and various anti-inflammatory compounds.

100g onion has 9 grams of Carb

14. Bruxen Cabbage (Carb = 7%)

Brussels is a high-nutrient vegetable, a relative of broccoli and kale. It is rich in vitamin C and vitamin K, and many beneficial plant compounds.

100g of Brussels sprouts contains 7 grams of carbs.

15. Cauliflower Soup (Carb = 5%)

Cauliflower is a delicious vegetable, prepared into many different dishes. It is high in vitamin C, vitamin K and folate.

100g of cauliflower contains 5 grams of carb.

16. Kale Vegetables (Carb = 10%)

Kale vegetables are a very popular vegetable, chosen by many people. It is high in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K and carotene antioxidants.

Kale vegetables bring many health benefits.

100g kale contains 10 grams of carb.

17. Ca Mau (Carb = 6%)

Eggplant is a commonly used plant as a vegetable. It is high in fiber and has many interesting uses.

100 grams of eggplant contains 6 grams of carb.

18. Cucumber (Carb = 4%)

Cucumbers are a popular vegetable flavor. It consists mainly of water, and a small amount of vitamin K.

100g of cucumber has 4 grams of carb.

19. Bell Pepper (Carb = 6%)

Bell peppers are fruits with different flavors and are quite popular. It contains high levels of carotene, fiber, and vitamin C antioxidants.

100 grams of bell peppers contain 6 grams of carb.

20. West shoots (Carb = 2%)

Asparagus is a very delicious spring vegetable. It is rich in fiber, vitamin C, folate, vitamin K and carotene antioxidants. It is also very rich in protein compared to most vegetables.

100g of asparagus contains 2 grams of carb.

21. Bean Ve (Carb = 7%)

The beans are a type of bean, but it is used as a regular vegetable.

Comparing calories with calories, beans have very high levels of nutrients including fiber, protein, vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium and potassium.

100g of beans has 7 grams of carb.

22. Mushrooms (Carb = 3%)

Mushrooms are actually not a plant, but mushrooms are classified as vegetables. It contains significant amounts of potassium and some types of vitamin B.

100g of white mushrooms contains 3 grams of carb.

Other low-carb vegetables include: Celery, spinach, squash, radish, cabbage.

Except for some high-carbohydrate, high-carb vegetables, most other vegetables have low carb content.

You can eat lots of vegetables, but not so much.

Fruits And Berries

Although fruits are often thought to be healthy, they are contending when it comes to low-carb foods.

This controversy is because most fruits tend to have higher carb content than other vegetables.

Depending on the amount of carb you want to load, you should eat the right amount of fruit.

However, this does not apply to fruits such as avocado, olives, strawberries.

23. Butter (Carb = 8.5%)

Butter is a unique fruit. It has low carb content, and is rich in healthy fats.

Avocado is also rich in fiber and potassium, and an abundance of other nutrients.

100g of avocado contains 8.5 grams of carb.

The majority of carb (78%) in butter is fiber, so it contains mostly non-digestible carb "pure carb".

24. Olive (Carb = 6%)

Olive fruit is a delicious, high-fat fruit. It contains a lot of iron, copper and a significant amount of vitamin E.

100 grams of olives contain 6 grams of carb.

25. Strawberry (Carb = 8%)

Strawberry is one of the fruits with the lowest carb content of most other fruits. Strawberry is rich in vitamin C, manganese and various antioxidants.

100g strawberry contains 8 grams of carb.

26. Grapefruit (Carb = 11%)

Grapefruit is a citrus fruit, rich in antioxidants carotene and vitamin C.

100 grams (half a pomelo) has 11 grams of carb.

27. Dream (Carb = 11%)

Apricots are a very good fruit, very low in carb content, but contain lots of vitamin C and potassium.

100 grams of apricots have 11 grams of carb.

Other low-carb fruits: Lemon, kiwi fruit, orange, strawberry, raspberry.

Nuts And Seeds

Nuts and seeds are very popular in low-carb diets. They have very low carb content, but are very high in fat, fiber, protein and other nutrient micronutrients.

Nuts are often used as snacks, often added to salads and recipes.

Seeds and seeds (almonds, flax seeds) are also commonly used to make high-end bread and other baked foods.

28. Almonds (Carb = 22%)

Almonds are extremely delicious and crispy. Almonds are rich in fiber, vitamin E and one of the best sources of magnesium in the world, a mineral that most people lack.

In addition, it has been proved that almonds help promote effective weight loss.

100 grams of almonds contain 22 grams of carb.

29. Walnut (Carb = 14%)

Walnuts are a delicious nut, especially high in omega-3 fatty acids ALA, and contain many different nutrients.

100g of walnuts contains 14 grams of carb.

30. Peanuts (Carb = 16%)

Technically, peanuts are also a type of bean, but it tends to be consumed as a seed. Peanuts are rich in fiber, magnesium, vitamin E and many other vitamins and minerals.

100g of peanuts contains 16 grams of carb.

31. Chia seeds (Carb = 44%)

Chia seeds are one of the most popular health foods in the world. They contain many important nutrients, and can be used in many friendly low-carb recipes.

Chia seeds are rich in fiber, and are the richest fiber source on the planet.

100 grams of split seeds contain 44 grams of carb.

However, 86% of the carb content in chia seeds is fiber, so they actually contain very little pure carb that can be digested.

Other low-carb nuts and seeds: Hazelnut, macca nuts, cashews, coconut, pistachios, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.


If you can tolerate milk, then full-fat dairy products are excellent low-carb foods. You only need to read the label carefully, and avoid any extra sugars.

32. Cheese (Carb = 1.3%)

Cheese is one of the low-carb foods that can be used as a cooking ingredient in many delicious recipes. It is especially delicious when eaten with meat, like sandwiches.

Cheese is also very nutritious, contains many nutrients similar to a glass of milk.

100g of cheese contains 1.3 grams of carb.

33. Snowflake Cream Heavy Cream (Carb = 3%)

Heavy Cream snowflake cream has very little carb and protein, but lots of milk fat. Heavy Cream can be added to coffee or used in recipes.

Heavy Cream combined with fruit will be a great dessert dish.

100g Heavy Cream contains 3 grams of carb.

34. Full Fat Yogurt (Carb = 5%)

Full fat yogurt is especially healthy. It contains many of the same nutrients as whole milk, but in yogurt there are many beneficial probiotics.

100g carb contains 5 grams of carb.

35. Greek Yogurt (Carb = 4%)

Greek yogurt, also known as labneh, is denser than regular yogurt. It contains many beneficial nutrients, especially protein.

100g of yogurt yogurt contains 4 grams of carb.

Fat And Cooking Oil

There are lots of fats and healthy cooking oils that can be accepted with low carb content that you can add to your low-carb diet daily.

You just need to be sure to avoid refined oils like soybean oil, corn oil and some other oils. Because these oils are unhealthy, and are not recommended for consumption.

36. Butter (Carb = 0)

Butter has a high saturated fat content. You should choose butter from grass fed cows to have higher nutrient content.

Carb in butter is 0.

37. Pure Liu Olive Oil (Carb = 0)

Olive oil is a healthy fat on the planet. It is the main ingredient available in the Mediterranean diet, very beneficial to the heart.

It contains many powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, and has many impressive benefits for cardiovascular health.

Carb in olive oil is 0.

38. Coconut Oil 38 (Carb = 0)

Coconut oil is a very healthy fat, containing medium fatty acid chains, which have a powerful beneficial effect on metabolic health. Coconut oil has also been shown to reduce appetite, increase fat burning and help reduce belly fat effectively.

Carb in coconut oil state 0.

Other low-carb fats: Avocado oil, lard, beef fat,

Low-carb Drinks

Most non-sugar drinks are perfectly acceptable in low-carb diets.

However, you need to be sure to stay away from fruit juices because they have lots of sugar and starch.

39. Water

Water should be your regular daily drink, and it will not affect your daily diet.

Domestic carb is 0.

40. Coffee

Although it has been rejected in the past, coffee is really very healthy.

It is the largest source of antioxidants in the diet. Some studies show that coffee drinkers tend to live longer and have a lower risk of serious illness, including type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

You just need to be sure not to add anything unhealthy to coffee.

Black coffee is the best, but some types of whole milk or heavy cream are still better.

Carb in coffee is 0.

41. Tea

Tea, especially green tea has been researched and proven to have all impressive health benefits. It also supports promoting fat burning during weight loss.

Carb in tea is 0.

42. Soda Water / Carbonated Water

Carbonated water includes water and carbon dioxide. Carbonated water is acceptable if there is no sugar in it. To be sure, you should read the label carefully before deciding.

Carb in carbonated water is 0.

43. Dark Chocolate

This may surprise some people, but quality Dark Chocolate is really a perfect food with low carb content.

You only need to choose chocolate that contains 70-85% cocoa or higher, and doesn't contain much sugar.

Dark chocolate has many benefits, such as improving brain function, lowering blood pressure. Studies also show that people who eat dark chocolate have a lower risk of heart disease.

100 grams of dark chocolate contains 46 grams of carb. This amount of carb may also vary, depending on the quality of the chocolate.

25% carb in dark chocolate is fiber, so the total amount of carb must digest will be lower.

44. Herbs And Spices

There are many delicious herbs and spices you can eat. Most of them are very low-carb foods, but contain strong nutritional ingredients and help to enhance the flavor of the dish.

Some common spices include: salt, pepper, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, mustard and marjoram.

If you are using a low-carb diet, or are in the process of losing weight, this article will definitely help you.