6 Health Problems Can Happen Because Whole Wheat

Whole foods are very healthy, but not whole wheat

Recent studies have shown that even whole grain wheat can contribute to some health problems.

Here are 6 potential problems that whole wheat can cause.

1. Wheat contains a lot of gluten

Gluten is a protein mainly found in wheat and other grains such as rye, spelled wheat and barley.

The name glu The ten is derived from its glue.

This protein makes cake flour elastic and flexible. If you used to knead the dough, you'll understand what I'm saying.

Today there is a problem with consuming wheat that many people cannot digest the gluten found in this food.

The immune system "caught" gluten proteins in the gastrointestinal tract and thought it was intruders and would attack ... not only gluten, but also Digestive tract itself .

This is a sign of a serious disease affecting 1% of the world population .

However, there is evidence that people who are "susceptible" to gluten account for a much larger percentage. These people do not have severe celiac disease, but they will experience some symptoms when eating gluten .

Studies on people without celiac disease suggest that gluten can damage the intestinal lining and cause symptoms such as pain, anemia, bloating, irregular stool, fatigue .

There is also evidence that gluten can make the intestinal lining easier to penetrate, thus causing digestive substances to "partially leak" from the digestive tract into the blood .

Of course, not everyone Sensitive to wheat. Some people may also tolerate this food very normally.

Conclude: There is evidence that the number of people who can "be sensitive" to gluten accounts for a significant proportion. Sensitivity to gluten can cause many side effects.

2. Wheat makes a sudden increase in blood sugar

Most whole grain products have been ground into fine powder, making them tend to spike blood sugar levels

Refined cereal products such as white bread are rapidly digested by the body, leading to a sudden increase in blood sugar levels.

Next is the situation Sudden hypoglycemia Stimulate hunger and make you eat a lot of carb.

This phenomenon is often called "blood sugar glider."

However, whole grain products contain more fiber supposedly may cause blood sugar to rise more slowly.

The problem is that whole grains are not always whole-grain. Normally, they have been ground into fine powder, thus easier to digest, making blood sugar spike.

The glycemic index is a sign that the level of blood sugar increases. Bread made from wheat with an average blood sugar index of 71, equal to white bread .

Diets that include a lot of foods with high blood sugar can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer .

High blood sugar also causes complications when glucose reacts with proteins in the body. This condition is called glycation and this is part of the aging process .

Conclude: Most whole grain products have been ground into fine powder, making them tend to spike blood sugar levels and may cause future health problems.

3. Wheat contains substances that can "steal" nutrients from the body

Wheat contains a substance called phytic acid that can reduce the absorption of important minerals

Wheat is not too nutritious food compared to other foods like animals and vegetables.

This food contains substances that can "steal" nutrients from other foods.

  • In wheat there is a substance called Phytic acid It is possible to combine minerals such as calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium, making these substances unabsorbed. Whole wheat contains more phytic acid than refined wheat .
  • This type of food does not contain all essential amino acids in the right proportion, so it is not a good source of protein for humans .
  • In people who are susceptible to gluten, the digestive lining may be compromised, reducing the absorption of all nutrition .
  • One study found that wheat fiber can burn vitamin D stored in the body 30% faster, thereby increasing the risk of vitamin D deficiency ( 21 ).

Conclude: Wheat contains a substance called phytic acid that can reduce the absorption of important minerals. This food also causes the body to burn vitamin D more quickly, contributing to a lack of substance.

4. Consumption of wheat has been linked to some brain diseases

Gluten can cause ataxia, schizophrenia and other brain diseases

Studies show that wheat consumption is associated with serious brain disorders.

Gluten and cerebellar ataxia

Proof is a movement disorder caused by cerebellar lesions - a part of the brain that controls motor functions.

Absorption of gluten can cause or exacerbate a form of this disease called gluten ataxia that causes an autoimmune attack in the cerebellum.

Many studies have shown an association between gluten, sensitivity to gluten and cerebellar ataxia . A controlled trial also showed improvements in patients with this disease when following a gluten-free diet .

Gluten and schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder that affects 0.3-0.7% of the population at some point in life .

There are strong statistical associations between celiac disease, sensitivity to gluten and schizophrenia. Many people with schizophrenia have antibodies against blood gluten .

There was also a controlled trial and some cases showed that some patients with schizophrenia (not all) showed improvement in their condition when eating a gluten-free diet .

Other brain disorders

Other brain disorders that may be related to celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are autism and seizures .

These are just a few of the proven disorders of celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.

Of course, I do not claim that wheat or gluten cause These disorders, only some evidence suggests that gluten may be one causing illness in some patients.

This definitely needs to be studied more carefully, if eating wheat does not really benefit, I would personally choose a safe solution to avoid eating it.

Conclude: Susceptibility to gluten is associated with many brain disorders, such as schizophrenia, lack of cerebellum, autism and seizures.

5. Wheat can be addictive

Some people believe that wheat can be addictive.

This is definitely not possible prove But from observations we can also draw some conclusions.

When gluten protein decomposes in vitro, they form peptides that can stimulate opioid receptors. These peptides are called exorphin gluten .

Opioids are brain receptors stimulated by drugs such as heroin, morphine and endorphine - substances that are released naturally in activities like running.

In theory, after being absorbed into the body, gluten is broken down into opioid peptides, then into the bloodstream and eventually into the brain and addictive to wheat.

Exorphin gluten has been found in the blood of celiac patients. There is some animal evidence that gluten exorphin also has similar effects .

At this point, this conclusion remains just theory . There is no evidence that wheat is addictive.

Personally, I find this conclusion quite right. Because I used to eat wheat and often felt like craving this dish. Most foods that make me feel craving contain sugar and wheat.

Conclude: Highly digestible products that contain gluten can stimulate opioid receptors and contribute to addiction. However, this should be studied carefully before making any conclusions.

6. Whole grains increase the density of small LDL cholesterol particles

Eating lots of food from wheat can increase harmful cholesterol levels

High levels of "harmful" LDL cholesterol may increase the risk of heart disease.

However, studies show that LDL is not only one type. The size of LDL molecules also seems to be important.

People with a high density of small LDL particles (also called Form B) have a higher risk of heart disease.

The risk of disease among people with more LDL particles (Type A) is not as high ( 44 , ).

A randomized controlled trial divided 36 overweight people into two groups.

One group was able to eat whole-grain oats, while the other group ate whole-grain wheat. The study lasted 12 weeks and monitored important risk factors for heart disease .

The oat group has reduced total LDL, small LDL levels with high density as well as the number of LDL particles (also called - another important risk factor).

However, the wheat group had an 8% increase in LDL, a 14.2% increase in the number of LDL particles and a 60.4% increase in small LDL particles.

The total amount of cholesterol and triglyceride of oat group also increased, but not significantly.