7 Benefits Of The Health Of Drinking Water Based On Science

Drinking enough water is essential to creating a healthy life

60% of our bodies are water.

We are still advised should drink 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water a day (8 × 8 rule).

Although there is little scientific basis behind this characteristic rule, adequate water supply to the body is very important.

Here are 7 health benefits of drinking plenty of water based on evidence.

1. Water helps maximize physical activity

If the body does not have enough water, motor performance may be affected.

This is especially important in intense exercise.

Dehydration can cause obvious effects even if the water loss is only 2%. However, athletes often lose up to 6-10% by weight of water through sweat .

Dehydration can lead to changes in body temperature, decreased motivation, increased fatigue and made the feeling of movement more physically and mentally difficult .

Adequate water supply has been shown to prevent these symptoms from occurring, and may even reduce oxidative imbalance that occurs during intense exercise. This is not surprising if you know that 80% of muscle is water .

So if you do intense exercise and tend to sweat, providing enough water can help your achievement to be at the best.

Conclude: Losing 2% of water in the body can also significantly reduce physical activity.

2. Adequate water supply has a major effect on energy levels and brain function

The brain is strongly affected by the state of water in the body.

Studies show that Mild (1-3% of body weight) may also impair many aspects of brain function.

Drink enough water to stay awake

In a study of young women, losing 1.36% of fluid after exercise reduced both mood and concentration, as well as increasing the frequency of headache .

A similar study but on men, showed that losing 1.59% of fluid interferes with short-term memory and increases anxiety, fatigue .

1-3% reduction in fluid equivalent to 0.5-2 kg of body weight in a 68kg person. Dehydration can occur not only during exercise but also when you perform daily activities.

Studies on multiple subjects from children to elderly people show that mild dehydration can depress emotions, reduce memory and brain activity .

Conclude: Mild dehydration (loss of 1-3% of fluid) can be depressing, reducing energy, as well as significantly reducing memory and brain activity.

3. Drinking water can help prevent and treat headaches

Dehydration can cause headaches and migraines in some people .

Some studies have shown that water can reduce headaches in people who are dehydrated .

However, this depends on how you have a headache.

A study of 18 people showed that water did not affect the frequency, but reduced the intensity and duration of headache .

Conclude: Drinking water can sometimes help relieve headache symptoms, especially in people with dehydration.

4. Drinking plenty of water can help relieve constipation

Constipation is a common disease, with symptoms of irregular defecation and difficulty in pushing stool.

Increasing the amount of fluid put into the body is often considered a part of the treatment of constipation, and there is some evidence to show the benefits of water supply.

Drinking less water seems to be a factor in constipation in both young people and the elderly .

Although there is no reason yet, carbonated water has a positive result in reducing constipation .

Conclude: Drinking plenty of water can help prevent and relieve constipation, especially in people who often don't drink enough water.

5. Drinking water can help treat kidney disease

Urinary stones are mineral crystals that form in the urinary system, causing pain.

The most common form of urinary stones is kidney stones that are formed in the kidney.

There is little evidence that drinking water can help prevent recurrence in people who have had kidney stones .

The increased amount of fluid introduced into the body increases the amount of urine passing through the kidneys, dilutes the mineral concentration, and the minerals are less likely to crystallize and form stones.

Water can also help prevent the formation of stones from the beginning, but we need to do more research to confirm this.

Conclude: Drinking plenty of water will help reduce the risk of kidney stone formation, but we still need to do more research in this area.

6. Water helps prevent aftertaste after being drunk

Dizziness is unpleasant symptoms after drinking alcohol.

Wine is a type So it makes you lose more water than the water you absorb. This can lead to dehydration .

Although dehydration is not the cause main causes discomfort after being drunk, but it can cause symptoms such as thirst, fatigue, headache and dry mouth.

The best way to reduce discomfort drinking water alternating with alcohol and drinking at least one large glass of water before going to bed.

Conclude: The dizziness after being drunk occurs partly because of dehydration, and drinking water can help reduce some of the main symptoms of this condition.

7. Drinking plenty of water can help with weight loss

Drinking lots of water can help you weight loss .

This conclusion is based on the fact that water can increase satiety and speed up metabolism.

In two studies, it was shown that drinking half a liter of water increased 24-30% metabolism in 1.5 hours .

Inferred to drink 2 liters of water a day can increase the total amount of energy consumed up to 96 calories everyday.

It is also important to drink water. Drinking water before a half hour meal is the most effective. Drinking water at this time makes you feel full, so you'll eat less .

In another study, dieters lost 44% more weight when they drank half a liter of water before a 12-week meal .

Cold water has a better weight-loss effect, because after drinking cold water the body will use additional energy (calories) to heat the temperature of the water with body temperature.