7 best Protein powders

There are many different types of protein powders

Most health-conscious people know protein powders.

There are many types of protein powders and they are made from many different sources.

Too many such choices can make it hard to choose which ones yield the best results.

Therefore, this article lists 7 most popular protein powders for your reference.

A few suggestions for specific protein flour supplements are also given at the end.

What is Protein Powder?

Protein powders are sources of synthetic proteins from foods of animal or plant origin, such as milk, eggs, rice or beans.

There are three common types:

  • Whole protein: Produced by extracting complete proteins from food with heat and acid or enzymes. They usually contain about 60-80% protein, the rest are 20-30% calories from fat and carbohyrates (carb).
  • Separated protein: They go through another filter step to remove fat and carb, until protein synthesis. Separated protein powder contains about 90-95% protein.
  • Hydrolyzed protein : They are produced by heating acid or enzymes further, disrupting the link between amino acids. This allows the body to absorb the compound faster, and the muscle receives it more easily.

Hydrolysis products may increase insulin levels more than others, at least in the case of milk proteins. This can promote muscle gain when exercising exercise .

Some powders are also supplemented with vitamins and minerals, especially calcium .

It is important to note that not everyone benefits from taking supplements. If your diet is rich in good protein, it will be hard to tell the difference when using protein powder.

However, athletes and people who regularly do weight training may find that supplementing protein powder helps them increase muscle mass and lose weight.

Protein powders can also be beneficial for people who have difficulty meeting the body's protein needs only by food, such as illness, the elderly and some vegetarians or vegetarians.

The bottom line: Protein powder is derived from many sources and is available in some formulations. People use them to increase muscle mass, improve body shape and help meet the body's protein needs.

1. Whey Protein

Whey protein is one of the top good protein powders

Whey protein is derived from milk. The liquid is separated from curd during cheese making. Whey protein contains a lot of protein, but also contains lactose, a milk sugar that makes it difficult for many people to digest.

Whole whey protein still contains some lactose, but isolated whey protein contains very little because most lactose is lost during processing.

Whey is a fast-digested protein rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). Leucine, one of these BCAAs, plays an important role in promoting muscle growth and recovery after endurance and endurance exercise .

When amino acids are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream, they are used to synthesize muscle proteins (MPS), or create new muscles.

Studies show that whey protein can help build and maintain muscle mass, help athletes recover after heavy exercise and increase muscle strength when exercising intense .

In a study in adolescents, whey protein increased muscle protein synthesis by 31% compared to soy protein and 132% compared to casein protein after endurance exercise .

However, a recent 10-week study showed that postmenopausal women had a similar reaction to endurance exercise whether they took whey protein or placebo .

Other studies in normal, overweight and obese people show that whey protein can improve body shape by reducing fat and increasing lean mass .

Furthermore, whey protein seems to reduce appetite at least as well as other proteins .

A study for normal-weight men ate four different liquid protein meals on different days. Meals of whey protein have greatly reduced appetite and reduced the amount of calories collected in the next meal .

Some studies show that whey protein may also reduce inflammation. There is also evidence that it can improve heart health signs in overweight and obese people .

The bottom line: Whey protein is rapidly digested, providing fast amino acids that can increase muscle mass and strength. It can also reduce appetite and promote slimming.

2. Protein Casein

Casey protein is harder to absorb than whey protein

Like whey, casein is a protein in milk. However, casein is digested and absorbed more slowly.

Casein forms mucus when it interacts with stomach acid, slows gastric emptying and delays the absorption of amino acids into the bloodstream.

This results in a gradual, more sustainable absorption of muscle with amino acids, reducing the rate of muscle breakdown .

Based on the results of most studies, casein appears to be more effective than soy protein and wheat - but not as effective as whey protein - increasing muscle protein synthesis and strength .

However, one study showed that when calorie intake is limited, casein may be superior to whey in improving body shape during endurance exercise.

The study tracks overweight men who follow a diet that provides 80% of their calorie needs. Some use casein protein and others use whey protein.

Those who used casein protein had a double reduction in fat mass, increased lean mass and increased chest strength compared to whey protein group .

The bottom line: Casein is a slowly digested milk protein, which can reduce muscle protein breakdown and promote muscle growth, while reducing fat during calorie reduction.

3. Egg protein

Protein in eggs is very high quality

Famous eggs are an excellent source of high quality protein.

In all food, eggs have highest (PDCAAS).

This score is a measure of quality and easy way of digesting protein .

Eggs are also one of the best foods to reduce appetite and help you fill up for hours .

However, egg protein powder is usually made from egg whites rather than whole eggs. The quality of the protein is still great but the feeling of fullness is reduced when we remove the yolk.

Like all animal products, eggs are a complete source of protein. That means they provide nine essential amino acids that the body cannot create.

Moreover, egg protein is second only to whey protein as the highest leucine supply, BCAA plays the largest role in muscle health .

Unfortunately, egg white protein has not been studied as much as whey or casein.

One study found less ability to reduce appetite than casein protein or beans when consumed before meals .

In another case, female athletes drinking egg white protein achieved lean mass and muscle strength similar to carb supplement groups .

Egg protein may be a good option for those who are allergic to milk proteins to prefer animal protein supplements.

The bottom line: Egg whites protein contains high quality proteins that are easy to digest and absorb. Some studies have examined its impact on muscle mass, weight loss and appetite.

4. Bean protein

The protein in beans is suitable for vegetarians but still needs a lot of energy

Bean protein powder is quite new and is especially popular among vegetarians, vegans and people with allergies or sensitivity to milk or egg protein.

Made from yellow pea, fiber-rich beans contain a large amount of essential amino acids except methionine.

Pea protein is also particularly rich in branched-chain amino acids.

A study in rats showed that bean protein was absorbed more slowly than whey protein but faster than casein. The researchers also reported the ability to activate "prolific hormones" PYY, GLP-1 and CCK equivalent to milk proteins .

In a limited study of 161 men who performed endurance exercise for 12 weeks, the group that consumed 50 grams of soy protein daily had a similar increase in muscle thickness compared to a group of 50 grams of whey protein. everyday .

In addition, a study showed that humans and mice with high blood pressure had hypotension when taking soy protein supplements .

Although bean flour shows promise, more high quality research is still needed to confirm the results of these studies.

The bottom line: In limited studies done, bean protein has shown the ability to promote proliferation and muscle development as well as animal protein sources.

5. Hemp protein

Proteins in hemp have some strong sides as well as defects

Hemp protein powder is another plant-based functional food that is becoming increasingly popular.

Although hemp is related to cannabis, it has only a very small amount of nerve stimulating tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Hemp contains many omega-3 fatty acids and some essential amino acids. However, it is not considered a complete protein because it contains very low amino acids lysine and leucine.

There are very few studies on hemp proteins, but it seems to be a source of easily digestible plant proteins .

The bottom line: Hemp protein has a high content of omega-3 fatty acids and appears to be easily digested by the body, but contains less essential amino acids lysine and leucine.

6. Brown Rice Protein

Protein powder made from brown rice is quite famous, but is generally inferior to whey protein in muscle formation.

Rice protein contains all essential amino acids but is not considered a complete lysine protein too low.

There is not much research on rice protein powders, but a study compared the effect of rice protein powder and whey powder in healthy young men.

The 8-week study showed that taking 48 grams of rice protein or whey protein daily resulted in similar changes in physique, strength and muscle recovery .

However, many studies require determining whether brown rice protein has the same benefits as whey protein for a long time or for other groups.

The bottom line: Initial studies of brown rice protein powder have shown that there may be beneficial effects on body shape. However, the essential amino acid lysine is low.

7. Mixed vegetable protein

Some protein powders contain a variety of plant sources to provide complete protein with all essential amino acids.

Mixed vegetable protein powders often contain compounds of two or more of the following proteins:

  • Brown rice.
  • Green bean.
  • Hemp.
  • Alfalfa.
  • Particles.
  • Linseed.
  • Artichoke.
  • Quinoa seeds (quinoa).

Plant proteins tend to be digested more slowly than animal proteins, partly due to their high fiber content. This is not a problem for many people, but it can limit the amount of amino acids available for use right after exercising.

A recent small study provides teenagers with endurance training of 60 grams of whey protein, or a mixture of bean and rice protein, or a mixture of mung bean protein with additional enzymes to speed up digestion .

The addition of digestive enzymes to functional foods contains a mixture of plant proteins that make amino acids appear faster in the blood compared to whey proteins.

The bottom line: Some protein powders contain a mixture of plant proteins. The addition of enzymes to these plant protein mixtures has increased digestion and absorption of proteins.

Which protein powder is best?

Some functional foods made from protein powders

Although all protein powders provide synthetic protein, there are certain types that are more effective for specific goals.

For muscle gains

Research has consistently confirmed the ability of whey proteins to enhance muscle mass gain and support recovery. Whey is cheaper than whey, but contains less protein by weight.

Here are some suggestions for whey protein powder:

  • This whey protein supplement provides 24 grams of protein and 5.5 grams of BCAAs per serving.
  • This condensed milk protein provides 26 grams of protein and 6.3 grams of BCAAs for each serving.
  • Whey Whole and separated proteins provide 24 grams of protein and 5 grams of BCAAs per serving.

For Weight Loss

Casein protein, whey protein or a combination of these two substances may be the best protein supplements to promote proliferation and fat loss:

  • : This protein contains 25 grams of protein per serving.
  • : This protein casein provides 24 grams of protein per serving.
  • : The combination of whey protein and casein provides 20 grams of protein per serving.

For vegetarians and vegans

Here are some high quality protein powders that contain 100% single or mixed vegan vegetable protein:

  • : Mixtures of bean proteins, flaxseed, hemp and other ingredients provide 20 grams of protein per serving.
  • : Brown rice protein provides 16 grams of protein per serving.
  • : Mixtures of soy protein and brown rice protein along with vegan digestive enzymes provide 24 grams of protein per serving.

The bottom line: Choose protein powder based on health and fitness goals, diet and preferences.

The message needs attention

Protein powder can provide high quality protein in a concentrated and convenient form.

Not everyone needs protein-based dietary supplements, but they can benefit those who practice or have difficulty meeting their protein needs with food alone.

Read more about protein: