8 Health Benefits of Probiotic

Fermented foods contain many probiotics

Probiotics are living microorganisms that can be consumed through fermented foods or functional foods .

More and more research has shown that the balance or imbalance of bacteria in the digestive system can cause health and disease problems.

Probiotics enhance the balance of intestinal bacteria and involve many health benefits.

These benefits include weight loss, healthy digestive system, improved immune system function and many other benefits .

This is an overview of the main benefits of probiotics.

1. Probiotic helps balance bacteria and bacteria in the digestive system

Probiotic contains "good" bacteria living microorganisms may be healthy for eating .

These benefits are thought to be due to the probiotic's ability to restore the natural balance of intestinal bacteria .

An imbalance means there are too many harmful bacteria and not enough beneficial bacteria. This can happen due to illness, antibiotics, poor diet and many other causes.

The consequences may include digestive problems, allergies, mental health problems, obesity and many other diseases .

Probiotics are often found in fermented foods or used as functional foods. Moreover, they seem to be safe for most people.

Crux: Probiotic are living microorganisms. When absorbed in sufficient amounts, they can help maintain the natural balance of intestinal bacteria. As a result, there will be many health benefits.

2. Probiotic can help prevent and treat diarrhea

Probiotics can reduce the risk and severity of diarrhea due to many different causes

Probiotics are widely known for their ability to prevent diarrhea or to reduce its severity.

Diarrhea is a common side effect when taking antibiotics. It occurs because antibiotics can have a detrimental effect on the balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the intestine .

Several studies have shown that probiotic use is associated with a lower risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhea .

In one study, the researchers showed that eating probiotic foods reduced antibiotic-associated diarrhea by 42% .

Probiotics may also be beneficial for other forms of diarrhea unrelated to antibiotics.

A conclusion of 35 studies showed that some probiotic strains may reduce acute diarrhea time by an average of 25 hours .

Probiotic reduces the risk of diarrhea when traveling down to 8%. They also reduce the risk of diarrhea from other causes by 57% in children and 26% in adults .

The effect will vary depending on the type and dosage of the probiotic .

These strains like Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus casei and yeast Saccharomyces boulardii often involves reducing the risk of diarrhea .

Crux : Probiotic may reduce the risk and severity of diarrhea due to many different causes.

3. Probiotic supplements help improve mental health

Taking probiotic supplements reduces depression levels

More and more research on the relationship between intestinal health and mood and mental health .

Studies in both animals and humans have shown that probiotic supplements can improve many neurological disorders .

A conclusion of 15 human studies shows additional strains Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus within 1-2 months can improve anxiety, depression, autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and memory .

A study monitored 70 workers working in chemical plants for 6 weeks. They who consume 100 grams of yogurt containing probiotic daily or take probiotic capsules daily have overall health benefits as well as reduce depression, anxiety, and stress .

The benefits were also shown in a study in 40 patients with depression.

Taking probiotic supplements for 8 weeks reduced the level of depression and decreased levels of C-reactive protein (a substance that causes inflammation) and hormones such as insulin, compared to those who did not take probiotics .

Crux : Researchers point out that taking probiotics can help improve symptoms of mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, stress and memory among other effects.

4. Certain probiotic strains can help the heart to function healthy

Consumption of probiotics can lower blood pressure

Probiotics can cause heart health by reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol and blood pressure.

A bacterium that produces certain lactic acid can reduce cholesterol by decomposing bile in the intestine .

Honey, a natural liquid made from cholesterol, helps to digest well.

By decomposing bile, probiotics can prevent them from being reabsorbed in the intestine, where they can invade and blood like cholesterol .

One conclusion of 5 studies showed that eating yogurt containing probiotics for 2-8 weeks reduced total cholesterol to 4% and LDL cholesterol to 5% .

Another study that took place over 6 months showed no change in total cholesterol or LDL cholesterol. However, many researchers also found HDL (good) cholesterol with a slight increase .

Consumption of probiotics may also lower blood pressure. One conclusion of 9 studies showed that probiotic supplements reduced blood pressure but were only moderate .

In order to get any blood pressure-related benefits, the supplement must be more than 8 weeks and more than 10 million colony units (CFU) daily .

Crux: Probiotics can help protect the heart by lowering harmful LDL cholesterol and modifying blood pressure in moderation.

5. Probiotic can reduce the severity of some allergies and eczema

Certain probiotic strains may reduce the severity of eczema in children and babies.

One study showed that symptoms of improved eczema in newborns were fed probiotic milk, compared to infants fed with non-probiotic milk .

One study monitored children of women taking probiotics during pregnancy. These children have an 83% lower risk of eczema in the first 2 years of life .

However, the relationship between probiotics and the severity of eczema is still small and more research is needed .

Some probiotics may also reduce the inflammatory response in people who are allergic to milk and milk. However, the evidence is not yet valid and more research is needed .

Crux : Probiotic may reduce the risk and severity of certain allergies such as eczema in newborns. However, more research is needed.

6. Probiotic can help reduce symptoms of some digestive disorders

More than one million people in the United States suffer from intestinal inflammation, including ulcerative colitis and chronic Crohn's disease .

Certain types of probiotics come from strains Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus improve symptoms in people with mild ulcerative colitis .

Surprisingly, a study has shown that probiotic supplementation causes intestinal disease E. coli Nissle effective as medication that maintains remission in people with ulcerative colitis .

However, probiotics appear to be less effective for symptoms of Crohn's disease .

However, probiotics can be beneficial for other intestinal disorders. Initial research shows that they can help reduce symptoms of intestinal irritation syndrome (IBS) .

They are also known to reduce risk down 50%. This is a deadly intestinal disease in preterm infants .

Crux : Probiotic may help reduce symptoms of intestinal disorders such as ulcerative colitis, IBS and necrotizing enterocolitis.

7. Probiotic can help strengthen the immune system

Taking probiotics reduces the ability and duration of respiratory infections

Probiotics can help strengthen your immune system and inhibit the growth of harmful intestinal bacteria .

In addition, some probiotic types have been shown to promote the production of natural antibodies in the body. They may also increase immune cells such as IgA-producing cells, T lymphocytes and natural killer cells .

One conclusion found that taking probiotics reduced the ability and duration of respiratory infections. However, the quality of the evidence is low .

Another study of more than 570 children found that use Lactobacillus GG reduces the frequency and severity of respiratory infections by 17% .

The probiotic Lactobacillus crispatus It was also thought to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections (UTI) in women by 50% .

Crux: Probiotics can help boost the immune system and protect your body from infection.

8. Probiotic can help lose weight and belly fat

Probiotic can help with weight loss through many different mechanisms .

For example, some probiotics prevent the absorption of fat from intestinal food.

Fat is then excreted in the feces instead of stored in the body .

Probiotics can also help you feel fuller, burn more calories and have less fat accumulation. This is partly due to increased levels of certain hormones such as GLP-1 .

They can also help with weight loss directly. In one study, women who dieted consumed Lactobacillus rhamnosus in 3 months more than 50% more weight loss than those who do not eat probiotics .

Another study at 210 people showed consumption of even a small amount Lactobacillus gasseri in 12 weeks reduce 8.5% belly fat .

However, it is important to note that not all probiotics help with weight loss.

Surprisingly, some studies show some probiotics, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, may even lead to weight gain .

More research is needed to clarify the relationship between probiotics and weight .

Crux: Certain probiotics can help lose weight and reduce belly fat. However, other strains cause weight gain.

The best way to consume probiotics in a beneficial way

You can consume probiotic from Many food sources and various functional foods.

Live probiotic strains are often found in fermented dairy products such as yogurt and milk drinks. Fermented foods like pickled vegetables, tempeh, miso paste, kefir milk mushroom, kimchi, sauerkraut, soy products can also contain lots of lactic acid bacteria.

You can also absorb probiotics in capsules, tablets or powder containing bacteria in the dry form.

However, keep in mind that some probiotics can be destroyed by acid in the stomach before they reach the gut - meaning you don't get the desired benefits.

If you want to get any of the health benefits discussed above, it's important that you consume enough.

Most studies show the benefit of taking doses of 1 billion to 100 billion living organisms or colony (CFU) units every day.

Read more about probiotics: