8 signs and symptoms when you lack vitamin D

Vitamin D is an extremely important vitamin, strongly affecting some systems in the body .

Unlike most other vitamins, vitamin D functions like a hormone, and every cell in the body has a receptor for it.

When the skin is exposed to the sun, our bodies make vitamin D from cholesterol.

Vitamin D is found in certain foods such as fatty fish and dairy products that are fortified with nutrients, however, supplementing with vitamin D through diet alone is not enough.

The recommended daily intake of vitamin D is about 400-800 IU, but many experts recommend that you absorb more vitamin D than that.

Vitamin D deficiency is very common. An estimated 1 billion people worldwide have low blood levels of vitamins .

According to a 2011 study, 41.6% of adults in the US are deficient in this vitamin. This number reached 69.2% in Spain and 82.1% in African Americans .

These are common risk factors for vitamin D deficiency:

  • Has dark skin.
  • Are old people.
  • Being overweight or obese.
  • Do not eat a lot of fish or milk.
  • Live away from the equator, where there is little sunshine all year round.
  • Always use sunscreen when going out.
  • Indoor.

People who live near the equator and are often exposed to the sun are less likely to be deficient in vitamins because their skin produces enough vitamin D to meet the body's needs.

Most people do not realize that they are deficient in vitamin D, because symptoms are generally unclear. You can't easily see these symptoms, even if they're negatively affecting your quality of life.

Here are 8 signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

1. Frequently sick or infected

One of the most important roles of vitamin D is to keep your immune system strong enough to fight off viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

It directly interacts with cells that have anti-infection functions .

If you often get sick, especially colds or flu, low vitamin D levels can be one of the causes.

Some large observational studies have shown a link between vitamin D deficiency and respiratory infections such as colds, bronchitis and pneumonia .

Some studies show that taking vitamin D supplements at doses up to 4,000 IU per day can reduce the risk of respiratory infections .

In a study in people with chronic lung disorders taking high doses of vitamins throughout the year only has a significant effect on people who are severely deficient in vitamin D .

Summary: Vitamin D plays an important role in immune function. One of the most common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency is an increased risk of illness or infection.

2. Exhausted and tired

Vitamin D deficiency can cause fatigue

Vitamin D deficiency is one of the causes of fatigue.

Unfortunately, no one thought it was the cause of fatigue.

Many case studies have shown that low levels of vitamin D in the blood can cause fatigue, which seriously affects the quality of life .

In one case, a woman complained of chronic fatigue and daytime headache and found that her blood levels of vitamin D were only 5.9ng / ml. This concentration is very low, because only the vitamin D content in the blood below 20ng / ml has been considered to be deficient in vitamin D.

When this woman took a vitamin D supplement, her blood levels of vitamin D increased to 39 ng / ml and her symptoms also disappeared .

However, even if the level of vitamin D in the blood is not too low, it can negatively affect energy levels.

A large observational study looked at the relationship between vitamin D and fatigue in young women.

Research shows that women with blood levels of vitamin D below 20 ng / ml or between 21 and 29 ng / ml often feel more tired than those with higher blood levels of vitamin D 30 ng / ml .

Another observational study of female nurses has shown a strong link between low vitamin D levels and self-reported fatigue.

Furthermore, the researchers pointed out that 89% of nurses are deficient in vitamin D .

Summary: Fatigue and fatigue can be a sign that you are deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D supplementation can help you improve your energy levels.

3. Bone pain and back pain

Vitamin D is involved in maintaining bone health through a number of mechanisms.

One of these mechanisms is to improve absorption calcium of body.

Bone pain and lower back pain may be a sign of lack of vitamin D in the blood.

Large observational studies have found a relationship between vitamin D deficiency and chronic lower back pain .

One study looked at the link between blood levels of vitamin D and back pain in more than 9,000 older women.

Researchers found that people who lack vitamin D are more likely to have back pain, including severe back pain that limits their daily activities .

In a controlled study, people with vitamin D deficiency were twice as likely to suffer from leg pain, ribs or joints compared to those with normal blood levels of vitamin D .

Summary: Low blood levels of vitamin D may be the cause or one of the factors that causes bone pain and lower back pain.

4. Depression

Depression may also be a sign of vitamin D deficiency

In evaluation studies, researchers linked vitamin D deficiency to depression, especially in the elderly .

In one analysis, 65% of observational studies show a relationship between low blood levels of vitamin D and depression.

On the other hand, most controlled experiments, more scientific than observational studies, do not indicate any link between these two conditions .

However, researchers who directly participated in the study noted that the blood levels of vitamin D in subjects in this study were often very low.

In addition, they noted that some studies may not last long enough to see the effect of vitamin D supplementation on mood.

Some control studies have shown that vitamin D supplementation helps people who are deficient in vitamin D to improve depression, including seasonal depression that occurs in cold months .

Summary: Depression and vitamin D deficiency are related and some studies have shown that vitamin D supplementation will improve depression.

5. A long wound

A healthy wound after surgery or injury may be a sign that the amount of vitamin D in the blood is too low.

Results from an in vitro study suggest that vitamin D increases the amount of products of very important compounds, which help form new skin as part of wound healing .

A study of patients who underwent dental surgery found that vitamin D deficiency caused certain damage in some aspects of wound healing .

It is also said that the role of Vitamin D in controlling inflammation and fighting infection is very important when treating some wounds.

An analysis examines patients with diabetes and foot infections.

This analysis found that people with severe vitamin D deficiency were more likely to experience signs of infection, which could be dangerous in the healing process .

Unfortunately, at this time there is very little research on the effect of vitamin D supplementation on the ability of wound healing in people with vitamin D deficiency.

However, one study showed that when patients with leg ulcers lack vitamin D when treated with this vitamin, they on average reduced the size of the ulcer by 28% .

Summary: Vitamin D deficiency can cause post-operative wounds, trauma or long-term infection.

6. Loss of bone

Vitamin D plays a very important role in bone metabolism and calcium absorption.

Many older women, who are diagnosed with bone loss believe that they need to supplement calcium. However, they may also be deficient in vitamin D.

Low bone mineral density is a sign that bones are gradually losing calcium and other minerals. This increases the risk of fractures in older people, especially women.

In a large observational study of more than 1,100 menopausal women who were menopausal or premenopausal, the researchers found a strong association between low blood levels of vitamin D and bone mineral density. low .

However, a controlled study showed that women who had vitamin D deficiency when taking high doses of vitamin D did not increase bone mineral density, although their blood levels of vitamin D improved .

However, getting enough vitamin D and maintaining an optimal level of vitamin in the blood can be a good way to protect bones and reduce the risk of fractures.

Summary: Diagnosis of low bone mineral density may be a sign that your body lacks vitamin D. To maintain strong bones when you get older, you need to get enough vitamin D.

7. Hair loss

If you have a lot of hair loss, you should check if you have vitamin D deficiency

Common causes of hair loss are stress.

However, when your hair falls out too much, it could be due to your illness or malnutrition.

Hair loss in women is associated with a lack of vitamin D, although, so far, very little research has been done on this issue .

is an autoimmune disease that manifests itself as hair and hair falling into plaques. It is related to rickets, a soft bone disease in children with vitamin D deficiency .

Low levels of vitamin D in the blood are associated with regional hair loss and can be a disease development factor .

A study of regional alopecia found low blood levels of vitamin D tend to be associated with excessive hair loss .

In a practical example, local applications of a multivitamin have successfully treated hair loss for a child with a vitamin D receptor defect .

Summary: Alopecia (female pattern baldness or alopecia alopecia) may be a sign of vitamin D deficiency.

8. Muscle pain

The cause of muscle pain is often difficult to identify.

There is some evidence that vitamin D deficiency may be a potential cause of muscle pain in children and adults .

In one study, 71% of people with chronic muscle pain were vitamin D deficient .

Vitamin D receptors exist in nerve cells called pain receptors, because they sense pain.

A study in rats showed that vitamin D deficiency causes pain and sensitivity due to stimulation of pain receptors in muscles .

Several studies show that high doses of vitamin D supplements can reduce the types of pain in people who are deficient in vitamin D .

One study of 120 children with vitamin D deficiency and prolonged pain showed that only one vitamin had an average reduction of 57% of pain levels .

Summary: Chronic pain and low blood levels of vitamin D are related, possibly due to the interaction between vitamin D and pain sensor neurons.

Adjusting vitamin D deficiency is very simple

Vitamin D deficiency is extremely common and most people don't care about it.

That's because the symptoms are often unrecognizable and not specific, meaning it is difficult to know whether the symptoms are caused by a lack of vitamin D.

If you think you have vitamin D deficiency, you should go to your doctor and measure the amount of vitamin D in your blood, which is very important.

Fortunately, vitamin D deficiency is often easily overcome. You can sunbathe more, eat more vitamin D-rich foods or simply take vitamin D supplements.

Fixing vitamin D deficiency is simple, easy and beneficial for your health.

Read more about vitamin D: How much Vitamin D is enough for optimal health?