9 Types of Healthy Foods Rich in Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a very special substance, because it can be supplied from food and sunshine.

Eating eggs can supplement vitamin D

However, up to 50% of the world's population cannot receive enough sunlight, and 40% of the US population suffers from vitamin D deficiency .

Some of the reasons for this condition are that we spend too much time indoors, applying sunscreen and eating Western diets low in vitamin D.

Recommended daily intake of vitamin D (RDI) is 400 IU from food, but many health organizations recommend using 600 IU .

If you do not receive enough sunlight, the amount of vitamin D you have to supplement may be up to 1,000 IU per day .

Here are 9 healthy foods rich in vitamin D.

1. Salmon

Salmon is a popular fatty fish and also a great source of vitamin D.

According to the nutrition database, 100 grams of salmon contain about 361 to 685 IU vitamin D .

Quality of salmon farming and nature are often not clearly defined, but these two types are very different

Excellent source of vitamin D in natural salmon

One study showed that for every 100 grams of natural salmon can contain an average of 988 IU of vitamin D equivalent to 247% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin D (RDI) .

Other studies have found that in 100 grams of natural salmon, vitamin D levels are even higher up to 1300 IU .

Meanwhile, the amount of vitamin D in farmed salmon is on average ¼, equivalent to about 250 IU of vitamin D / 100 grams and 63% of RDI .

Conclude: In 100 grams of natural salmon contains about 988 IU of vitamin D, while farmed salmon has only 250 IU.

2. Herring and sardines

Herring can eat raw

Herring is a popular fish worldwide. It can be prepared to eat raw, canned, smoked or salted.

It is also one of the best sources of vitamin D.

100 grams of fresh Atlantic herring provides 1,628 IU of vitamin D, four times the daily recommended amount of vitamin D .

If you don't like fresh fish, salted herring is also a good source of vitamin D providing 680 IU / 100 grams, equivalent to 170% of RDI.

However, in salt herring also contains a high amount of sodium, which some people consume too much .

Sardines, together with herring, are also a good source of vitamin D. 100 grams of sardines contain 272 IU of vitamin D, equivalent to 68% of RDI .

There are several other types of fatty fish rich in vitamin D, such as: fish with halibut that provide 600 IU / 100 grams, mackerel provides 360 IU / 100 grams .

Conclude: In 100 grams of herring contains 1628 IU of vitamin D. In addition to herring and sardines, other fatty fish such as halibut and mackerel are also good sources of vitamin D.

3. Fish liver oil

Cod liver oil is a well-known supplement. If you don't like fish, using cod liver oil can be a good way to supplement certain nutrients that are hard to get from other sources.

In each teaspoon (4.9 ml) of fish liver oil contains 450 IU of vitamin D. Children are often given fish liver oil for many years to treat substance deficiency .

Fish liver oil also contains a lot of vitamin A, with 90% of RDI in one teaspoon (4.9 ml). However, with large amounts, vitamin A can become toxic.

Therefore, it is best to use fish liver oil very carefully and do not drink too much.

Fish liver oil also contains a lot omega-3 fatty acids - this is the substance that many people still do not provide enough for the body.

Conclude: Each teaspoon of fish liver oil (4.9 ml) contains 450 IU of vitamin D. This supplement also contains many other nutrients such as vitamin A.

4. Canned tuna

Canned tuna is easy to store

Many people like canned tuna because of its mild taste and can be stored for a long time in the kitchen.

Canned tuna is also usually cheaper than fresh fish.

In 100 grams of canned tuna containing up to 236 IU of vitamin D, equivalent to half of the recommended daily intake.

It is also a good source of niacin and vitamin K .

But canned tuna is often related a toxin found in many types of fish. If this substance builds up in the body, it can cause serious health problems .

However, some types of fish are less risky than others. The "light tuna" tuna is usually a better choice than white tuna, and eating 6 oz of light tuna per week is still considered safe .

Conclude: 100 grams of canned tuna containing 236 IU of vitamin D. To prevent the accumulation of methylmercury, choose to eat light tuna with 6 oz or less per week.

5. Oysters

Oysters are a type of clam that lives in saltwater. They have great taste, little calories and contains many nutrients.

100 grams of natural oysters contain only 68 calories, but contain 320 IU of vitamin D, equivalent to 80% of RDI .

In addition, 100 grams of oysters contain 2 to 6 times the amount of vitamin B12, copper and zinc, the amount recommended in all multivitamins.

Conclude: Oysters contain a lot of nutrients and provide 320 IU of vitamin D. In addition, oysters contain more vitamin B12, copper and zinc than the amounts found in multivitamins.

6. Shrimp

Shrimp contains less fat

Shrimp is a common type of shellfish.

However, unlike most other sources of vitamin D from seafood, shrimp have very little fat.

However, shrimp still contain a high amount of vitamin D - 152 IU / 100 grams, equivalent to 38% of RDI .

They also contain omega-3 fatty acids, but in much lower amounts than other vitamin D-rich foods.

In 100 grams of shrimp, there is also a significant amount of cholesterol about 152 mg. However, this amount of cholesterol is not worrisome.

Many recent studies have shown that daily dietary cholesterol levels have no major effect on blood cholesterol levels.

Even the "2015 Dietary Guidelines" has removed the upper limit on cholesterol intake, and thinks that eating a lot of cholesterol does not harm .

Conclude: 100 grams of shrimp contain 152 IU of vitamin D. This food also contains very little fat. They contain cholesterol, but not worrying.

7. Egg yolk

Eggs contain lots of vitamin D and many other nutrients

Fortunately for those who do not like fish and seafood because this is not the only source of vitamin D. Egg Also contains lots of vitamin D and many other nutrients.

While most of the protein in eggs is concentrated in white, fat, vitamins and minerals are concentrated mainly in the yolk.

A normal egg yolk contains only 18 to 39 IU of vitamin D .

However, chickens raised free outdoors will produce three to four times more vitamin D .

In addition, the egg yolk of chickens fed with vitamin D rich foods can contain an amazing amount of vitamin D up to 6,000 IU per fruit .

Eggs of 2 types of chickens that are raised and chickens fed with vitamin D-rich foods are excellent choices to meet your daily vitamin D needs.

Conclude: The yolk of industrial chicken eggs contains only about 30 IU of vitamin D. However, the eggs of the type of chickens released outdoors and those fed with vitamin D-rich foods contain much higher levels.

8. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are the only plant that provides vitamin D

In addition to foods fortified with vitamin D, mushrooms are the only plants that provide this substance.

Similar to humans, fungi can synthesize vitamin D when exposed to UV rays .

But fungi synthesize vitamin D2, and animals produce vitamin D3.

Although vitamin D2 may help increase blood levels of vitamin D, it may not be as effective as vitamin D3 .

However, natural mushrooms are still a great source of vitamin D2. In fact, some fungi can contain up to 2,300 IU / 100 grams .

On the other hand, commercially grown mushrooms are usually grown in the dark and contain very little vitamin D2.

However, there are also a number of mushroom brands that have been exposed to UV light during the growing process. These fungi can contain from 130-450 IU of vitamin D2 / 100 grams .

Conclude: Mushrooms can synthesize vitamin D2 by exposure to UV rays. Only natural mushrooms or mushrooms treated with UV rays contain vitamin D.

9. Foods fortified with vitamin D

Breakfast cereal

Natural sources of vitamin D are relatively small, especially for vegetarians or people who don't like fish.

But fortunately vitamin D has been added to some foods that do not contain this substance.

Dairy cows

Cow's milk is a good source of nutrients including calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin .

In some countries, vitamin D is added to cow's milk. A glass of cow's milk (237 ml) usually contains about 130 IU, equivalent to 33% of RDI .


Because vitamin D is mostly found in animal products, vegetarians and vegans have a very high risk of vitamin D deficiency .

That's why vitamin D and other nutrients in cow's milk are often added to plant-based dairy products such as soy milk.

A glass of soy milk (237 ml) usually contains about 99-119 IU of vitamin D, equivalent to 30% of RDI .

Orange juice

About 75% of the world's population is lactose intolerant, and 2-3% of the population is allergic to milk .

For this reason, some countries have added vitamin D and other nutrients such as calcium to orange juice .

A glass of orange juice added (237 ml) can start your day with 142 IU of vitamin D, equivalent to 36% of RDI .

Cereals and oatmeal

Some instant oatmeal and cereal are also supplemented with vitamin D.

½ cup or oat cup can provide between 55 and 154 IU, equivalent to 39% of RDI .

Although the amount of vitamin D supplemented with cereals and oatmeal is much less than natural sources, this food can still be a good way to increase the amount of vitamin D absorbed into the body.

Conclude: Vitamin D is added to a number of foods such as cow's milk, soy milk, orange juice, cereals and oatmeal. Each serving of these foods contains 55 to 130 IU of vitamin D.

Things to remember

Taking the time for outdoor activities is the best way to provide your body with the daily amount of vitamin D needed. However, many people cannot accept it Enough vitamin D from the sun.

Although it is difficult to provide adequate amounts of vitamin D every day through diet alone, it is not impossible.

The above foods are one of the leading sources of vitamin D.

To ensure your body is getting enough vitamin D, eat lots of foods mentioned in this article.