All we need to know about Taurine

Taurine is called "strange molecule" by some researchers.

Taurine is an amino acid.

It is found in many foods and is often found in energy drinks.

Many people consider taurine as a functional food, and some researchers consider it a "strange molecule" .

Taurine has been shown to have a number of health benefits, such as reducing the risk of disease and improving athletic performance .

It is also very safe and is recognized as having no side effects when taken at reasonable doses.

So what is taurine?

Taurine is a type of amino acid found in the human body. This amino acid is usually concentrated in the brain, heart and muscles .

Unlike most other amino acids, taurine does not provide protein for the body. It is listed as "essential" amino acid.

Your body can produce taurine itself, and it is also found in some foods. However, some people may benefit from taurine supplementation .

People with certain cardiovascular diseases or diabetes may also improve their health by adding taurine to the body .

Although there are many rumors, this amino acid is not extracted from cow urine or cow's urine. This name is derived from a Latin word "Taurus", meaning bull, so it can be misleading.

Crux : Taurine is classified as "essential" amino acid. It serves many important functions in the body.

Taurine supply

Taurine is also available in functional foods

The main source of taurine is animal-based foods such as meat and fish, dairy products .

Although some vegetarian foods provide taurin in smaller amounts, they certainly do not provide sufficient amounts to optimize all body activities .

Taurine is also commonly found in soda and energy drinks, which can provide between 600-1000mg in an 8 ounce serving. However, it is not recommended to drink soda or energy drinks because they contain other harmful ingredients .

The types of taurine used in functional foods and energy drinks (like Red Bull) are often produced synthetically and are not of animal origin. Therefore this type of taurine is suitable for vegetarians.

An average diet will provide about 40-400 mg of taurine per day, but studies have used functional foods up to 400-6000 mg daily .

Crux: The main food sources that provide taurine are animal-based foods such as meat, fish and milk. Smaller amounts are found in some plant products. It is also added to many energy drinks.

The main role of Taurine with the body

Taurine is found in some parts of the body and its benefits are well known.

Its main role includes:

  • Maintain electrolyte balance in the cell .
  • Bile salts, which play an important role in digestion .
  • Adjust minerals like calcium in the cell .
  • Support general function of central nervous system and eyes .
  • Balancing immune system health and antioxidant function .

Because this is an "essential" amino acid, a healthy individual can produce the minimum amount necessary for daily important functions.

However, there are a few rare cases that require larger amounts of Taurine, turning them into "essential" nutrients for some people. That includes people with heart failure or kidney failure, or premature babies who have been fed intravenously for a long time .

In people who lack taurine during development, there are often severe symptoms such as impaired brain function and reduced blood sugar .

Crux : Taurine plays many important roles in the human body. Although quite rare, lack of taurine also leads to serious health problems.

Taurine may benefit people with diabetes

Taurine may help control blood sugar levels and be beneficial for people with diabetes.

The chart below shows that taurine supplementation for a long time reduces blood sugar in diabetic experimental mice without changing diet or exercise .

Taurine increases blood sugar in mice

Controlling blood sugar is important for good health, because high blood sugar is the main factor leading to type 2 diabetes and many other chronic diseases .

Some studies show that increasing the amount of taurine absorbed into the body can help prevent type 2 diabetes by reducing blood sugar and insulin resistance .

Interestingly, taurine levels tend to be lower in diabetic patients than healthy people, another study suggests that it may be the factor that causes this disease .

Crux: Taurine may benefit diabetics. It can reduce blood sugar and minimize harmful factors that cause cardiovascular diseases.

Taurine may improve cardiovascular health

Taurine may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Research has shown that high taurine levels can significantly reduce mortality due to heart disease, as well as lower cholesterol and blood pressure .

Taurine can help lower blood pressure by reducing resistance to blood flow in blood vessel walls. It can also reduce nerve impulses in the brain to raise blood pressure .

In one study, 2 weeks of taurine supplementation in patients with type 1 diabetes significantly reduced arteriosclerosis. This makes the heart beat easier to pump blood throughout the body .

In a group of overweight people, supplementing 3 grams of taurine daily for 7 weeks reduces body weight and improves the risk of heart disease .

In addition, taurine supplement helps reduce inflammation and reduce arterial thickening. When combined, the factors mentioned above can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease .

Crux : Taurine may reduce the risk of heart disease by improving some key risk factors like cholesterol and blood pressure.

The role of Taurine with fitness activities

Taurine may also be beneficial for movement.

Research indicates that it can:

  • Makes muscles work more and more supple in animals .
  • Increased muscle activity to create animal forces .
  • Eliminating lead waste causing fatigue and causing "muscle burning" in humans .
  • Protects muscles from human injury and oxidative pressure in humans .
  • Increasing fat burning during exercise in humans .
  • In mice, it reduces fatigue and muscle damage during exercise .

In human studies, well-trained athletes supplemented with taurine have improved performance. Bicyclists and joggers can go further and less tired .

Another study added a role to reduce muscle damage of taurine. People who suffer from muscle damage in daily exercise find that it helps to significantly reduce injury and muscle pain .

In addition to the benefits of exercising, it can help lose weight by burning more fat during exercise. In cyclists, adding 1.66 gram of taurine increases fat burning by 16% .

Crux: Taurine is very important to muscles and can be helpful when you are active, including reducing fatigue, increasing the amount of fat burned during exercise and reducing muscle damage.

Other benefits of Taurine

Taurine improves vision

Taurine has many health benefits.

It can improve many body functions such as vision, hearing .

In a human study, 12% of participants who received taurine removed the tinnitus symptoms completely, symptoms related to hearing loss .

Large amounts of Taurine are also found in the eyes. Studies show that eye problems can occur when taurine levels begin to decrease. This increased concentration is thought to increase eye capacity and health .

Because taurine plays an important role in controlling muscle contraction, animal studies have shown that it can reduce seizures and help treat diseases such as epilepsy .

It works by binding to receptors of the brain, has a key role in controlling and maintaining the central nervous system .

Finally, it can protect liver cells from free radicals and toxic damage. In one study, absorption of 2 grams of taurine 3 times a day reduced signs of liver damage and reduced oxidative pressure .

However, more research is needed on most of these benefits.

Crux : Taurine has many potential benefits for health, from reducing seizures to improving vision.

Side effects of taurine and safety concerns

According to reliable evidence, taurine has no negative side effects when used with the recommended dosage .

While there are no direct problems from taurine-containing functional foods, the deaths of athletes in Europe are related to drinks containing taurine and caffeine. This has led many countries to ban or limit the sale of taurine .

However, the death of these athletes may also be due to their use of large doses of caffeine or some other substance.

Like most other amino acid supplements, problems can occur in people with kidney problems .

Crux : When a healthy person consumes taurine at a reasonable dose, taurine does not have any negative side effects as mentioned above.

Reasonable ways to add Taurine

The most common dose of taurine is 500-2,000 mg daily.

With a dose of over 2,000 mg taurine, the user remains harmless but the upper limit of toxins in the body will be much higher.

Research on the safety of taurine has shown that at doses up to 3,000 mg per day throughout life, the health of a normal person is still not in danger .

Although some studies may use higher doses in a short time, 3,000 mg daily will help you maximize the benefits of taurine in a safe range .

The simplest and most effective method to achieve this is to take a taurine powder or tablet supplement, which can cost as little as $ 6 for 50 doses.

Although you can absorb taurine naturally from meat, fish and milk, most people will not absorb the full dose as in the above studies .

Crux : Supplements of 500 - 3,000 mg of taurine daily are believed to be healthy and economical and safe.

Message for you

Now you know why some researchers call taurine a "strange molecule".

There are very few functional foods that can provide many health benefits and for the campaign for $ 10 within 2 months.

If you want to improve your health or optimize exercise performance, the amino acid taurine can be both effective and safe for your problem of taurine supplementation.