Aspartame Chemistry Good Or Bad?

Aspartame is currently very popular

Aspartame is one of the most controversial sweeteners in the world. It is thought to cause health problems, from headaches to cancer.

On the other hand, food safety agencies and other mainstream sources claim that this additive is safe.

This article gives an objective view of aspartame chemotherapy and its health effects, considering both sides of the debate.

What is chemical sugar?

Saccharine is an artificial sweetener, usually abbreviated by code E951.

Originally sold under the NutraSweet brand, aspartame was approved for use in food products in the 1980s.

As a sugar substitute, aspartame chemotherapy stimulates taste on the tongue like sugar.

This sweetener is used in many foods, drinks, desserts, sweets, breakfast cereals, chewing gum and weight control products. It is also used as a top sweetener.

This image shows the chemical structure of aspartame:

(Photos from )

Aspartame is actually dipeptide, a small protein made of two amino acids, phenylalanine and aspartic acid. To make it taste sweet, a hydrocarbon has been attached to phenylalanine.

Crux : The sugar aspartame is an artificial sweetener, originally advertised under the name NutraSweet. It replaces sugar in a variety of foods and is also used as a top sweetener.

What happens to aspartame chemotherapy in the digestive system?

After entering the stomach, aspartame is no longer the same as the first

After we consume the chemical sugar, none of it actually penetrates into the blood.

In the stomach, digestive enzymes break it into:

  • (an amino acid).
  • (an amino acid).
  • (an alcohol molecule).

Any health effects that occur from chemical sugar consumption are due to these compounds being absorbed into the bloodstream.

Here are details of the three decomposition products of the sugar.


Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid that we must get from the diet.

Eating foods with high levels of phenylalanine does not cause side effects in healthy people. In fact, it is a natural protein found in fruits and vegetables.

The richest source of phenylalanine is High protein foods like meat, fish, dairy products, egg , d Oysters and nuts .

Sugar is a small source of phenylalanine compared to the amount we absorb from other foods, so this is not a cause of concern.

However, phenylalanine may reach toxic levels in people with genetic disorders called (PKU).

People with PKU should avoid foods that contain a lot of phenylalanine, especially during childhood and adolescence .

Crux : Sugar is a source of phenylalanine, an essential amino acid. Phenylalanine has no harmful effects in healthy people, but should be avoided for people with genetic disorders called phenylketonuria (PKU).

Aspartic acid

Like phenylalanine, aspartic acid is a natural amino acid.

This is one of the most common amino acids in human diet. Our bodies can also produce them themselves.

Aspart of the protein, aspartic acid is found in most foods. Food sources rich in aspartic acid include fish, eggs, meat and soy protein.

Eating foods containing aspartic acid has no adverse health effects.

Compared to other food sources, chemical sugar is a very small source of aspartic acid.

Crux: Chemotherapy is a small source of aspartic acid, a natural amino acid found in protein-containing foods.


is a poison related to ethanol in alcoholic beverages.

Methanol only causes health problems when consumed in large quantities. This can happen when improperly mixing drinks, or drinking homemade alcoholic drinks.

The main sources of methanol are fruits, juices, vegetables, the coffee and alcoholic beverages .

Methanol produced during the digestive process is only a small part of the total amount of food. For this reason, methanol from chemical sugar is not a health threat .

Crux : When the sugar is digested, the amount of methanol formed is very low. Sugar is just a small source of methanol in the diet, so it is not considered a health problem.

Is chemical sugar harmful?

Chemical sugar is controversial.

No scientific research has proven that aspartame is harmful

Thousands of websites claim that this additive is extremely harmful. The chemical pathway is the cause of hundreds of health problems, from cancer to headache.

However, most of these have not been confirmed by science .

Below is a review of scientific evidence after the most popular statements.

Statement: Chemical sugar causes cancer

A number of remarkable animal studies from the European Ramazzini Foundation have shown that chemical sugars can cause cancer .

However, other scientists have criticized these studies for using poor methods and have nothing to do with people .

An observational study on humans found a weak connection between certain types of cancer and chemotherapy, but only in men .

Other observational studies found no association between intake of aspartame and brain cancer or leukemia .

In addition, scientific studies have concluded that there is no evidence that the sugar in human diet causes cancer .

Crux : Some studies have investigated the relationship between sugar consumption and cancer. In general, there is no definitive evidence that chemotherapy increases the risk of cancer in humans.

Statement: Sugar is the cause of weight gain

As sweeteners that are low in calories, chemical sugars are often consumed by those who want to taste the sweetness but need to limit the amount of sugar consumed.

Although it is clear that chemical sugar does not cause weight gain but its benefits for work weight loss very questionable.

However, most studies suggest that sugar replacement with aspartame may be helpful in preventing future weight gain .

Crux : Consuming food and beverages with sugar is not an effective weight loss method. However, the use of chemical sugars may help prevent future weight gain.

Statement: Chemical pathways affect mental function

Aspartame has not been confirmed to be harmful to mental function

A scientific study suggests that sugar can lead to many mental problems .

However, this review was heavily criticized for inaccurate information, baseless speculation and low quality references .

In adults, studies show that chemical sugar has no effect on behavior, mood or mental function .

Studies in children have shown similar results .

Only one study reported possible side effects from the consumption of sugar. Patients with depression have more severe symptoms when they are given aspartame tablets .

Crux : Chemical sugars do not seem to have detrimental effects on behavior, mood or mental activity. One study showed its side effects in depressed patients, but the evidence is not convincing enough.

Statement: Chemical pathways cause seizures

Several small studies have examined the effects of seizures on seizures. Most of them could not find a link .

A small study in children with conclude that the chemical pathway increases brain activity associated with epilepsy .

Crux : There is no conclusive evidence that chemotherapy causes seizures. Another study showed an increased risk of children with underlying seizures.

Declare: Chemotherapy causes headaches

Some studies have investigated the effects of aspartame on headaches.

Most of them did not find a link .

One study found that chemotherapy significantly increased the number of people with frequent headaches, but did not show how long the headache or how severe they were.

However, there are differences between individuals making the results unreliable .

Another study showed a link between the chemical route and the frequency of headache. No differences in severity or duration of headaches have been reported .

Crux: There is little evidence that chemotherapy can increase the frequency of headaches. More research is needed to prove this problem.

Message for you

Chemically is one of the most studied additives in the world, and most studies conclude that it is safe.

Almost every study found no side effects when using it. Some of these studies involve those who actually find themselves susceptible to chemical sugars (41).

After reviewing all, there is no solid evidence to confirm that chemical sugar is harmful.

However, some rare cases of sensitivity or actual allergic reactions to chemotherapy cannot be ruled out.

If you feel that your body has an adverse reaction when using a chemical route, avoid using it.