Because of Star Butter Made From Cow's Milk Eating Healthy Grass

Foods that are high in saturated fat like milk have long been misunderstood

Heart disease began to appear around 1920-1930 and is now the leading cause of death in the world.

In the process of searching for the cause, nutrition experts have suggested that foods like butter, meat and eggs are something to blame.

According to them, these foods cause heart disease because they are high in saturated fat and cholesterol.

But we have eaten butter for thousands of years, long before heart disease became a health problem.

Blaming new health problems for long-term foods is meaningless.

When consumption of traditional fatty foods such as butter decreases, diseases such as heart disease, obesity and type II diabetes increase.

The truth is, natural foods like butter have no effect on heart disease.

Saturated fat itself is not as bad as people think

Saturated fat can actually improve blood lipid content

The reason people think bad milk is because it contains a lot saturated fat.

In fact, very large amounts of milk fat are saturated, while most other animal fats (such as lard) also exist in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated forms.

Therefore, dairy, almost exclusively from milk fat, very rich saturated fat, about 63% of the fatty acids found in dairy are saturated .

However, it is not something that people really care about. All rumors about saturated fat, cholesterol and heart disease have been completely exposed .

In fact, saturated fat is actually possible improve blood lipid composition:

  • They raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels, which lower the risk of heart disease .
  • Change LDL from small, dense (bad) to large LDL - benign LDL type and does not cause heart disease .

Therefore, saturated fat is not a good reason to avoid dairy. It is completely benign and is a healthy source of energy for the human body.

Conclude: Rumors of saturated fat causing heart disease have been completely exposed. Studies show that there is no relationship between these two factors.

Butter milk made from grass-fed cow's milk contains a lot of vitamin-K2, we often lack calcium reducing agent in this artery

Most people have never heard of vitamin K, but it is one of the most important nutrients to optimize heart health.

This vitamin exists in many forms. We have K1 (phylloquinone), found in plant foods like green leafy vegetables. Then we have vitamin k2 (menaquinone), found in animal foods.

Although the two forms have a similar structure, they create different effects on the body. While K1 plays an important role in blood clotting, vitamin K2 helps keep calcium from clinging to arteries .

Vitamin K2 in dairy reduces significantly the risk of osteoporosis and heart disease

The high-fat dairy products of grass-fed cows are the best sources of vitamin K2 in the diet. Other sources include egg yolks, foie gras and natto - a dish made from soy bean ferment .

works by changing proteins, making these proteins more likely to bind to calcium ions. For this reason, it affects all types of calcium-related functions.

One problem with calcium is that it tends to escape from the bone (causing osteoporosis) and into the artery (causing heart disease).

By optimizing the amount of vitamin K2, you can partly prevent this process. Studies show that vitamin K2 significantly reduces the risk of osteoporosis and heart disease .

In the Rotterdam study study the effect of vitamin K2 on heart disease, who had the highest intake of vitamin K2 57% reduction the risk of death from heart disease and a 26% reduction in the risk of dying from other causes, over a period of 7-10 years ( 16 ).

Another study found that every 10 micrograms of vitamin K2 consumed will help women reduce their risk of heart disease by 9%. Vitamin K1 (plant form) does not work .

With incredible anti-heart disease resistance of vitamin K2, tips to avoid butter and egg may have made heart disease more widespread.

Conclude: Vitamin K2 is a nutrient that most people don't know, but it is one of the most important nutrients in the diet for heart and bone health.

Butter contains a large amount of antioxidant fatty acids called Butyrate

Butyrate is anti-inflammatory, which causes heart disease

Over the past few decades, increasing cholesterol has been considered a major cause of heart disease.

However, new studies show that there are many other factors that cause this disease.

One of the main causes is evidence is now thought to be the cause of heart disease .

Of course, inflammation is an important reflex that protects our bodies from injury and infection. But serious inflammation or direct inflammation of the body's tissue can cause serious harm.

Today it is known that endometritis (membranes in the arteries) is an important passage leading to the formation of plaque and myocardial infarction .

A nutrient capable of fighting inflammation called butyrate (or ). This is a short, 4 carbon long saturated fatty acid.

Studies show that butyrate is likely .

One of the reasons that reduces the risk of heart disease may be that the bacteria in the gut digest some fiber and turn it into butyrate .

Conclude: Butter is an excellent source of short-chain butyrate fatty acids, which help fight inflammation.

In grazing countries, the amount of butter consumed is associated with a marked reduction in the risk of heart disease

Dairy cow's dairy products have high levels of vitamin K2 and Omega-3 fatty acids

Nutrition and health effects of dairy products can vary greatly, depending on what cows are fed.

In essence, cows were freed and grazed - a "natural" food source for cows.

However, cattle today (especially in the United States) are primarily fed with cereals with soybeans and corn.

The grass-fed dairy products have high levels of vitamin K2 and Omega-3 fatty acids, these nutrients very important towards the heart .

Overall, there is no association between milk fat and heart disease, although high-fat dairy products may reduce the risk of obesity .

But if you pay attention to some countries where cows are often fed grass, you will see a completely different effect.

According to a study from Australia, where cows fed grass, those who ate the highest fat dairy products were 69% less likely to die from cardiovascular disease than those who ate the least .

Some other studies also agree with this idea. In countries where predominantly grazing cows (like many European countries), high-fat dairy products are related to heart disease .