Berberine - A Functional Food With Many Great Uses

Berberin is as effective as pharmaceuticals

Berberine is one of the most effective natural supplements available.

It brings impressive health benefits and effects on your body at the molecular level.

Berberine has been shown to reduce blood sugar, lose weight and improve cardiovascular health.

This is one of the most effective pharmaceutical supplements.

This article will cover berberine and its health effects.

What is Berberine?

Berberine is a biological compound extracted from several tree species, including a group of shrubs named Barberry .

In terms of properties, berberine belongs to a group of compounds called . It is yellow, and is often used as a dye.

Berberine has been used for a long time in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various diseases.

Currently, modern science has affirmed that this substance has an impressive effect on various health problems .

Conclude: Berberine is a compound extracted from several plant species. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine since ancient times.

How does Berberine work?

Berberine helps regulate metabolism

Berberine has been tested in hundreds of different studies and has been shown to have a strong impact on many biological systems .

After berberine enters the body, this compound enters the blood sugar. It will then move into the body's cells.

Inside the cell, berberine binds to a number of different "molecular targets" and changes their function . This way of operation is similar to pharmaceuticals.

I will not go into further detailed analysis, because these biological mechanisms are complex and diverse.

However, one of the main activities of berberine is activating an enzyme in a cell called (AMPK) .

This enzyme is also called the "total metabolism of metabolism" .

It is found in cells of various organs such as brain, muscle, kidney, heart and liver. This enzyme plays a role important in regulating metabolic processes .

Berberine also affects in cells, and may even affect gene switching on and off .

Conclude: Berberine acts on the body at the molecular level. It also has many functions in the cell. One of the main functions is activating an important enzyme called AMPK, which helps to regulate metabolism.

Help significantly reduce blood sugar

This drug is really effective in treating type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a serious disease that has become common in recent decades. This is also the cause of millions of deaths each year.

Symptoms of this disease are high blood sugar (glucose) levels caused by resistance or lack of insulin.

Over time, high blood sugar can damage the body's tissues and organs, leading to health problems as well as shortening life expectancy.

Many studies show that berberine can significantly reduce blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes .

In fact, berberine's efficacy is comparable to the popular diabetes medication metformin (Glucophage) .

It seems that this compound works with many different mechanisms :

  • Reducing insulin resistance, making hypoglycemia more effective insulin.
  • Increases glycolysis, helps the body break down sugar in cells.
  • Reduce the production of sugar in the liver.
  • Slow down the breakdown of carbohydrates in the intestine.
  • Increasing the number beneficial bacteria in the intestine.

In a study of 116 diabetics, 1 gram of berberine daily reduced 20% of blood sugar, from 7 to 5.6 mmol / L (126 to 101 mg / dL), or from diabetes to moderate often .

Hemoglobin A1c levels (a sign of long-term blood sugar) also decreased by 12%. Blood fat indexes such as cholesterol and triglyceride also improved .

According to a large review of 14 studies, berberine is not as effective as diabetes medications such as metformin, glipizide and rosiglitazone .

It works well when combined with lifestyle changes, and also has side effects when taken with other hypoglycemic agents .

If you follow online discussions, you'll see people with high blood sugar often use berberine bring this index to normal .

This drug is really effective in both research and real life.

Conclude: Berberine is effective in reducing high blood sugar and HbA1c levels in people with diabetes. It is as effective as some pharmaceuticals.

Berberine can support weight loss

Berberine is as effective as one functional foods for weight loss .

Berberine can support significant weight loss, while improving other health signs

So far, there have been Consider the effect of this compound on body weight.

In a 12-week study, obese people were given 500 mg three times a day and as a result, they lost an average of 2.5 pounds. These people also lost 3.6% body fat .

Another study was conducted on 37 men and women with metabolic syndrome. This study lasted 3 months, and participants took 300 mg of berberine 3 times a day.

As a result, their body mass index fell from 31.5 to 27.4, meaning that from obesity index to overweight index in only 3 months. Amount Their belly fat also decreased and other health signs have also improved .

Researchers believe that weight loss is due to an improvement in the function of fat regulating hormones such as insulin, adiponectin and leptin .

Berberine also seems to inhibit the growth of fat cells at the molecular level .

However, we need to do more research on Berberine's weight loss effect.

Conclude: Two studies have shown that berberine can support significant weight loss, while improving other health signs.

Helps reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease

Berberine helps reduce the risk of heart disease

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of premature death worldwide.

Many indicators of blood are associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

Berberine has been shown to improve many of these indicators.

According to an evaluation of 11 studies, berberine may :

  • Reduce total cholesterol to 0.61 mmol / L (24 mg / dL).
  • Reduce the amount down 0.65 mmol / L (25 mg / dL).
  • Reduce the amount of triglycerides in the blood to 0.5 mmol / L (44 mg / dL).
  • Increase HDL cholesterol to 0.05 mmol / L (2 mg / dL).

This compound has also been shown to reduce apolipoprotein B by 13-15%, which is also a causative factor. very important .

According to some studies, berberine may inhibit an enzyme called PCSK9, from which more LDL will be removed from the blood .

Remember that diabetes, high blood sugar and obesity are also major risk factors for heart disease, and all of these factors seem to improve after berberine supplementation.

With the effects listed above, it seems that berberine may significantly reduce the risk of heart disease.

Conclude: Studies show that berberine can reduce cholesterol and triglyceride, as well as increase beneficial HDL cholesterol. This compound may reduce the risk of heart disease in the long term.

Other health benefits

Berberine can also bring many other health benefits:

  • Depression: Studies in mice show that berberine may help fight depression .
  • Cancer: In vitro and animal studies have shown that this compound can reduce the growth and spread of many different cancers (26, ).
  • Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory: Several studies have demonstrated berberine's strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties .
  • Infection: Berberine can fight harmful microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites .
  • Steatosis: This substance can reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver, help protect against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) .
  • Heart failure: A study found that berberine significantly improves symptoms and reduces the risk of death in patients with heart failure .

Although the above benefits need to be studied further before making sure health advice, the available evidence of berberine's effects is very promising.

Conclude: Preliminary studies show that berberine can fight depression, cancer, infection, fatty liver and heart failure. It also has strong anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Dosage and side effects

The recommended normal dose of berberine is 500 mg, 3 times a day, half an hour before a meal

Many of the studies mentioned in this article have taken doses of 900 to 1500 mg daily.

Usually we take berberin 3 times / day, 500 mg each (total 1500 mg / day) before meals.

Berberine has a half-life in a few hours, so you need to divide your medication and take it several times a day to keep your blood levels stable.

If you are sick or taking any medicine, consult your doctor before use medicine.

This is especially important if you are taking hypoglycemic drugs.

Overall, berberine is quite safe. The main side effects are related to the digestive system, and some cases of abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence, constipation and stomach pain .

Conclude: The recommended normal dose of berberine is 500 mg, 3 times a day, half an hour before a meal. Berberine can cause gastrointestinal side effects in some people.

Things to remember

Berberine is one of the few effective supplements as a pharmaceutical product.

It has a strong impact on various aspects of health, especially controlling blood sugar.

Berberine is most effective for people with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

However, it can also be used against chronic diseases, as well as anti-aging.

If you take a tonic, berberine may be one of the top choices to add to your pharmacy.

I personally used it for several weeks to improve overall health.

I will continue to use it, and I hope researchers will learn more about this promising health booster.

Read more: 15 ways to reduce blood sugar naturally and easily