Blueberries: Composition of Nutrition and Health Benefits

Blueberry is a popular and very delicious fruit.

Known for its scientific name Vaccinium ssp ,, they are closely related to plants like cranberry, blueberry and bilberry in North America.

Cranberries originate in North America, but today they are grown as commercial products in the Americas and Europe .

They are low in calories and very good for health. Eating blueberries can benefit the heart and brain, as well as regulate blood sugar.

Often thought of as a superfood, blueberry is a rich source of vitamins, beneficial organic compounds and antioxidants .

Blueberries are sweetened. They are usually eaten fresh, but sometimes also frozen or made of juice. They can be used in a variety of baked foods, jams, jellies or flavor enhancers.

This is a blueberry :

Blueberries are small, about 5-16 millimeters in diameter, or 0.2-0.6 inches. They are green or purple.

There are different types of blueberries, so their shape may vary slightly. The two most common types of blueberries are high-frequency bilberry and low-grade blueberry.

Nutritional ingredients

A cup of blueberry (148 grams) contains 84 calories.

The table below contains specific information on the nutrient composition found in blueberries :

Species Ration
Fresh blueberries 100 gram
General information Content
Calories 57 g
Country 84%
The protein 0.7 g
Carb 14.5 g
Street 10 g
Fiber 2.4 g
Fat 0.3 g
Saturation 0.03 g
Unsaturated single 0.05 g
Polyunsaturated 0.15 g
Omega-3 ~
Omega-6 ~
Trans fat ~

Amount % DV
Vitamin A 3 µg 0%
Vitamin C 9.7 mg 11%
Vitamin D 0 µg ~
Vitamin E 0.57 mg 4%
Vitamin K 19.3 µg 16%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 0.04 mg 3%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.04 mg 3%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 0.42 mg 3%
Vitamin B5 (Acid panthothenic) ~ ~
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.05 mg 4%
Vitamin B12 0 µg ~
Folate ~ ~
Choline ~ ~
Amount % DV
Calcium 6 mg first%
Iron 0.28 mg 4%
Magie 6 mg 2%
Phosphorus 12 mg 2%
Kali 77 mg 2%
Sodium 1 mg 0%
Zinc 0.16 mg first%
Copper ~ ~
Manganese ~ ~
Selenium ~ ~


Blueberries contain 14% carb and 84% country . They contain a small amount the protein (0.7%) and fat (0.3%).

Most carbs are simple sugars like glucose and fructose, but they contain fiber.

Blueberry has an index quite low at 53 points .

This means blueberries do not cause blood sugar to spike and are considered safe for people with diabetes.


Food fiber is an important part of a healthy diet and can provide protection against various diseases .

A cup of blueberries contains 3.6 grams of fiber. In fact, about 16% of carb content is in fiber form.

Crux : Blueberries contain mainly carb and water. They also contain a reasonable amount of fiber.

Vitamins and minerals

Blueberry is an abundant source of vitamins and minerals. Include:

  • Vitamin K1 : Blueberry is a rich source of vitamin K1, it is also known as Vitamin K1 to help blood clotting, but also benefits bones .
  • Vitamin C : also known as ascorbic acid, vitamin C is an important antioxidant for skin and immune function .
  • Manganese : This essential mineral requires amino acids, proteins, lipids and normal carb metabolism .
  • Blueberries also contain a small amount of vitamin E, vitamin B6 and copper.

Crux : Blueberry is a source of vitamin K1, vitamin C and manganese. They also contain lower amounts of vitamin E, vitamin B6 and copper.

Organic compounds

Blueberries are rich in antioxidants and beneficial organic compounds, including:

  • Anthocyanin : These antioxidant compounds help color blueberries and may reduce the risk of heart disease .
  • Quercetin : Consuming many types of flavonoids helps reduce blood pressure and risk of heart disease .
  • Myricetin : This flavonoid can have many health benefits, and there are properties that can help prevent cancer and diabetes .


is the main antioxidant compound found in blueberries. They belong to a large group of polyphenol antioxidants called flavonoids.

Anthocyanin from blueberries is thought to have many health benefits .

More than 15 different anthocyanin types are found in blueberries but and are the two main compounds .

This anthocyanin type seems to be concentrated mainly on blueberries. Therefore, the crust of blueberry is the most valuable part .

Crux : Blueberries rich in healthy organic compounds and antioxidants, especially anthocyanins have many health benefits.

Health benefits of blueberries

Blueberry can benefit the heart, brain and help regulate blood sugar.

High consumption of anthocyanins in blueberries reduces the risk of heart attack by 32%

Beneficial for cardiovascular health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world .

Research shows the relationship between blueberries, or flavonoid-rich foods and the improvement of cardiovascular health .

Some studies suggest that blueberries may have important health benefits for people with high blood pressure, a major factor in heart disease .

Blueberry can also inhibit oxidation of LDL cholesterol, an important step leading to heart disease .

A study of 93,600 nurses found that high anthocyanin consumption reduced the risk of heart attack by 32% .

Crux : Blueberries can reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure, inhibiting oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

Beneficial for the brain

As the number of people over 65 is increasing worldwide, diseases in the elderly will also increase.

Interestingly, consuming large amounts of flavonoid-rich foods is associated with better brain function .

Consumption of blueberries can prevent oxidative imbalance, a syndrome that plays an important role in the aging process .

Blueberries can also improve brain function directly. In one study, drinking blueberry juice every day for 12 weeks improved memory in 9 adults with early memory impairment .

Another 6-year study found blueberries and strawberries slowed the aging process of the brain by up to 2.5 years in older people .

Crux : Some studies have shown that blueberries may play an important role in brain health, slowing down the aging process and improving brain function.

Control blood sugar

Consuming blueberries daily helps improve insulin sensitivity in obese people

The rate of type 2 diabetes increases rapidly worldwide .

People with diabetes are sensitive to rapid changes in blood sugar, and need to be cautious when eating carbohydrate-rich foods.

Blueberries contain moderate amounts of sugar, 15 grams per cup.

They have no side effects in regulating blood sugar because they contain many active compounds.

In vitro research indicates that anthocyanins in blueberries have many benefits for controlling blood sugar .

Human studies also yield promising results.

One study suggested that drinking 2 cups of blueberry smoothie daily for 6 weeks improved insulin sensitivity in obese people, who were at higher risk of diabetes .

Blueberry also directly affects blood sugar after eating a high-carb diet by blocking certain digestive enzymes and reducing blood sugar .

You can read the article about The health benefits of blueberries For more details.

Crux : Some studies show that blueberries can lower blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity.

Side effects

Eating blueberries in moderation has no scientifically proven side effects for healthy people.

Allergies to blueberries also exist but are extremely rare cases .

Crux : Blueberries are well digested when eating moderately and very few cases of allergies to blueberries.


Blueberry is a popular and very delicious fruit.

They are a good source of vitamin K1, vitamin C, manganese and some other beneficial organic compounds such as anthocyanins.

Consuming blueberries regularly can help prevent heart disease, improve brain function and help control blood sugar.