Bread Is Good For Your Health?

"The more white the bread, the faster you will meet death."

It has long been known that white bread and refined grains are not nutritious.

Nutritionists and nutritionists around the world have encouraged us to replace refined bread and cereals with whole grains.

Cereals, especially gluten-free cereals like wheat, have been strictly controlled by authorities in recent years.

Many reputable medical experts now believe that bread and other sources of gluten containing gluten are not necessary to supplement your diet because they are potentially harmful.

Bread Has High Carb Content And Can Increase Blood Sugar

Even bread made from whole grains is not all whole grains.

They are crushed grains into very fine powder. Although this process retains nutrients, this product is quickly digested.

Starches in bread are quickly pushed down the digestive tract and into the bloodstream as a type of glucose. This makes the blood sugar and insulin levels rise rapidly.

Even bread makes blood sugar levels rise faster than a candy bar.

When blood sugar rises rapidly, it also tends to decrease rapidly. And when blood sugar drops, you will feel hungry.

This is an increase in blood sugar levels common to people with high carb diets. Soon after eating, they will quickly starve again, and the meal at this time is called a high-carb snack.

High blood sugar can also cause cell-level glycation reactions when sugar clings to the protein molecule in the body, forming sugar protein or Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs). This is one of the components of the aging process.

Studies of carb restriction regimens (starch removal / reduction and sugar) suggest that people with diabetes need to completely eliminate or should cut all grains.

Bottom line: Most breads are made of pulverized wheat flour. They can be easily digested and cause blood sugar and insulin levels to skyrocket, fasting and overeating.

Gluten-rich Bread

Wheat usually contains a large amount of protein called gluten.

This protein has a glue-like property that helps dough when kneading.

Many studies have claimed that the majority of the world's population is sensitive to gluten.

When we eat bread containing gluten (wheat, rye and barley), the gluten proteins in bread will attack the immune system of the digestive tract.

Tests on people without intestinal diseases have shown that gluten often damages the gastrointestinal tract, causing pain, flatulence, and fatigue.

Sensitivity to gluten has also been shown to be associated with schizophrenia and cerebellar ataxia - two serious brain diseases.

It can be concluded that gluten is not only seriously harmful to intestinal diseases, but also affects cases of gluten sensitivity.

To know if you are gluten sensitive, you need to remove gluten from your diet for 30 days, then use them again and monitor whether they affect your health.

In short: Most breads made from wheat flour have gluten function. Gluten will cause an immune response in the gastrointestinal tract of cases of gluten sensitivity. This can cause digestive problems such as bloating bloating, fatigue and other symptoms.

Bread Contains Other Toxic Substances

Most commercial breads contain high-fructose sugar or corn syrup, like other processed foods.

Sugar causes many side effects and eating processed foods containing sugar can have a negative impact on your health.

Most cereals contain phytic acid, an antimicrobial.

Phytic acid is a strong molecule of essential minerals like calcium, iron and zinc, making them unabsorbed.

Soaking cereals before baking can reduce phytic acid content, improve the body's absorption of minerals.

Bottom line: Most breads contain sugar, adversely affecting your health. They also contain antimicrobials that prevent the body from absorbing essential minerals like calcium, zinc, and iron.

Poor Bread Essential Nutrients

All the nutrients in bread you can easily find in other foods.

Even bread is not as nutritious as you think.

Not only does it have less nutrient content than other foods, it also reduces the rate of absorption of nutrients from other foods into the body.

  • Whole grain bread contains much less nutrients than other foods like vegetables.
  • Phytic acids prevent the body from absorbing minerals such as iron, zinc and calcium.
  • Gluten causes damage to the intestinal mucosa, reducing the absorption of nutrients.
  • Cereals do not contain all the essential amino acids for the body, which are poor sources of protein.
  • Wheat fiber can make your body burn more vitamin D sources faster, causing your body to be deficient in vitamin D, one of the causes of cancer, even diabetes.

Summary: Most breads are non-nutritious food, the protein content of bread is very low. Bread gluten causes damage to the intestinal mucosa, and phytic acid prevents the body from absorbing essential minerals for the body. At the same time increase the risk of severe vitamin D deficiency.

Wheat Increases Bad Cholesterol Concentration

Bread increases the amount of bad cholesterol

In one study, 36 people were randomly selected and divided into two groups.

One group ate whole grains and one group ate wheat.

After 12 weeks, researchers measured blood lipid levels in both groups.

The group of whole-grain cereals reduced the party, including the bad LDL, LDL, and dense cholesterol, significantly improving blood lipids.

The wheat group increased 8% of bad LDL cholesterol, LDL and 60% denser.

LDL is the type of cholesterol that is closely related to heart disease.

Summary: Eating wheat can increase small LDL cholesterol, dense by 60%. This type of cholesterol is closely related to heart disease.

Whole Wheat Better Than Refined Wheat

The fact that bread made with whole grain is still better than refined cereal bread. Whole-grain bread contains more nutrients and fiber.

Bread made from whole grains and germinated grains may have less adverse effects than regular bread.

Gluten-free bread is healthier than breads made from gluten-free grains like wheat.