Butter and Butter Butter - Why I Trust More Cow ...

There is a lot of false nutrition information on the internet.

Even experts often talk about common thinking challenges and seem to have no scientific basis.

For example, when they say people replace milk with margarine produced by the factory ...

The difference between butter and margarine

Milk butter (also known as butter) and margarine have the same purpose. They are used for cooking, baking bread and spreading on bread.

Dairy butter is a major component of the diet for centuries.

It is made by mixing the fat portion of cow's milk until it turns into a final product of butter butter. That's it.

it's completely different. This is a processed food invented to replace butter. The main ingredients are various vegetable oils and emulsifiers, coloring agents and various artificial ingredients.

Vegetable oil is liquid at room temperature. This is why margarine is usually hydrogenated so that it concentrates more and extends its shelf life. Hydrogen also turns some vegetable oils into Trans fat .

Butter is high in saturated fat and cholesterol

Saturated fat as well as cholesterol from food does not affect blood lipid configuration

Butter has been "blackened" by the media and nutritionists because it contains a large amount of saturated fat and cholesterol.

But new research shows that this is not really a problem even though it has been for decades propaganda against fat.

A large review study published in 2010 surveyed 21 studies with a total of 347,747 participants .

They Did not find any relevance Between saturated fat and cardiovascular disease. Other studies also led to similar conclusions .

Eat saturated fat really improve blood lipid configuration. It increases HDL (good cholesterol) and changes LDL from small, very dense (very bad) LDL into benign, benign LDL .

Eat foods high in cholesterol egg will help improve blood lipid configuration. Improved LDL pattern and increased HDL .

Unless you have some kind of disorder there is NO reason to worry about saturated fat or cholesterol.

Conclude: Saturated fat as well as cholesterol from food does not affect blood lipid configuration. They raise good cholesterol (HDL) and change LDL cholesterol into a benign non-cardiovascular subtype.

Margarine contains vegetable oils and trans fat

Trans fat may increase the risk of heart disease

The main ingredients in most types of margarine are vegetable oils such as soy or rum oil.

Vegetable oil is almost unsaturated, which is a problem because unsaturated oil is liquid at room temperature and cannot be used to spread bread.

To overcome this problem, vegetable oil must undergo hydrogenation. This involves exposing the oil to hydrogen gas and a metal catalyst at high temperatures and pressures. Yes, it's disgusting.

This process extends the life of the product and makes it more concentrated at room temperature. Hydrogenation makes unsaturated fats become similar to saturated fats.

Hydrogenated fats are also called highly toxic and closely related to heart disease .

Historically, margarine ever contains a lot Trans fat. Today, there are many types of trans fat-free margarine available on the market.

However, keep in mind that manufacturers can label their products without trans fat as long as there are less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving.

To make sure you avoid trans fat, please Read product labels . If it says "hydrogenated" anywhere in the ingredients list, avoid it.

But even if margarine does not contain trans fat, it may not be good for you.

Self type vegetable oil Used in butter, such as soybean oil and safflower oil, can be extremely toxic.

These oils are the largest polyunsaturated sources of Omega-6 fatty acids in the diet and we have eaten them too much .

Some studies link excessive consumption of unsaturated vegetable oils to cancer, violence and margarine that are thought to prevent heart disease .

Conclude: Margarine contains a lot of vegetable oil and (sometimes) trans fat. Excessive consumption of this fat is linked to many serious diseases, including heart disease.

The magic of butter from herbivores' milk

Avocado from grass fed cows contains many beneficial nutrients

How food from animals affects health depends on what we eat.

In the natural environment, cows eat grass. But in many countries, they are fed cereal foods.

Butter from grass-eating cows has more nutrients. It contains the following substances more:

  • Vitamin K2 - This little-known vitamin plays a role in preventing many serious diseases, including cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease .
  • CLA - Studies show that this fatty acid may have anti-cancer properties and help reduce the percentage of human body fat .
  • Butyrate - A short chain fatty acid found in butter is also produced by bacteria in the gut. It can fight inflammation, improve digestive health and may help prevent weight gain .
  • Omega-3 - Butter from grass fed cows has less Omega-6 and more Omega-3, which is important because most people eat too much Omega-6 fatty acids .

Because butter from grass-fed cows contains more heart-healthy nutrients than butter from corn-fed cows, butter affects health in different ways depending on what the cow eats.

Conclude: Butter from grass-fed cows contains more heart-healthy nutrients than butter from grain-fed cows.

Vegetable butter and blood lipids

Margarine increases the risk of heart disease

We now know the difference between butter and margarine. Take a look at real studies.

I want to point out that margarine really reduces some risk factors for heart disease, especially if it is enriched with plant sterols or stenol.

These margarines reduce total cholesterol and LDL in the short term, but they can also reduce HDL (good cholesterol) .

However, it is important to emphasize the difference between the danger elements and actual results.

Just because something helps to improve a risk factor for heart disease, such as LDL, doesn't mean it will actually lead to a reduction in heart disease, the result is important.

There are many drugs that have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol, but not all of them lead to a reduction in heart disease. That is because cause heart disease, not just cholesterol.

Studies look at the results reality like heart attacks shows that butter is beneficial or benign, while margarine increases the risk.

Conclude: It is true that margarine reduces total cholesterol and LDL in a short time. However, it also reduces HDL (good) cholesterol. Reducing cholesterol does not necessarily reduce the risk of heart disease.

When measuring actual results, butter is first excluded

When studying heart attacks, we can see There is no evidence indicates that butter is harmful.

A large review published in 2013 reviewed 16 upcoming studies.

Consumption of fat-rich dairy products reduces the risk of obesity, there is no association between milk fat, cardiovascular disease or other metabolic diseases .

However, the effects seem to vary between countries.

In Nurses' Health Study (US), milk fat increases the risk of heart disease, while in an Australian study, they increase the risk of heart disease. 69% reduction .

This strong difference may be due to different feeding patterns. Cows in the United States mainly eat cereals, and cows in Australia eat grass and so there are many and Omega-3; Both of these substances are resistant to heart disease.

Framingham Heart Research is an observational study that has been going on for 20 years. In this study, margarine was found to significantly increase the risk of heart disease, while butter did not work .

Rate of increased risk of heart disease by age of two types of butter

Image source: .

It seems quite clear that observational studies do not support the idea that butterflies cause heart disease.

But such studies are not really prove Anything, they can only show that the two factors are correlated. But correlation does not mean causality.

However, we also have evidence from randomized controlled trials, which are the gold standard of research.

In the Sydney Diet Heart study, 458 men with recent cardiovascular symptoms were randomly divided into two groups.

One group was asked to reduce saturated fat (including butter butter) and increase the amount of unsaturated fat from vegetable oils, including margarine .

The group using vegetable oil (and margarine) increased 62% the risk of death and 70% risk of dying from heart disease. Green sugar is the group that eats the "heart-healthy" diet.

This is perfect because both trans fats and vegetable oils are linked to cardiovascular disease and death .

Conclude: Research shows that margarine increases the risk of heart disease, while butter butter can be benign. Butter from cows eating grass is even more protective.

Messages to note

Since nutrition organizations have warned us about dairy and pushed us to industrially processed margarine, you would think there is at least one indication that this leads to better results.

Alas, no. Although margarine can reduce total cholesterol and LDL in a short time, they actually lead to vice versa when measuring actual results.

I highly recommend avoiding processed counterfeit foods such as margarine. Use real butter, made from grass-fed cow's milk instead.

Pure olive oil Also an extremely good choice for health, and it can be the best fat in all types of fats.