Butter Helps Lose Weight Or Increase Weight?
Fatty butter

Butter is a unique and delicious fruit.

Many people think that butter good for health Because they contain lots of nutrients and beneficial fats.

Some people also believe that beneficial fats in butter are suitable for weight loss.

However, many others fear that these fats can cause weight gain.

This article will help discover whether butter helps with weight loss or weight gain.

Nutrient composition in butter

Butter is one Abundant sources Vitamins, minerals, beneficial fats and fiber. 3.5 ounces, or about half an avocado, contains about 160 calories .

This ration also contains:

  • Vitamin K : 26% RDI
  • Folate : 20% RDI
  • Vitamin C: 17% RDI
  • Kali : 14% RDI
  • Vitamin E : 10% RDI

Butter also contains a large amount of niacin, riboflavin (vitamin B2), copper, magnesium, manganese and antioxidants .

Moreover, butter contains less carb and is a good source of fiber. Each serving contains only 9 grams of carb, 7 of which are fiber.

Unlike most other fruits, butter has Relatively high fat content - about 15% by weight.

Crux : Butter contains many beneficial vitamins, minerals, fiber and fat.

Butter rich in fat is beneficial for cardiovascular health

Butter Helps Lose Weight Or Increase Weight?
The fat in butter is good for the heart

Although technically butter is fruit, but nutritionally, they are considered fat sources.

Unlike other fruits, butter is rich in fat. In fact, 77% of their calories come from fat .

Butter contains monounsaturated fats, plus a small amount of saturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Most monounsaturated fats are oleic acid, the same type of fatty acid found in olive fruit and olive oil . This type of fat is considered very healthy.

Many studies have demonstrated a link between oleic acid and health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and reducing the risk of developing heart disease .

Some studies have also shown that replacing some saturated fats in a diet with monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats may have health benefits.

These benefits include increased insulin sensitivity, better blood sugar control and reduced "harmful" LDL cholesterol levels .

A review of 10 studies showed that replacing some fats in the butter diet may reduce the total average cholesterol by 18.8 mg / dl, harmful LDL cholesterol by 16.5 mg / dl and triglyceride 27.2 mg / dl .

Another study compared a medium-fat diet containing butter or oil rich in oleic acid. The avocado diet helps improve blood lipid content even more than diet with high oleic acid oils .

The avocado diet also reduces harmful LDL cholesterol by 10% and total cholesterol to 8%. It is also the only diet to reduce the amount of LDL particles.

It seems that these benefits are not enough, butter also contains 20 times more phytosterol fat than other fruits. Phytosterols are plant compounds that can have a positive effect on cardiovascular health .

Crux : Butter contains a large amount of monounsaturated fats like fats found in olive oil, good for the heart.

Butter can help fill longer

Foods high in fat or fiber can help you feel fuller and more satisfied after eating. This is partly because fat and fiber slow down the digestion of food in the stomach .

This makes you feel fuller longer and also means that the time between meals will be longer, and may even make you eat less calories.

Butter contains both fat and fiber, which means they have a great effect on making you full for long.

A study found out how butter-bearing meals affect appetite for overweight and obese people (11).

Those who ate half an avocado at lunch reduced their appetite for up to five hours later, although the effect was strongest in the first three hours.

Participants also felt 23% more satisfied after eating a meal with butter than when they ate a controlled meal without butter.

These properties can make butter an effective tool for control appetite and weight loss .

Crux : Because butter is high in fat and fiber, they can help you feel more satisfied and feel fuller longer.

Butter can help maintain weight

Butter Helps Lose Weight Or Increase Weight?
Eating avocado helps fill it long, so we automatically eat less

Research indicates that people who eat fruits and vegetables often have less weight .

A large-scale observational study examined American nutritional models. People who eat avocados tend to have a healthy diet, lower their risk of metabolic syndrome and lower body weight than those who don't eat butter .

Although this does not mean that avocado makes people healthier, it also proves that butter can be very suitable for a healthy diet.

There is also no reason to believe that people should not eat butter to lose weight.

In fact, one study showed that when 30 grams of fat of butter was replaced by 30 grams of other fat, the study participants still reduced such a weight .

Although there is currently no evidence for butter to be possible improve weight loss but there are many reasons to believe that avocado is healthy.

This is because in addition to improving cardiovascular health, monounsaturated fat in butter seems to have some other benefits :

  • They are burned at a higher rate than all other fats.
  • They can actually increase the rate of fat burning.
  • They can cause your body to burn more calories after eating.
  • They can reduce cravings and reduce appetite after meals.

However, it is important to note that these effects have not been thoroughly studied.

However, some preliminary evidence suggests that butter may help fight weight gain.

One study showed that rats who ate skimmed butter meal ate less food and gained less weight than the control group .

A second study also suggested that rats fed avocado extract with a high-fat diet formed less fat in the body .

These studies are very interesting because defatted buttermilk and avocado extracts contain no fat. This means that there may be other compounds in butter that also help reduce cravings and weight gain.

Crux : People who eat avocados tend to be healthier and lighter than those who don't eat butter. Butter can even help prevent weight gain.

Butter is very high in calories

Butter Helps Lose Weight Or Increase Weight?
Do not eat butter if you are trying to lose weight

Because butter is high in fat, they are also high in calories.

For example, 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of strawberries contain 32 calories, compared to 160 calories in 3.5 ounces of butter .

While there are many things that can affect weight loss or weight gain, the biggest factor is the amount calories each consumer.

Because avocado is high in calories, people can easily eat too much butter without noticing.

So, if you are trying to lose weight, you should make sure the intake is at a reasonable level. That ideal is supposed to be a quarter to half an avocado, not the whole fruit.

Crux : Although butter is healthy, they are also high in calories. So pay attention to the amount of butter you eat if you're trying to lose weight.

Butter is beneficial for weight loss or weight gain?

There is no reason to be afraid that butter will make you gain weight, as long as you eat them as part of a healthy, pure food diet.

In contrast, butter also has many benefits of the type Food help to lose weight friendly.

And although there is currently no real evidence that avocado helps with weight loss, there are many reasons to believe it.

As long as you eat them in an appropriate amount, butter can be an important part of a weight-loss diet.

Read more about butter: