Coffee benefit or harm?

The impact on the health of coffee is quite controversial.

Depending on who you ask, coffee can be a healthy or extremely harmful drink.

But no matter what you hear, there are many good things to say about coffee.

For example, they contain high levels of antioxidants and are associated with a reduced risk of many diseases.

However, it also contains Caffeine, a stimulant that can cause health problems in some people and disrupt sleep.

This article provides a detailed view of coffee and its health effects, considering both advantages and disadvantages.

Coffee contains some essential nutrients and many antioxidants

Coffee is not just a dark brown water ... many nutrients in coffee beans are in this drink.

A typical 8oz coffee cup (240 ml) contains :

  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 11% RDA.
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid): 6% RDA.
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin): 2% RDA.
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin): 2% RDA.
  • Folate: 1% RDA.
  • Mangan: 3% RDA.
  • Kali : 3% RDA.
  • Magie: 2% RDA.
  • Phosphorus: 1% RDA.

This amount of nutrition may not be much, but try multiplying 3, 4, or any cup of coffee you drink every day. It can add a significant amount of nutrients to your daily diet.

But things make coffee really Shine is the content of antioxidants present in it.

Ordinary people who follow Western diets actually absorb more antioxidants from coffee than fruits and vegetables ... combined .

Crux : Coffee contains a small amount of vitamins and minerals, this amount is increased if you drink a lot of cups every day. Coffee also contains many antioxidants.

Coffee contains Caffeine, a stimulant that can enhance brain function and metabolism

is the most common neurotransmitter in the world .

Soft drinks, tea and chocolate Both contain caffeine, but coffee is the largest source of this substance.

Caffeine content in a cup can range from 30-300 mg, but an average cup of coffee contains about 90-100 mg.

Caffeine is a well-known stimulant. In the brain, it blocks the functions of a neurotransmitter inhibiting (brain hormone) called Adenosine.

By blocking caffeine actually increases activity in the brain and releases other neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and dopamine. This reduces fatigue and makes us feel more alert .

There are many studies that show that Caffeine can lead to increased brain function in a short period ... including improving mood, reaction time, alertness and increasing cognitive function .

Caffeine can also increase metabolism (burn calories) from 3-11% and even increase exercise performance by 11-12%, on average .

However ... some of these effects are only short-term. If you drink coffee every day, you will get used to it and the effects will be less powerful .

There are also some drawbacks to Caffeine that I will review.

Crux : The main active compound in coffee is Caffeine stimulant. It can increase short-term energy, increase brain function, speed metabolism and physical activity.

Coffee can help protect the brain as it ages, resulting in a lower risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

Coffee helps prevent brain-related diseases in old age

is the most common disease causing neurosis and is the leading cause of dementia.

Studies show that people who drink coffee have a 65% lower risk of Alzheimer's disease .

is the second most common neurodegenerative disease caused by nerve cells that produce dopamine in the brain.

Those who drink coffee have a risk of Parkinson's disease 32-60% lower. The more coffee you drink, the lower your risk .

Crux : Some studies show that people are much lower in their risk of developing dementia, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease in old age.

Those who drank coffee had a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by hyperglycemia due to resistance to the effects of insulin.

This is a very common disease ... it has increased 10 times in the past few decades and currently afflicts more than 300 million people.

Interestingly, coffee drinkers seem to have significantly reduced their risk of developing this disease, some studies show that people who drink coffee are 23 to 67% less likely to develop diabetes .

In a large review study looked at 18 studies with 457,922 individuals, each cup of coffee daily was associated with a 7% reduction in the risk of type 2 diabetes .

Crux : Many studies have shown that coffee drinkers have a significantly lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

People who drink coffee have a lower risk of liver disease

The liver is an extremely important organ that has hundreds of different functions in the body.

It is very sensitive to harmful things in modern life such as drinking too much alcohol and absorbing too much fructose .

The final stage of liver damage is called and related to most of the liver is replaced by scar tissue.

Those who drank coffee had an 84% lower risk of cirrhosis, which had the strongest effect on those who drank 4 or more drinks a day .

Liver cancer is also common ... this is the second cause of cancer death worldwide. People who drink coffee have a 40% lower risk of liver cancer .

Crux : Coffee drinkers have a significantly lower risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer. The more you drink, the lower your risk.

People who drink coffee have a lower risk of depression and suicide

Depression is an extremely common problem.

This is the most common mental disorder in the world and leads to reduced quality of life.

In a Harvard study from 2011, those who drank the most coffee had a 20% lower risk of depression .

In one study of 3 studies, those who drank 4 or more drinks a day had 53% less suicide .

Crux : Studies show that people who drink coffee are at lower risk of depression and are less likely to commit suicide.

Some studies show that coffee drinkers live longer

Because coffee drinkers have a lower risk of common diseases, life-threatening illnesses (and suicides), that means coffee can help you live longer.

There is some reliable evidence to support this.

A study published in the 2012 New England Journal of Medicine reviewed the 402,260 individual habits between the ages of 50 and 71 .

In this study, people who drank coffee had a much lower risk of death during the 12-13 year study period:

Coffee and the risk of death

With an average intake of 4-5 cups per day, men decreased by 12% and women reduced their risk of death by 16%.

Crux : Some studies have shown that people who drink coffee live longer, which is extremely significant because they are at lower risk. The strongest effect is seen in 4-5 cups per day.

Caffeine can cause anxiety and interrupt sleep

We should not just mention benefits but forget about the harmful effects of coffee.

The truth is that there are also some negative aspects of coffee (although this depends on each individual).

Consuming too much Caffeine can cause anxiety, anxiety and even aggravate panic attacks .

If you are sensitive to Caffeine and tend to become too anxious, then perhaps you should not drink coffee.

Another unwanted side effect is that it can disrupt sleep . If coffee reduces your sleep quality, try to avoid coffee late in the day, such as after 2pm.

Caffeine may also have some benefits for diuretics and blood pressure, but this often disappears with regular use. However, hypertension 1-2 mg / Hg is possible .

Crux : Caffeine can have many negative effects, such as causing anxiety and interrupting sleep, but this depends greatly on each individual.

Caffeine is addictive and skipping a few cups can cause problems

One problem with Caffeine is that it can lead to addiction in many people.

When people consume Caffeine regularly, they become sticks

n with it. The benefits of coffee stop like when you haven't started drinking, or you need a larger dose of Caffeine (drink more coffee) to get a similar effect .

When people abstain from coffee, they will experience withdrawal symptoms such as headache, fatigue, brain fog and irritation. This may last for several days .

Suffering and struggle are the hallmarks of being addicted.

(It is understandable) Many people don't like the idea of ​​being dependent on chemicals to be able to function normally.

Crux : Caffeine is an addictive substance. It can lead to enduring and leaving physical symptoms such as headache, fatigue and discomfort.

The difference between normal coffee and coffee has reduced Caffeine

Some people choose non-caffeine coffee instead of the usual.

Making Usually done by washing coffee beans by solvent.

Every time the process is done, a few percent of Caffeine dissolves in the solvent and the process is repeated until most of Caffeine has been removed.

However, it is important to note that even decaffeinated coffee contains some Caffeine, although this amount is much less than regular coffee.

Unfortunately, not all of the health benefits of coffee are usually true for caffeine-free coffee. For example, some studies show that the risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease or liver disease does not decrease in people who drink caffeine-free coffee.

Crux : Caffeine-free coffee is made by extracting Caffeine from coffee beans with solvents. Caffeine dehydrated coffee does not have all the health benefits of regular coffee.

Things to keep in mind to maximize health benefits

There are several things you can do to maximize the health effects of coffee.

The most important thing is IS NOT Add anything harmful to coffee. These unhealthy things include Street and any artificial, chemical cream.

One important thing is brewing coffee with a paper filter. Non-filtered coffee (like a Turkish or French teapot) contains a substance that can raise cholesterol levels .

Also note that some coffee drinks in places like Starbucks may contain hundreds of calories and a large amount of sugar. These drinks are not healthy.

Crux: It is important not to add sugar or cream to your coffee. Mixing with a paper filter that can remove an cholesterol-increasing compound is called Cafestol.

Should you drink coffee?

There are some people who definitely need to avoid or limit the level of coffee consumption, especially pregnant women.

People with anxiety, high blood pressure or insomnia may also want to limit coffee for a while to see if these problems are relieved.

There is also some evidence that people who are slow to metabolize caffeine are at increased risk of having a heart attack by drinking coffee .

All of the above clearly indicates that for a normal person, coffee can have beneficial health effects.

If you don't drink coffee, I don't think these benefits are a compelling reason to start doing it. Coffee also has its disadvantages.

But if you've been drinking coffee and enjoying it, the benefits seem to be beyond the negative.

I personally drink coffee, about 4-5 cups a day (sometimes more). My health has never been better.

Message for you

It is important to note that many studies in the paper are observational studies, which cannot prove that coffee has caused beneficial effects.

But because these effects are strong and consistent between studies, this is a pretty strong indicator that coffee is really beneficial.

Although once thought to have been a harmful drink in the past, evidence has shown that coffee is very beneficial for health, at least for most people.

Considering that coffee is of the same type as other healthy drinks, like green tea such as.