Difference Between Diet And Vegan

Different vegetarian and vegan diets

Vegetarian diet has appeared since the early 700 BC.

There are many types of vegetarianism with many different purposes such as health, morality, environment and religion.

The new vegetarian diet has only recently appeared but has received a lot of attention.

This article will address the similarities and differences between these two diets.

There will also be information on the health and environmental impacts of these diets.

What is a vegetarian diet?

According to the vegetarians are people who don't eat meat, poultry, mammals, fish, shellfish or products from slaughtering animals.

Vegetarian diets contain a variety of fruits, vegetables, cereals, beans, nuts and seeds. Whether using dairy products and eggs depends on the type of vegetarian.

The most popular types of vegetarian food include:

  • Lacto-ovo: People who follow this regime do not eat animals, but consume dairy products and eggs.
  • Lacto: This mode does not eat animal meat and eggs, but consumes dairy products.
  • Ovo: People who do not eat all animal products except eggs.
  • Vegan fasting: Do not eat all products of animal origin.

People who don't eat red meat or poultry but eat fish are called pescatarian , while vegetarians who eat meat are often called flexitarian .

Although sometimes considered a vegetarian, pescatarian and flexitarian are people who eat animals. Therefore, in terms of nature, these genres are not vegetarian.

Conclude: Vegetarian diet does not include meat, poultry, mammals, fish and shellfish. Some vegetarian schools also do not eat eggs, milk or other animal products.

What is a pure vegetarian diet?

Vegan people also have a sense of animal protection and environment

A pure vegetarian diet can be considered the most strict form of vegetarianism.

Pure vegetarian diet is available The definition is a lifestyle to eliminate all forms of exploitation and brutal treatment of animals as much as possible.

Forms of exploitation include food extraction and any other purpose.

Therefore, pure vegetarian diet not only excluding animal meat, but also milk, eggs and animal-derived ingredients including gelatin, honey , carmine, pepsin, shellac, albumin, whey , casein and some forms of vitamin D3.

Vegetarians and pure vegetarians often do not eat animal products for the same reasons. The biggest difference of the two schools is the degree to which animal products are received.

For example, both vegetarians and pure vegetarians eliminate meat from the diet for health or environmental reasons.

However, net vegetarians also avoid all animal products because they believe that this is the greatest impact on health and the environment.

Ethically, vegetarians object to killing animals for food, but they still consider consuming animal products such as milk and eggs, as long as they are kept in adequate conditions.

On the other hand, pure vegetarians claim that people do not have the right to use animals for purposes such as food, clothing, science or entertainment.

Therefore, no matter how animals are raised, they still remove all animal products in any way.

The desire to not have any form of exploitation of animals is the reason for pure vegetarians not to eat dairy and egg products - products that many vegetarians still eat.

Conclude: Vegetarian and vegan people have different thoughts about people using animals. This is why some vegetarians can consume products of animal origin, whereas pure vegetarians do not.

Nutrition considerations are required for vegetarian and vegan diets

Vegetarians and vegans may be malnourished

Research shows that vegetarian and vegan diets tend to be less saturated fat and cholesterol.

They also contain lots of vitamins, minerals, fiber and healthy plant compounds .

In addition, both diets contain a nutrient-rich diet. Foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and soy products .

On the other hand, vegetarian and vegan diets lack of science can lead to malnutrition, especially iron, calcium, zinc and vitamin D .

Both diets also often contain low amounts of long-chain vitamins B12 and omega-3, and the content of general nutrients in a vegan diet is often less than a vegetarian diet .

Conclude: Vegetarians and vegans often have the same amount of nutrients absorbed into the body. However, non-scientific diets can lead to malnutrition.

Which regime is healthier?

According to a report by the Institute of Nutrition and Diet, as well as some scientific reviews, both vegetarian and vegan diets can be considered appropriate for all stages of life, as long as people eat in a scientific way .

Lack of nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids , calcium, vitamin D and B12 can negatively affect different aspects of health, including mental and physical health .

Both vegetarians and vegans can absorb lower amounts of nutrients. However, studies show that vegetarians tend to absorb B12 calcium and vitamin B slightly better than vegan people .

However, those who follow both regimes should pay special attention to methods to increase the absorption of nutrients from plant foods .

The nutrient-enhanced products are also essential, especially products that provide substances such as iron, calcium, omega-3, vitamins D and B12 .

Vegetarians and vegans should consider analyzing daily nutrient intake, measuring the concentration of nutrients in the blood and using functional foods accordingly.

Several direct studies have compared these two regimens and show that vegetarians may have a lower risk of developing type 2, cardiovascular and lower-risk cancers .

In addition, pure vegetarians often have a body mass index (BMI) and weight when they are older than vegetarians .

However, most studies so far are only observational studies. This means that we have not been able to determine exactly which element of a pure vegetarian diet produces these effects or asserts that diet is a prerequisite.

Conclude: A vegan diet may be better than vegetarianism in weight control and risk reduction. However, if not planned properly, pure vegetarian can also cause nutrient deficiency.

There are many things you do not know about pure vegetarian diet

Symbol of the Vegan Association

Although vegans and vegans may choose not to eat animal products for the same purposes, for vegetarians this choice is not just a diet.

In fact, pure vegetarianism is often considered a lifestyle associated with animal rights.

For this reason, many vegetarians also do not buy clothing items that contain silk, wool, leather or suede.

Moreover, many vegans have boycotted companies that perform animal experiments and only buy cosmetics that do not contain animal ingredients.

Ethical vegetarians also often stay away from circuses, zoos, bullfights, horse racing and any other activity related to the use of animals for entertainment.

Finally, many environmentalists follow a pure vegetarian diet because of the harmful effects of meat eating on earth resources as well as its benefits to climate change .

Conclude: For many people, a vegetarian diet is not just a diet. This explains why many vegans don't want to spend money on clothes, cosmetics or entertainment related to animal stripping.

Things to remember

Vegan and vegan people may not eat animal products for the same reasons, but they do this in varying degrees.

There are many types of vegetarian, vegetarian is the most strict type.

Both of these diets can be considered safe for all stages of life, but a pure vegetarian diet can still provide more health benefits.

However, it is important for both regimes to eat scientifically to avoid future health problems.

Read more about vegetarian and vegan diets: