How Does Fiber Benefit And Harmful Fibers Affect ...

Each type of fiber has different health effects

Fiber can affect many aspects of health.

From intestinal bacteria to work weight loss This substance is often considered to be a basic component of a healthy diet.

Most people have only very basic knowledge of fiber, and tend to think that all fibers are the same.

However, the truth is Not all fiber types are created the same .

Some types are very beneficial, while others can cause digestive problems in some people.

This article will explain all you need to know about fiber types.

What is fiber and how is it classified?

"Fiber" is a group carbon hydrate that people cannot digest.

The body does not have any digestive enzymes that can decompose them, so they can pass through most digestive systems without being altered.

Recommended dietary fiber content is 38 grams for men, and 25 grams for women. However, most people only eat about half of that or about 15-17 grams per day .

Fiber is found mainly in plant foods such as vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds (to find out more details, this is a list 22 foods high in fiber ).

There are many types of fiber very Different in food.

The problem is that they are often categorized in different ways and can be confusing.

Formal fiber is divided into two categories :

  • Food fiber: is the natural ingredient in food.
  • Functional fiber: Extracted and removed from fresh food, then added to processed foods.

However, this classification has a big problem because it does not give us any information about the effects of fiber on health.

Another popular classification method is based the solubility (dissolves and does not melt), viscosity (viscous and not viscous) and ferment (fermented and not fermented).

Next, there is a nutrient called anti-target starch that is often classified as food fiber.

Conclude: Fiber is the undigested carbon hydrate found in plant foods. They are usually classified into two categories: food fiber (natural plant component) and functional fiber (added to food).

Soluble and insoluble fiber

The solubility of fiber is the solubility of that substance in water.

Based on this criterion, fiber is usually classified into 2 types that are soluble or insoluble:

  • Soluble fiber can mix with water in the intestine, forming a gel-like substance. This substance can reduce blood sugar levels, and there are many benefits to chemical metabolism .
  • Insoluble fiber cannot mix with water and pass through the digestive system which is almost unchanged. It works primarily as a "filler" to accelerate the movement of food and intestinal waste .

The dissolved fiber stores include gum, pectin, psyllium, beta-glucan and other substances. Insoluble fibers include lignin and cellulose.

Plant foods have different rates of soluble and insoluble fiber.

Conclude: Fiber is classified based on water solubility. Soluble fiber has many different benefits for chemical metabolism, while insoluble fiber mainly acts as a filler.

Fermented fiber

Estimates in the human gut have 100 trillion live bacteria, which are mostly in the large intestine .

These bacteria play a very important role important Help us get a healthy body. They have different roles related to weight control, blood sugar control, immunity, brain function and mental health .

Bacteria are so important that they are often called "forgotten bodies" .

Because humans cannot digest fiber, these substances are almost unchanged when they reach the large intestine.

Fermented fiber increases the number and balance of intestinal bacteria

This is where fiber is ferment effective. Intestinal bacteria can be digested (fermented) and use this fiber as fuel .

This substance increases the number and balance of intestinal bacteria. These bacteria then produce short-chain fatty acids with strong health benefits .

Most fermented fiber is soluble, but there are some insoluble and they will work according to the above mechanism.

Fermented fiber includes pectin, beta glucan, guar granule, inulin and oligofructose.

The best source of food for all kinds of fermented fiber is beans and pea's tree . 1 cup of these foods can often provide to half The recommended amount of fiber is recommended daily.

However, one of the by-products of fiber fermentation is gas. This is why fermented high-fiber foods can cause flatulence and stomach discomfort, especially with people who are not used to eating lots of fiber.

Conclude: Fermented fiber is beneficial for intestinal digestion and is used as fuel. This can lead to many health benefits.

Viscous fiber

Some types of soluble fiber will turn into a solid gel when they mix with water. These are fiber viscous .

Simply put, It is only the "consistency" of the liquid. For example, honey has a higher viscosity than water.

The viscous fiber when introduced into the body will turn into a "lying" gel form in the intestine.

This slows down digestion and absorption of nutrients, leading to prolonged feeling of fullness and reduced appetite .

A summary of 44 studies on fiber treatments showed that only viscous fiber can reduce food intake and help you lose weight .

The viscous fiber includes glucomannan, beta-glucan, pectin, guar granules and psyllium. Food sources of this substance include legumes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, Oat and Linseed .

Conclude: The viscous fiber turns into a gel-like substance in the intestine, thereby prolonging the feeling of fullness, reducing appetite and losing weight.

Starch resistant pepper

Starch is the main type of carbon hydrate in the diet.

They are long chain chains of glucose molecules potato , cereals and many other foods.

Some starch is really resistant to digestion, so it can pass through the digestive system without being altered.

This type of starch is called starch resistant pepper function as soluble fiber and fermented fiber in the intestine .

Anti-pepper starch provides many powerful health benefits. It improves digestive health, enhances insulin sensitivity, reduces blood sugar and significantly reduces appetite .

Resistant pepper starch is found in many foods such as green banana , legumes, cashews and fresh oats. You can find a list of more detailed foods at .

In addition, some starchy foods such as potatoes and white rice can produce a large amount of resistant pepper if left cool after cooking.

Raw potato flour also contains a lot of resistant pepper, and some people use it as a supplement.

Conclude: Anti-pepper starch is a type of starch that prevents digestion. It acts as soluble fiber and fermented fiber, and offers many health benefits.

Unique fibers need more attention

Some fiber has specific health effects that we need to pay attention to.


is a small chain of fructose molecules.

Oligofructose and Inulin are the two main fructans in the diet. These two substances can be a source of food for intestinal bacteria, and have been shown to help treat certain types of diarrheal diseases .

However, fructan is also classified into the FODMAP group - the types of carbon hydrates that cause digestive problems for many people .

In fact, fructan and other FODMAPs cause bad symptoms 3 out of 4 people suffer from irritable bowel syndrome - a common gastrointestinal disorder .

Wheat is the most fructan-containing food in a modern diet .


Health benefits of were recorded. The molecular structure of this fiber makes them highly viscous in the intestine.

Beta-glucan can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar. It can also significantly reduce cholesterol and increase satiety .

The sources of beta-glucan are mainly oats and barley.


Glucomannan is a viscous fiber often advertised as functional foods help lose weight.

Many studies show that glucomannan can help modest weight loss, besides it has the ability to resist constipation and improve risk factors for heart disease .

Conclude: Fructans are fibers that can cause adverse gastrointestinal symptoms in some people. Beta-glucan and glucomannan are soluble and viscous fibers that provide impressive health benefits.

Things to remember

These types of soluble, viscous and fermented fibers and fine-grained resistance provide the most impressive health benefits.

Good sources of fiber include vegetables, fruits , oats, legumes, nuts , black chocolate , butter , chia seeds and other foods.

However, we do not need to be too concerned about not adding enough fiber. As long as you still eat lots of fresh plant foods, the amount of fiber in your body will remain at a level that can keep you healthy.