How Much Fruit Should You Eat Every Day?

Fruit is an important part of a healthy diet.

In fact, a fruit-rich diet will yield all health benefits, including reducing the risk of many diseases.

However, some people are concerned about the sugar content of fruits and are concerned that eating too much will be harmful.

So how many fruits per day are considered healthy? And can I eat too much or not? This article will answer the above questions.

Fruits contain many important nutrients

The nutritional content of fruits varies from one type to another, but all contain important nutrients.

First, fruit tends to contain lots of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium and folate, which are substances that many people don't supplement enough .

Fruits are also rich in fiber and have many health benefits.

Absorbing fiber helps reduce cholesterol, increases satiety and contributes weight loss by the time .

In addition, fruits contain antioxidants that help fight free radicals that can harm cells. Apply an antioxidant-rich diet to slow down aging and prevent disease risk .

Because each fruit contains different amounts of nutrition, it is important to eat a variety of foods to optimize health benefits.

Conclude: Fruits contain high levels of important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Eat a variety of fruits to get the most benefits.

Eat fruit to help lose weight

Eating fruits is easy to fill, thus reducing appetite and eating less

Fruits contain lots of nutrients but are relatively low in calories, making them a great choice for those who want to lose weight.

Moreover, fruit also contains plenty of water and fiber, which makes the body feel full.

Therefore, you can eat as much as you want without worrying about calories consumed.

In fact, many studies show that eating fruit helps reduce caloric intake and contributes to weight loss over time .

Apples and citrus fruits, like oranges and grapefruit, are one of the most saturated types .

It is important to note that all fruits will be more saturated than fruit or juices, although these are more consumed but will not feel full .

Studies show that drinking lots of fruit juice can increase calories and increase the risk of obesity and other serious diseases .

In other words, avoid drinking lots of fruit juice and eat raw fruits.

Conclude: Eating whole fruits helps to reduce calories consumed and lose weight over time. However, drinking juice may have the opposite effect.

Eating fruits reduces the risk of disease

Studies show that a diet rich in vegetables and fruits reduces the risk of many serious diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart disease .

While many studies have looked at the consumption of fruits and vegetables at the same time, there are still a few studies that discover the benefits of fruit alone.

A review of 9 studies shows that every part of fruit eaten daily helps reduce the risk of heart disease by 7% .

Another study found that eating fruits like grapes, apples and blueberries reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes .

In particular, citrus fruits also increase the amount of citrate in the urine, reducing the risk of kidney stones .

Increased consumption of fruits helps lower blood pressure and reduce oxidative imbalance, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease .

Eating lots of fruits and vegetables also helps control blood sugar better in people with diabetes (32).

Conclude: There are many studies showing that eating fruits reduces the risk of many serious diseases, including heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

Is fruit safe for people with diabetes?

Fruit helps improve blood sugar control for a long time and protects against type 2 diabetes

Most diabetes dietary recommendations recommend eating lots of fruits and vegetables .

Current nutrition guidelines recommend that people with diabetes should eat 2-4 servings of fruit a day, like most people .

But there are still some people who limit eating pure fruits due to concerns about sugar content.

However, studies show that the amount of sugar consumed in pure fruits has little effect on blood sugar .

Moreover, fruit also contains a lot of fiber, which helps slow digestion and sugar absorption, improves control of total volume. blood sugar .

Fruit fiber also helps reduce insulin resistance and helps fight type 2 diabetes .

Fruits also contain polyphenols, which have been shown to improve blood sugar control .

Moreover, eating fruits and vegetables helps reduce the level of oxidative imbalance and inflammation in people with diabetes .

However, not all fruits are the same. Some of them increase blood sugar more than others, and diabetics are often encouraged to monitor their blood sugar after eating to find out which foods should be restricted.

Conclude: Fruits contain sugar, but its fiber and polyphenols help improve blood sugar control over long periods of time and protect against type 2 diabetes.

What about those who use a low-carb diet?

Some people think that eating 100-150 grams of carb a day is "low in carb."

Others strive to achieve nutritional ketosis and reduce carbs to less than 50 grams per day. This type of diet is called Ketogenic diet and far beyond Low-carb diet normal.

On average, a piece of fruit contains 15-30 grams of carb, so how much it depends on Total amount of carb need to consume every day.

Needless to say, there are not many opportunities for fruit in the ketogenic diet.

Saying that does not mean that the ketogenic diet is not healthy. In fact, applying this diet can help with weight loss and combat some diseases .

Whole fruit is the food that contains the least amount of carb. So if you're calculating consumption of carb, then fruits like black raspberries, cranberries, blueberries or strawberries are great choices.

Finally, although fruits are very nutritious, they do not contain any essential nutrients that other foods like vegetables do not have.

If using a ketogenic diet and limiting the amount of carb consumed, fruit can be avoided as long as the body receives these nutrients from other foods.

For others, fruit should be part of a healthy low-carb diet.

Conclude: Fruits can be part of a healthy low-carb diet. However, those who adopt the ketogenic diet want to avoid them.

Is it too much to eat fruit?

You can eat the delighted fruit

Fruits have been shown to have many good benefits, but is eating too much harmful?

First, when eating fruit raw left , it's hard to eat a lot. That's because fruit has a lot of water and fiber, so easy to feel full - that it can feel full only after eating a piece.

Therefore, it is difficult to eat a large amount of fruit every day. In fact, less than 1 in 10 Americans meet the demand for fruit minimum daily .

Although eating a lot of fruit every day is very unlikely, some studies have examined the effect of eating 20 servings of fruit a day.

In one study, 10 people ate 20 servings of fruit a day for two weeks and had no side effects .

In a slightly larger study, 17 people ate 20 servings of fruit a day for several months without any harmful effects .

In fact, researchers even found health benefits. Although these studies are small, they provide reason to believe that eating fruit is very safe regardless of dosage.

Finally, if you eat fruit until you feel full, it is almost impossible to call it "too much."

However, it is important to note that fruit should be used as part of a balanced diet that includes a variety of different foods.

Conclude: For ordinary people, eating fruit is safe no matter what dosage. Unless you have a digestive problem or are on a ketogenic diet or very low in carb, there is no reason to limit the amount of fruit consumed.

How much fruit is optimal?

Should consume about 2-5 parts of fruit per day, more is still good

Although it is possible to eat healthy while eating very little or a lot of fruit, the ideal amount is somewhere in between.

The general recommended amount for eating vegetables is at least 400 grams per day, or 5 servings of 80 grams .

A serving of 80 grams is equivalent to a small piece of tennis ball. For fruits and vegetables can be measured with a cup, one serving is about 1 cup.

This recommendation stems from eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily to reduce the risk of death from diseases such as heart disease, stroke and cancer .

A large statistic of 16 scientific studies shows that eating more than 5 servings of fruit a day does not provide any additional benefit .

However, the other major statistics of 95 scientific studies show that the risk of disease will be the lowest when eating 800 grams of fruit, or 10 servings a day .

Keep in mind that these studies apply to both fruits and vegetables. Assuming that half of this diet comes from fruits, it is recommended to consume about 2-5 servings of fruit a day.

The recommendations of different health agencies vary slightly, but are generally consistent with this study.

For example, according to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) guidelines, it is recommended that adults eat 2 servings of fruit per day on average, while the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends eating 4. -5 servings of fruit per day.

Conclude: Most studies prove that eating 2-5 servings of fruit a day helps bring health benefits. However, there seems to be no harm if you eat more than that.

Main message

Eating whole fruits helps promote health and reduce the risk of serious diseases.

Without a ketogenic diet or digestive problems, there is no reason to limit the amount of fruit consumed.

While most studies suggest that the optimal amount is from 2 to 5 servings of fruit per day. However, there seems to be no harm if you eat more than that.