How Much Protein Should I Eat Every Day To Effective Weight Loss?

According to Dr. Spencer Nadolsky, protein is king of food.

Protein plays a very important role for overall health and weight loss process in particular.

If we don't get enough of the nutrients from the diet, then the body composition will suffer.

However, there are many different opinions about the amount of protein that we need to consume every day.

Most mainstream nutrition organizations often recommend consuming a modest amount of protein.

The amount of protein they recommend to eat every day falls to about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

Specific numbers are as follows:

  • 56 grams per day for men with moderate levels of movement
  • 46 grams per day for women with moderate levels of movement

Although this protein may be sufficient to prevent a serious deficiency of nutrients in the body, studies show that it is not enough to ensure optimal health and function of muscle parts. can.

Studies also show that the amount of protein that each person needs to consume every day depends on many factors including: motor dynamics, age, muscle mass, physique goals and health status. present.

Therefore, loading an optimal amount of protein will help you lose weight effectively, build muscle, and increase optimal levels of exercise.

Let's find out about this now.

What Is Protein And Why Should We Care About It?

Protein is the main building block of the body.

They are used to form muscles, tendons, muscles and skin.

Proteins are also used to produce various enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters and small molecules that serve important functions.

Without protein, the life we ​​know may not work out well.

Proteins made from smaller molecules called amino acids, are joined together like beads on a string. The linked amino acids form long protein chains, which are then folded under complex shapes.

Some amino acids can be produced by the body, while the remaining amino acids must be taken from the daily diet. The amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own, are required to be supplemented with foods called essential amino acids.

The amount of protein loaded requires not only quantity, but also quality.

In general, animal proteins provide all essential amino acids with appropriate proportions, providing adequate nutrients for the body.

If you are eating animal-based foods (like meat, fish, eggs, or milk) every day, then surely you will feel better, because these are healthy proteins.

If you do not eat animal food, it will be very difficult to get all the essential amino acids that your body needs, and of course your body function will not work optimally.

Most people do not really need to take a lot of protein, but this is essential for athletes and bodybuilders.

Summary: Protein can provide many essential amino acids for the body. Animal foods are often high in protein and have all the essential amino acids that we need.

Protein Can Help You Lose Weight Effectively And Prevent Back Weight Gain

Protein is extremely important in your weight loss process.

As we know, to lose weight, we need to load less calories than the body needs to burn.

Eating protein can help your body do that, which will help boost your metabolic rate (release calories) and reduce your uncontrolled appetite. This has been scientifically proven.

Science has shown that protein makes up 25-30% of calories can promote metabolism to burn 80 to 100 calories a day, compared with a low protein diet.

But perhaps the most important use of protein is weight loss, appetite reduction and reduced consumption of spontaneous calories. Protein also plays a more important role than fat and starch.

In a study of obese men, 25% of calories in calories increased satiety, halving late night cravings, snacking and reducing 60% of obsessive thoughts about food.

In another study, women who increased their protein intake at about 30% of calorie intake automatically ate less than 441 calories / day. They also lost about 5.5kg within 12 weeks just by adding more protein to their daily diet.

But protein not only helps you lose weight, but it also helps you not gain weight back to your starting point.

In one study, only a modest increase in protein intake from 15% of calories to 18% of calorie intake reduced the number of fat gainers after 50% weight loss.

A high amount of protein also helps build and maintain muscle mass, which helps burn a small amount of calories at all times of the day.

By eating a lot of protein, you can apply easier weight-loss regimes that you choose such as high-fat, low-carb, or some other mode.

According to these studies, an amount of about 30% of calories may be optimal for weight loss. This amount of calories corresponds to about 150 grams for people with a 2,000-calorie diet.

You can calculate the amount of protein by multiplying the calorie intake by 0.075

Summary: A protein content of about 30% of calories seems to be optimal for weight loss. It increases the rate of metabolism and reduces spontaneous calorie consumption.

Eat More Protein Can Help You Increase Your Strength And Increase Muscle Volume

Muscles are made up of mostly protein proteins

Like most tissues in the body, muscles are very dynamic, it is constantly broken down and rebuilt.

To gain muscle, the body must synthesize more muscle protein than break it.

In other words, there must be a positive protein balance (often called nitrogen balance, because protein has a high nitrogen content) in the body.

For this reason, people who want a lot of muscle need to eat large amounts of protein (and do weight lifting exercises). It is also a factor that makes consuming a higher amount of protein build muscle and increase your strength.

In addition, those who want to keep their muscles on weight loss also need to consume more protein. Because when losing fat, the body tends to lose muscle, and eating a lot of protein helps to prevent muscle loss during a diet to lose weight.

When it comes to muscle mass, studies often do not look at the percentage of calories, but the amount of grams of protein each day loaded on each unit of body weight (kg).

A general recommendation that helps you gain muscle is to consume 2.2gam of protein per kilogram of body weight, or

Many studies have tried to determine the optimal amount of protein for muscle strengthening and many of those studies have yielded different conclusions.

One study found that more than 0.8 grams for every 0.5 kg of weight did not work, while other studies suggested that consuming more than 1 gram for every 0.5 kg of weight was best.

Although it is difficult to give an accurate number because of conflicting results in studies, the 0.7-1 grams per 0.5kg body weight seems to be a reasonable estimate.

If you are carrying a lot of body fat, then the best idea is to use either the body mass, or the weight of your target, instead of your total body weight, because your body mass has can quantify the amount of protein you need.

Summary: It is important that you eat enough protein if you want to achieve or maintain muscle. Most studies have suggested that 0.7-1 grams for each 0.5kg or 1.5-2.2 grams per kilogram is enough.

Other Cases May Increase Protein Demand

In addition to increasing muscle mass, fitness goals, people with regular motor levels also need more protein than sedentary people.

If you have a job that requires a lot of physical activity, or walking, running, swimming or doing any exercise, you will need more protein. The athletes also need a lot of protein, about 0.5-0.65 grams per 0.5kg, or 1.2-1.4 grams per kilogram.

Elderly people also need significantly more protein, about 0.45-0.6 grm per 0.5kg of body weight.

This can help prevent osteoporosis and reduce muscle mass, which are two important problems in the elderly.

People who are recovering from an injury may also need more protein.

Summary: Protein requirements are significantly increased in people who are physically active, as well as in people recovering from trauma and older people.

Does Protein Have a Bad Influence on Health?

Proteins have been blamed for some health problems.

It is thought that a high-protein diet causes kidney damage and osteoporosis. However, this is not scientifically proven.

Although limiting protein is useful for people with pre-existing kidney problems, protein has never been shown to cause kidney damage in healthy people.

In fact, higher protein intake has been shown to lower blood pressure and help fight diabetes, which are two of the main risk factors for major kidney disease.

If the protein actually has some adverse effects on kidney function (which has never been proven), the positive effect on these risk factors is negligible.

Proteins have also been blamed for osteoporosis, which is an extremely stubborn proposition, because studies really show that proteins can help prevent osteoporosis.

In general, there is no proof that consuming a relatively high amount of protein will adversely affect human health.

Summary: Protein does not have any negative effects on kidney function in healthy people and research shows that it helps improve bone health.

How To Eat Protein Well In Your Diet?

The best sources of protein are meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. They contain all the essential amino acids that the body needs.

There are also some high-protein plants such as quinoa, beans and nuts.

If you are a healthy person trying to stay healthy, then you only need to eat quality protein with most of your meals (along with nutritious plant foods) with the optimal amount is okay.

What Is The Definition Of Mean Protein?

This is another common misunderstanding.

When I say "gam protein", this means that the nutritional protein is present in food, not the food of a food like eggs and meat.

For example, 226 grams of beef, but it only contains 61 grams of protein, a large fruit weighs 46 grams, but it only has 6 grams of protein.

The Average Protein Of A How Many People

If you have a healthy weight, you do not lift weight and do not exercise much, the average amount of protein you should eat every day about 0.8-1.3 grams per kilogram of weight is a reasonable estimate.

Below is a specific number:

  • 56-91 grams per day for men with moderate levels of exercise.
  • 46-75 grams per day for women with moderate levels of movement.

Through this article, I hope you can know how much protein you should eat during the day to have the best health and to achieve the best weight loss effect.