Is Coconut Oil Treating Acne?

The acne treatment effect of coconut oil has not been studied much

Acne is a common skin disease that affects 80% of people.

Most common in teenagers, but acne can also affect adults of all ages.

Due to the many health benefits, some people have started taking coconut oil to treat acne.

This involves using coconut oil directly on the skin, as well as eating it.

However, while coconut oil has been studied for Many health benefits There are very few studies examining resistance against acne.

The cause of acne

Acne forms when oil and dead skin cells clog pores.

Pores are small holes in the skin, often called hair follicles. Each hair follicle is connected to an oily gland, creating an oil called sebum.

When too much sebum is produced, it can fill and seal pores. This stimulates growth bacteria known as or P. acne .

The bacteria are trapped in hair follicles causing white blood cells to appear to attack. This leads to dermatitis, causing acne.

Symptoms of acne include whiteheads, blackheads and acne. There are some cases that are worse than others.

Many factors that contribute to the development of acne include hormonal changes, genetics, diet, stress and infection.

Summary: Acne starts when oil and dead skin cells clog pores and cause inflammation. There are many factors that contribute to this situation.

Fatty acids in coconut oil help kill bacteria that cause acne

Moderate fatty acids in coconut oil can kill pathogenic microorganisms

Coconut oil contains almost the whole Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA).

MCFA has a strong antibacterial effect, meaning they can kill pathogenic microorganisms.

Nearly 50% of fatty acids found in coconut oil are medium chain lauric acid.

Lauric acid can help kill harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses in the body. Today, lauric acid is shown to kill P. acne .

In one study, lauric acid was more effective at killing these bacteria than benzoyl peroxide - a popular acne treatment. It also shows the ability to treat bacterial inflammation .

In another study, lauric acid was combined with retinoic acid. This mixture also inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause acne .

Coconut oil also contains capric acid, caproic and caprylic fatty acids. Although not as strong as lauric acid, some of these are also effective against bacteria that cause acne .

This feature only works when directly using coconut oil on the skin, because this is where bacteria cause acne.

Summary: Coconut oil contains a lot of vascular fatty acids, indicating the ability to kill acne-causing bacteria called Propionibacterium acne.

Applying coconut oil on the skin can help moisturize and help restore the skin

Coconut oil is effective at moisturizing the skin, healing skin and reducing scarring.

Many people with acne suffer from skin damage, which can lead to scarring.

Moistening the skin is an important step to keep skin healthy. That's because your skin needs proper moisture to fight infection and recover properly.

Research has shown that applying coconut oil to the skin can help reduce dry skin while fighting bacteria .

In fact, studies show that using coconut oil as a moisturizer is more effective or effective than using mineral oil .

In addition, coconut oil can help restore skin and prevent scarring.

In one study, injured mice treated with coconut oil were less prone to inflammation and increased production collagen , a major component of the skin .

As a result, their wounds heal much faster.

Moisturizing your skin can reduce the risk of developing acne .

Summary: Coconut oil effectively moisturizes the skin. It can also help heal the skin and reduce scarring.

Eating coconut can help fight inflammation

Fatty acids in coconut oil can also resist inflammation caused by acne.

Multi-tube and animal studies have demonstrated the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of coconut oil .

These findings suggest that eating coconut oil can help reduce redness and inflammation caused by acne.

However, this effect needs to be confirmed in human studies.

Summary: Eating coconut oil can help reduce inflammation along with acne but need more research.

Not recommended to apply coconut oil if your skin is oily

Oily skin should not apply coconut oil

Eating coconut oil is not a problem for most people.

However, some people apply it directly to the skin as a cleanser or moisturizer.

This may be beneficial for acne, but it is not recommended in people with oily skin.

Coconut oil has the ability to stimulate acne production, which means it can clog pores. Therefore, it can actually make acne worse for some people.

Summary: When applied to the skin, coconut oil can clog pores and make acne worse. It is not recommended in people with oily skin.

Should you treat acne with coconut oil?

Coconut oil has a high lauric acid content that helps kill bacteria that cause acne.

Applying coconut oil on the skin can kill bacteria that cause acne and increase moisture, which can also reduce acne scars.

However, coconut oil can be a problem for people with oily skin.

To avoid making the problem worse, you should check with your dermatologist before trying.

However, eating coconut oil is safe. Studies show health benefits when taking two tablespoons (30ml) each day.

If you want to try it, organic and pure coconut oil is the best.