Is It Good For Good Health?

Carambola is increasingly popular

Eating repeating some fruits and vegetables can be quite boring.

Fortunately, there are lots of delicious fruits and vegetables that you can try.

There is a special fruit that is increasingly popular as star fruit.

This article explores the benefits and potential health risks of star fruit.

What is star fruit?

Star fruit is also called carambola, is a sweet and sour fruit with a pentagram shape .

The canola is edible and the meat is slightly sour, making it much used in many dishes.

Star fruit is yellow or green. There are two main varieties: smaller, sour-flavored varieties, and larger sweet ones.

This is an image of star fruit and star fruit juice:

Summary: Carambola is a sweet and sour fruit with the shape of a pentagram. Carambola has several different varieties.

Nutritional composition of star fruit

Carambola is a fruit with a variety of nutritional sources, especially fiber and vitamin C.

This is the nutrient content of a medium sized star fruit (91 grams) :

  • Fiber: 3 grams.
  • Protein: 1 gram.
  • Vitamin C: 52% RDI.
  • Vitamin B5: 4% RDI.
  • Folate: 3% RDI.
  • Copper: 6% RDI.
  • Potassium: 3% RDI.
  • Magnesium: 2% RDI.

It doesn't look like much, but remember that this diet only contains 28 calories and 6 grams carb . This means star fruit is very nutritious, considering calories.

Summary: It is low in calories but rich in fiber and vitamin C. It is very nutritious in terms of low calorie intake.

Star fruit is filled with healthy plant compounds

Star fruit also contains other substances that make it even healthier.

This is a great source of healthy plant compounds, including quercetin, gallic acid and epicatechin.

These compounds have powerful antioxidant properties and various health benefits.

Plant compounds have been shown to help prevent fat cell formation, reduce fatty liver status and lower cholesterol in laboratory mice .

Plant compounds in star fruit are also being studied for the ability to prevent liver cancer in mice .

There is also some evidence from animal studies that sugar in star fruit can reduce inflammation .

However, there are currently no studies on star fruit that are conducted in humans, so these effects are still in doubt.

Summary: There are many beneficial plant compounds in star fruit. Animal studies have shown that they can reduce inflammation, reduce cholesterol and help prevent fatty liver.

Safety and side effects

Unfortunately, starving can also have side effects for some people. This is mainly due to abundant oxalate sources.

For this reason, people with kidney problems need to avoid starving and drinking star fruit juice, or at least consult a doctor before trying.

For people with kidney problems, regular eating may lead to kidney damage .

Furthermore, toxins in this fruit can lead to neurological problems in patients with kidney disease, including confusion, seizures and even death .

People who take prescription drugs should also be cautious. Similar to grapefruit, star fruit can change the way the body decays and uses a drug.

Summary: People who have kidney problems or who take prescription medications should talk to the doctor before they eat it.

How to eat

Squeezing star fruit juice is a way to eat

Some people may not want to try this fruit because they don't know how to prepare it.

Here is a simple way to prepare and starve:

  • Make sure it is ripe.
  • Quick wash with water.
  • Cut off the two ends.
  • Sliced.
  • Drop seeds.
  • Eat.

There are many ways you can enjoy this fruit. Include:

  • Cut and eat.
  • Add to salad or fresh dishes.
  • Put in scones or pudding.
  • Add Asian or Indian style stews and curries.
  • Cook with seafood or crab shrimp dishes.
  • Processing into jam, jelly or chutney.
  • Pressed into soft drinks .

Summary: Star fruit is easy to prepare and easy to eat. It can be used in many different dishes and desserts.

Main message

Star fruit is a delicious fruit. It has a low calorie content, but is high in vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants.

However, people with kidney problems or those taking prescription medications should consult their doctor before eating this fruit.

For most people, star fruit is a healthy and healthy supplement to the diet.