Vitamin supplements are very popular.

Is Vitamin B12 Injectable Good or Not?
Many people believe that vitamin B12 supplements work to improve energy levels, brain function and weight loss

Many people believe that these functional foods will act as a protection system and

Help ensure the body has enough nutrients.

Vitamin B12 supplements are more commonly used, because this deficiency often occurs.

In fact, many people often use it injections vitamin B12.

This product is claimed to have effects such as improving energy levels, brain function and weight loss.

This article will review B12 injections, see if this is a good medicine.

What is Vitamin B12 and how does it work?

, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin.

This substance plays an important role in brain activity as well as the production of DNA and red blood cells.

Chemically, vitamin B12 can exist in many different forms, but all contain cobalt minerals.

This vitamin can be stored in the liver for a long time, so it may take several years for the deficiency of new substances to appear .

Conclude: Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in brain activity and red blood cell production.

Many people are missing this substance

Is Vitamin B12 Injectable Good or Not?
Vitamin B12 deficiency is quite common

The recommended daily intake of vitamin B12 is 6 mg.

B12 deficiency is quite common, especially among vegetarians or vegetarians.

In fact, up to 90% of people who follow these diets are lacking in quality .

The reason is that B12 is a natural ingredient only in animal foods.

However, vegetarians and vegans are not the only people lacking B12. Even some meat eaters cannot absorb it effectively .

Unlike other vitamins, vitamin B12 absorption depends on one type the protein produced in the stomach, called .

The intrinsic factor binds to vitamin B12 so that the body can absorb it into the bloodstream. People who do not produce enough intrinsic factors may be deficient in the substance.

B12 deficiency is especially common in the elderly, because the ability to absorb vitamin B12 may decrease over time .

Others are also at risk of deficiency such as those who undergo bowel surgery, including weight loss surgery. People who have a disease that affects the intestines such as Crohn's or celiac disease are also at risk .

Conclude: People at high risk of vitamin B12 deficiency are vegan and vegan, because in their diet there is almost no substance. Vitamin deficiency may also be due to poor absorption.

Vitamin B12 injections are very effective

Vitamin B12 deficiency if left untreated can lead to neurological problems or . These conditions occur when the body does not have enough B12 to produce the necessary red blood cells .

Vitamin B12 injections are the most common way to prevent or treat deficiency. B12 doses prescribed by a doctor will be injected into the muscle.

The commonly used injections are hydroxocobalamin or cyanocobalamin. These are very effective in increasing B12 levels in the blood and preventing / reversing deficiency.

Conclude: If you are deficient in vitamin B12, the injection will be very effective in raising this concentration in the blood.

Potential health benefits

Because vitamin B12 plays an important role in the body, deficiency of this substance can cause serious health consequences.

In fact, low blood levels of B12 are associated with some health problems.

Brain activity

Low levels of vitamin B12 are associated with impaired brain function.

Is Vitamin B12 Injectable Good or Not?
Providing adequate vitamin B12 for the body is very important for brain function, mental health, bones and eyes

Two recent studies show that low blood levels of B12 may be associated with dementia .

However, the results are quite contradictory and treatment with vitamin B12 is not effective in improving brain function in people with normal brain function .


Many people believe that low levels of vitamin B12 can cause depression.

However, a review of the study has shown that treating depression with vitamin B12 does not reduce the severity of symptoms.

However, there are suggestions that taking B12 for a long time may help prevent recurrence of depression .

Currently, quality studies on this issue are not yet available. We need to do a lot of research to find out if there is any relationship between vitamin B12 and depression .


Osteoporosis is a disease with symptoms of bone mass loss that causes weak bones and high fracture risk.

Interestingly, low levels of vitamin B12 in the blood can lead to decreased bone mass .

Therefore, patients are advised to take vitamin B12 to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. However, studies have shown inconsistent results .

Age-related macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration is a gradual loss of central vision, usually in both eyes.

In people 50 years and older, getting enough vitamin B12 is thought to be important in maintaining good vision and preventing macular degeneration.

In one large study, 5,200 women were given 1,000 mcg of vitamin B12 along with other B vitamins and folic acid daily .

7 years later, research shows that these women are at risk of macular degeneration due to less than 35% age.

However, reducing risk is not only due to vitamin B12, providing enough vitamin D also plays a very important role.

Other statements

Recently, injections and infusions of vitamin B12 have also become popular even for healthy people who do not have a deficiency.

Proponents of this method believe that B12 injections can increase energy levels, lose weight and improve mood.

However, there is little or no evidence to support these claims.

Conclude: Providing adequate vitamin B12 for the body is very important for brain function, mental health, bones and eyes. The injection will not really work if you are not missing.

Safety and side effects

Is Vitamin B12 Injectable Good or Not?
Vitamin B12 is quite safe and allergy is very rare

Overall, vitamin B12 injections are said to be very safe. It does not bring about serious side effects.

However, in rare cases, some people may experience side effects from allergies or sensitivity .

If you experience any side effects, see your doctor.

Conclude: Vitamin B12 injections are very safe, but in a few cases it can cause allergies.

Other ways to supplement vitamin B12

Is Vitamin B12 Injectable Good or Not?
Vitamin B12 can be supplemented through animal foods and functional foods

Vitamin B12 is found in animal foods and some B12 fortified foods.

Food increases in each country are different, but usually include milk substitutes or breakfast cereals.

Some good sources of vitamin B12 include:

  • Liver: 75 g provides 881% of the recommended daily intake (RDI).
  • Kidney beef: 75 g provides 311% RDI.
  • Salmon: 75 g provides 61% RDI.
  • Canned salmon: 75 g provides 61% RDI.
  • Ground beef: 75 g provides 40% of RDI.
  • Egg: 2 large eggs provide 25% of RDI.
  • Milk: 250 ml provides 20% RDI.
  • Chicken: 75 g provides 3% RDI.

There are some people who have difficulty providing enough vitamin B12 for their bodies, especially those who are vegan and vegan.

In these cases, supplements and B12 injections are often recommended.

Fortunately, there is growing evidence that supplements of B12 supplements are as effective as injections in raising blood B12 levels for most people .

Vegetarians and vegans are often advised to take at least 10 mcg daily, or at least 2,000 mcg once a week.

However, some doctors still advise patients to use injections rather than oral medications.

Conclude: Many animal foods contain high levels of vitamin B12. Oral supplements have also been shown to be effective in increasing B12 levels in the blood.

Do you need vitamin B12 injections?

If you have a balanced diet full of vitamin B12-rich foods, you won't need to supplement B12 anymore.

For most people, food can provide all the essential nutrients. However, people at risk of anemia may need to supplement.

In these cases, oral supplements are as effective as injections.

If you are worried about how much vitamin B12 is absorbed into your body, see your doctor or dietitian to learn more about what to do.