Kefir's Top 9 Proven Health Benefits

kefir's health benefits

Kefir is the storm in the super healthy natural food community.

They are rich in nutrients and probiotics, extremely beneficial for digestion and intestinal health.

Many people consider kefir to be a healthier, healthier replica than yogurt.

Through this article, I would like to introduce to you the top 9 health benefits of kefir that have been scientifically proven.

1. Kefir Is A Source Many Great Nutrients

Kefir is a fermented drink, traditionally made with goat or cow's milk, by adding kefir seeds to milk.

Kefir seeds are not ordinary nuts, but it is a group of lactic acid bacteria and yeast, it has a very strong fermentation ability and can ferment continuously over and over again.

After kefir is added to milk, within 24 hours the microorganisms in the kefir seed will multiply and ferment the milk sugars, making it kefir.

Then the particles are removed from the liquid and can be used again.

So basically, kefir is a drink, but kefir is the "starting point" to help you produce this great drink.

Kefir comes from parts of Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia. This name is derived from the word "Keyif" in Turkish, meaning "good feeling" after eating.

The lactic acid bacteria turn milk lactose into lactic acid, so kefir is sour like yogurt, but more diluted than yogurt.

175 ml of kifir diet contains:

  • Protein: 6 grams.
  • Calcium: 20% of RDA.
  • Phosphorus: 20% of RDA.
  • Vitamin B12: 14% RDA.
  • Riboflavin (B2): 19% RDA.
  • Magnesium: 5% RDA.
  • A large amount of vitamin D.

This 175 ml is equivalent to 100 calories, 7-8 grams of carbs and 3-6 grams of fat, which are also dependent on the type of milk used.

Kefir also contains many bioactive compounds, including organic acids and peptides that contribute to many health benefits.

Kefir drinks can be made with coconut water, coconut milk or other sweet liquids. But these ingredients will not yield the same nutritional value as kefir made from milk.

Summary: kefir is a fermented milk drink, grown from kefir seeds. It is rich in calcium, protein and vitamin B.

2. Kefir has Many Probiotics Probiotics Stronger than Yogurt

Some microorganisms may have beneficial effects on health when ingested.

Probiotics are microorganisms that can affect health in a variety of ways, including digestion, weight control and mental health.

Yogurt is the most famous probiotics in Western diet, but kefir is actually a much stronger source.

Kefir seeds contain about 30 strains of bacteria and yeast, so the kefir drink has a rich and diverse source of probiotics.

Other fermented dairy products are made with very few strains of bacteria and do not contain any yeast.

In summary: kefir contains about 30 different microorganisms, making it a much more potent source of bacterial benefits than other fermented dairy products.

3. High Kefir Antibacterial

Some probiotic probioptics in kefir are thought to have protection against infection.

This includes the kefiri Lactobacillus bacterium, the only probiotic that only kefir has.

Studies show that this bacterium can inhibit the growth of various harmful bacteria, including Salmonella, Helicobacter Pylori and E. coli.

Kefiran is a carbohydrate found in kefir, also has antibacterial properties.

Summary: kefir contains kefiri Lactobacillus, and kefiran carbohydrate, both of which can protect against harmful bacteria.

4. Kefir Can Improve Health Of Bone And Lowering The Risk Of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis ("spongy" bone) is characterized by the decline of bone tissue, and is a major problem in Western countries.

Osteoporosis is a particularly common symptom in older women, and increases the risk of fractures.

Ensuring adequate calcium is one of the most effective ways to improve bone health, and slow the progression of osteoporosis.

Kefir is made from whole fat milk, has excellent sources of calcium and vitamin k2. This nutrient plays a central role in calcium metabolism and its supplementation has been shown to reduce the risk of fractures by up to 81%.

Recent animal studies have shown that kefir can increase calcium absorption of bone cells. This leads to improved bone density, which helps prevent fractures effectively.

Summary: Milk kefir is an excellent source of calcium. In the case of full-fat milk, it also contains lots of vitamin K2. These nutrients have great benefits for bone health.

5. Kefir Can Protect Against Cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world.

Cancer occurs when there is uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body such as a tumor.

The beneficial bacteria in fermented milk products are thought to be able to inhibit the growth of tumors by reducing the formation of carcinogenic compounds, while stimulating improvement of the immune system.

This protective role has been proved by many studies in vitro.

One study showed that kefir extract reduced 56% of human breast cancer cells, while yogurt decreased by only 14%.

However, in vitro studies have yet to prove effective for the human body.

In summary: some in vitro animal studies have shown that kefir can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. However, this has not been studied in humans.

6. The Probiotics Probiotics In Kefir Can Help Improve Different Digestive Problems

Probiotics in kefir can help restore the intestinal bacteria balance.

This is why they are highly effective for many forms of diarrhea.

There is also plenty of evidence to suggest that probiotics and foods containing probiotics can help solve digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcers caused by H. pylori infection and Other related issues.

For this reason, kefir may be helpful if you have problems with the digestive system.

Summary: Probiotics in kefir can treat many types of diarrhea. They can also greatly improve the treatment of various digestive diseases.

7. Kefir Good Tolerance By People Who Do Not Load Sugar Lactose

Dairy foods often contain a natural amount of sugar called lactose.

However, many people, especially older people, cannot break down and digest lactose properly. This condition is called lactose intolerance.

Lactic acid bacteria in fermented dairy foods (such as kefir and yogurt) will convert lactose into lactic acid, so these foods have lower lactose content than milk.

They also contain enzymes that can help break down lactose even more.

Because of this, kefir is generally well tolerated in people with lactose intolerance, at least when compared to pure milk, or dairy products.

One point that you should keep in mind is that it can make 100% non-lactose kefir drinks by using coconut water, fruit juice or some other non-dairy liquids.

Summary: Lactic acid bacteria are always available to digest lactose in kefir. People with lactose intolerance often eat kefir completely without any problems.

8. Kefir Can Improve Symptoms Of Allergies And Asthma

Allergic reactions are caused by inflammatory reactions against harmless environmental substances.

People with overly sensitive immune systems are prone to allergies, and this allergic reaction can cause asthma.

In animal studies, kefir has been shown to be effective in preventing inflammatory reactions related to allergies and asthma.

Human studies are also needed to better understand these effects.

9. Kefir Very Easy To Make At Home

The last point is not a health benefit, but it plays a very important role.

If you are unsure about the quality of kefir purchased at the store, you can do it yourself in your kitchen.

Kefir combined with some soy sauce will give you the most delicious and healthy dessert you should eat.

You can buy kefir nuts in some health food stores and supermarkets, or buy online.

On google there are some articles and videos about how to make other kefir simply, you can apply one of these ways to make this great kefir yourself.

I hope this article will help you in your daily diet, especially in cases where you cannot tolerate lactose, kefir is the perfect choice.