Kiwi: The Value of Nutrition and Health Benefits

Kiwi fruit (scientific name is Actinidia deliciosa ) is a popular fruit named after the national symbol bird of New Zealand.

Because of its origins in China, this fruit was originally called Chinese gooseberry.

Kiwifruit has a high nutritional value, and is a good source of fiber and contains antioxidants, some vitamins and minerals.

Research shows that eating kiwifruit has many health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, reducing constipation and improving protein digestion.

This is kiwi:

Kiwifruit meat is green with small black seeds, brown outer shell and fur.

Commercial kiwifruit began production in New Zealand in the 1930s, and they are now grown around the world.

There are many types of kiwi. This article refers to the most common type that is kiwi or green kiwi. Other types include yellow kiwi, hard kiwi and grape mint.

Nutritional value

Like most other fresh fruits, kiwi contains mostly country and carbohydrates .

The following table presents the main nutrient composition of kiwi fruit :


Fresh kiwi


100 gram

General information

Calories sixty one
Country 83%
The protein 1.1 g
Carb 14.7 g
Street 9 g
Fiber 3 g
Fat 0.5 g
Saturation 0.03 g
Unsaturated single 0.05 g
Polyunsaturated 0.29 g
Omega-3 0.04 g
Omega-6 0.25 g
Trans fat ~


Content % DV
Vitamin A 4 µg 0%
Vitamin C 92.7 mg 103%
Vitamin D 0 µg ~
Vitamin E 1.46 mg ten%
Vitamin K 40.3 µg 34%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 0.03 mg 2%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.03 mg 2%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 0.34 mg 2%
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) 0.18 mg 4%
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.06 mg 5%
Vitamin B12 0 µg ~
Folate 25 µg 6%
Choline 7.8 mg first%


Content % DV
Calcium 34 mg 3%
Iron 0.31 mg 4%
Magie 17 mg 4%
Phosphorus 34 mg 5%
Kali 312 mg 7%
Sodium 3 mg 0%
Zinc 0.14 mg first%
Copper 0.13 mg 14%
Manganese 0.1 mg 4%
Selenium 0.2 µg 0%

More details


Carb is the most common nutrient in kiwifruit, accounting for about 15% of fresh fruit weight .

Types carb This mainly consists of simple sugars like fructose and glucose .

Kiwifruit has low or moderate, this index is used to measure the increase in blood sugar after meals .

This means moderate kiwifruit safety for people with diabetes.

Summary: Carb is the main nutrient in kiwifruit. Types of carb are mainly from sugar, such as glucose and fructose.


About 2-3% of fresh kiwi fruit is fiber .

This ratio includes insoluble fiber such as lignin and hemicellulose, and soluble fiber, such as pectin .

Fiber is not digested in the intestine, but some types (mostly soluble) are fermented in the colon, where they enhance the development of beneficial bacteria.

These bacteria produce short-chain fatty acids, such as butyrate. Short-chain fatty acids can improve the health of the colon by reducing the risk of colon cancer and protecting against infections .

High-fiber diets can also reduce the risk of constipation, heart disease and type 2 diabetes .

Summary: Kiwi is a good source of fiber. They can promote digestive health by cutting the risk of colon cancer and helping to prevent constipation.

Vitamins and minerals

Kiwi is especially rich in vitamin C, even more than oranges and lemons.

Kiwi is a good source of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C.

The following vitamins and minerals account for the most:

  • Vitamin C: A kiwi fruit (69 g) can provide 77% of the daily vitamin C requirement. In fact, kiwifruit has more vitamin C than many citrus fruits oranges and lemon .
  • Vitamin K1: This vitamin enhances bone and kidney health, and is essential for blood clotting.
  • Potassium: Absorption of this essential mineral may promote cardiovascular health .
  • Vitamin E: A significant amount of vitamins are found in kiwifruit seeds. However, because grain is difficult to digest, its value may be limited .
  • Copper: As an essential element in small quantities, copper consumption is often low in Western diets. Copper deficiency can affect cardiovascular health .
  • Folate: Also known as vitamin B9 or folic acid, folate has many important functions in the body. Adequate folate absorption is particularly important during pregnancy .

Summary: Kiwi is a good source of vitamins and minerals. They are especially rich in vitamin C, even more than oranges and lemons.

Other plant compounds

Kiwi is a source of various antioxidant compounds, some of which are healthy.

  • Quercetin: Kiwi contains high levels of polyphenol antioxidants. Absorption of many quercetin may reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer .
  • Lutein: This is one of the most abundant carotene antioxidants found in kiwifruit. High levels of lutein can enhance eye health .
  • Actinidin: An enzyme that breaks down proteins, this is one of the main allergens found in kiwifruit; However, it can also improve protein digestion .

Summary: Kiwifruit contains some powerful antioxidants, including quercetin and lutein. They are also sources of actinidin, an enzyme that can improve protein digestion.

Health benefits of kiwi

Like other fruits, kiwi has many health benefits.

Kiwi helps reduce constipation, is beneficial for cardiovascular health and enhances protein digestion

Reduce constipation

Constipation is an adverse condition manifested in abnormalities of the intestine, hard stool and difficulty in going outside .

Bowel disorders, such as constipation, are linked to colon health and are an important health problem, especially in the elderly .

Some studies show that consumption of kiwifruit can help constipation. This is because they have a natural laxative effect .

One trial in 38 older men and women found eating a kiwifruit every day (every 30 kilograms of body weight) for three weeks with more frequent and more frequent bowel movements .

Another study in 33 patients with chronic constipation showed that eating two kiwifruit daily for two weeks significantly improved constipation symptoms .

In a study of people with irritable bowel syndrome, eating two kiwifruit daily for four weeks increased the frequency of bowel movements. However, it does not work in healthy participants .

In addition to the fiber content in kiwi, these effects are thought to be due to actinidin, a plant protein-digesting compound .

Summary: The natural laxative effect of kiwifruit is one of the main health attributes it brings. For this reason, kiwi can be used as a treatment for constipation.

Improve protein digestion

Kiwifruit contains (also known as actinidain), a unique plant compound that breaks down proteins. In fact, it can be used to soften meat .

These properties also have some health effects.

In vitro tests and animal studies show that actinidin may improve digestion of protein in the intestine .

For this reason, eating kiwi can be beneficial for people with reduced protein digestion and those who feel uncomfortable due to satiety after eating a lot of protein.

Summary: Because it contains a unique plant compound called actinidin, it is advisable to eat kiwi that can improve protein digestion.

Heart health

Heart disease (cardiovascular disease) is the leading cause of death in the world.

Some major risk factors include high blood pressure (hypertension), bad blood fat and blood clots.

Some studies show that kiwi can reduce some of these risk factors.

Eating 2-3 kiwifruit a day can:

  • Hypotension .
  • Has a blood thinning effect, reducing the risk of blood clots .
  • Reducing triglycerides in the blood, improving blood fat .
  • Raise HDL levels ("good" cholesterol) .

However, not all studies have found significant benefits .

In general, kiwi is a great eating option for those who want to improve cardiovascular health.

Summary: Kiwi can improve many risk factors for heart disease. The benefits may include lowering blood pressure and improving blood fat.

Side effects

Some people may be allergic to kiwi

Kiwifruit fruits are often considered healthy.

However, some people may be allergic to them. In addition, they can cause mouth irritation and stomach irritation in some people.


Kiwifruit allergies are often less serious than nuts allergies. Signs include diarrhea, stomach pain, mild swelling and itching in the mouth .

However, some people may experience a more serious reaction, such as allergic shock. This is more common in children than adults.

People who are allergic to rubber, grass or birch pollen may also be allergic to kiwi, a condition known as cross-allergic reaction .

Discomfort in the mouth

Eating kiwifruit can irritate the mouth in some people.

This irritation may be due to small calcium oxalate crystals (such as calcium oxalate needle crystals) and protein digesters such as actinidin cause.

Other fruits have similar characteristics as pineapple and fruit (belonging to the family Ray) .


Because of its unique fiber, kiwi has been used as a natural remedy against constipation .

However, some people are very sensitive to the natural laxative effects of kiwifruit that can suffer from diarrhea, especially after excessive consumption.

Summary: Although kiwifruit is healthy, some individuals need to limit their use or avoid them. Kiwi can cause allergies, diarrhea and discomfort in the mouth.


Kiwi is a good source of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C. They also contain antioxidants and fiber.

For this reason, eating kiwi helps bring many health benefits such as lowering blood pressure, improving protein digestion and reducing the risk of constipation.