Military Diet (Military Diet) Is Really Effective - ...

Military diet Diet Diet is one of the most popular diets in the world.

It has been stated that the Diet Diet can help to lose weight quickly, about 4.5kg in just one week.

This diet is also very convenient and easy to apply. You don't need to buy books, no need to buy expensive food or any kind of functional food.

But is this diet really effective? And should you try it?

This article will definitely answer all your questions about this diet.

What is Military Diet?

Military Diet Diet Diet or a 3-day diet, a weight-loss diet can help you lose up to 5kg in just 7 days.

The Military Diet diet plan is associated with a 3-day meal plan, followed by 4 days off. This cycle is repeated weekly until you reach your weight goal.

These diet supporters have stated that this diet was designed by a US military nutritionist to help soldiers get standard people quickly.

However, the fact that this diet is not related to any military or government organization.

The military diet is also known by many different names, including the naval diet (Navy Diet), the creamy diet (Ice cream diet).

Bottom line: A military diet is a low-calorie diet that lowers weight, and what is expected to boost significant weight loss in just a week.

How Does the Military Diet Diet Work?

The real 3-day military diet is divided into 2 phases over a 7-day period.

During the first 3 days, you must follow a low calorie meal plan for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There are no snacks between meals.

The total calorie intake during this period is about 1,100-1,400 calories per day.

This number is lower than the average calorie intake of an adult, but you can check your calorie needs by using calorie calculations. You can get around the calorie count at

In the remaining 4 days of the week, you are encouraged to eat healthy and continue to maintain low calorie intake.

These diet advocates claim that you can repeat this diet many times, until you reach the desired weight level.

Summary: The first 3 days of military-style diets set up a meal plan and limit the calorie intake. The remaining 4 days are less restrictive of calories.

Meal Plan

This is a 3-day diet plan based on the Diet Diet:

Day 1

This is the meal plan for the first day. It accounts for about 1,400 calories. As follows:


  • A slice of toast with 2 teaspoons of peanut butter.
  • Half a grapefruit.
  • A cup of coffee or tea (optional).


  • A slice of toast.
  • Half a cup of tuna.
  • A cup of coffee or tea (optional).


  • Meat serving 85g with a cup of green beans.
  • A small apple.
  • ½ banana.
  • A glass of vanilla ice cream.

2nd day

These are meals for the 2nd day, the total calorie intake for this day is about 1,200 calories.


  • A slice of toast.
  • A boiled egg.
  • ½ banana.
  • A cup of coffee or tea (optional).


  • A boiled egg.
  • A cup of fresh cheese.
  • 5 salty biscuits.
  • A cup of coffee or tea (optional).


  • Two sausages, no chili
  • ½ cup of carrots and ½ cup of broccoli.
  • ½ banana.
  • ½ vanilla ice cream cup.

3rd day

Below is a meal plan for the 3rd day, with a total calorie intake of 1,100 calories / day.


  • A slice of 1 cheddar cheese.
  • 5 salty biscuits.
  • A small apple.
  • A cup of coffee or tea (optional).


  • A slice of toast.
  • An egg, cooked or processed according to your preferences.
  • A cup of coffee or tea (optional).


  • ½ cup of tuna.
  • ½ banana.
  • 1 cup of vanilla ice cream.

Drinks like coffee or tea, you can drink freely, just don't add sugar or cream. You should also drink plenty of filtered water.

4 Days Remaining

The remaining days of the week also involve dieting.

Snacks are allowed and there is no restriction on food groups. However, you are recommended to limit your diet, and keep calorie intake to less than 1500 calories daily.

You can find a list of websites and applications to track calories loaded each day.

There are no other rules when implementing a diet for the remaining 4 days.

Summary: The first 3 days of the diet will set up a menu, while the remaining 4 days are less restricted. You are still encouraged to eat healthy and limit calories in the remaining 4 days.

Allowable Foods

During the first 3-day meal planning phase that limits calories, you can replace food into supplements, but the serving size must have the same amount of calories.

For example, if you have a peanut allergy, you can substitute peanut butter into almond butter.

You can also substitute a cup of tuna with a few almonds if you are a vegetarian, and just make sure the calories are the same. If you change your meal plan in any way, you need to count your calorie intake.

Army-style diet supporters recommend drinking hot lemonade, and recommend against artificial sweeteners. However, there is no scientific evidence that explains why the idea of ​​drinking hot lemonade is a good idea.

Summary: If you are maintaining a calorie-restricted diet, you are welcome to use alternative calorie-equivalent foods.

Is the Military Diet Based on Evidence?

There has been no research on a military diet. However, the average person also tends to lose a few pounds due to the weekly calorie restriction.

If your calorie intake is lower, your fatty tissue stores less, and you lose fat

However, these diet supporters claim that it has a certain weight loss advantage thanks to the "food combination" in the meal plan. This combination of food is said to increase metabolism and burn fat, but there is no real evidence behind this statement.

Both green coffee and tea contain compounds that can boost metabolism, but no known food combination can do this.

And, if you look at the foods that are included in the meal plan, it's not just like the fat burning diet.

Foods rich in protein promote metabolism more efficiently than other foods. But most meals in the Military Diet diet are low in protein and high in carb. This is a bad combination for weight loss.

Some people also said that this diet has the same health benefits as Intermittent Fasting interrupt fasting mode. However, there is no "fasting" state in this diet, so this view is wrong.

In short: a Military Diet military diet can help you lose weight because it has a very low calorie content. However, it has no special advantage that makes it more effective than other calorie-restricted diets.

Is the Military Diet Safe and Sustainable?

Diet diet diet seems to be safe for normal people because it is too short to cause prolonged harm.

However, if you have applied this diet for several months, strict limits on calories can put you at risk of malnutrition.

This is especially true, because if you do not regularly eat vegetables and other quality foods during the day.

In addition, eating sausages, biscuits and creams every week are likely to cause metabolic problems. Junk food is not a part of your diet.

In terms of sustainability, this diet is quite easy to implement. It does not need to change long-term habits, and only requires willpower for a short period of time.

That means, it can't help you lose weight for a long time because it doesn't help you change your habits.

In summary: military diet diet seems safe for healthy people, but it should not be applied for a long time. It may not lead to prolonged weight loss.

Do You Really Reduce 5kg In 1 Week?

This diet becomes popular because it claims you can reduce 4.5-5 kg ​​of seaweed a week.

Theoretically, this weight loss rate is possible for overweight people who are severely limiting their calorie intake. However, most of the weight loss here is water, not fat.

Weight water drops rapidly as stores of the body's glycogen store decline, this happens when you limit carb and calories.

This looks good, but that weight will increase quickly as soon as you start eating normally again.

In summary: it can be reduced by about 5kg in a week, but most of this weight is water, and the weight also increases quickly when starting to eat normally.

Military Diet Active, But Not Long-lasting

If you want to quickly lose a few pounds, the military diet diet can help you.

But it is very likely that you will quickly gain weight again. Therefore, this diet is not a long-term weight loss diet.

If you're really serious about losing weight, and always trying to do it, there are many better weight loss methods than military diet diets.