Proper nutrition before exercise

Proper nutrition after exercise is very important

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are always looking for ways to improve performance and achieve goals.

Good nutrition can help your body work better and recover faster after each workout.

Optimal nutrient absorption before exercise not only helps you achieve maximum performance but also minimizes muscle damage .

This is a detailed guide about . Everything you need to know is here.

It is important to know what to eat

Energizing your body with the right nutrients before you practice will give you the energy and strength you need to perform better.

Each nutrient has a specific role before exercise. However, the rate you need to consume varies individually and the type of exercise .

Below is a brief summary of the role of each macronutrient.


Muscle uses glucose from carb for fuel.

For short and intense exercise, muscle and liver store glycogen as the muscle's main energy source .

But for longer exercises, the level of carb used depends on many factors. They include your intensity, type of training and your overall diet .

Muscle muscle glycogen stores are limited. When the reserve volume becomes exhausted, your performance and power will decrease .

Studies have consistently shown the ability of carb to increase storage volume and use glycogen while increasing carb oxidation during exercise .

Collecting carb, including consuming a high carb diet for 1-7 days is a well-known method to maximize glycogen storage volume .

The protein

Protein smoothies are an easy-to-make and highly effective dish

Many studies have recorded consumption potential the protein before training to improve sports performance.

Consuming only protein or protein with carb before exercise increases muscle protein synthesis .

One study showed a positive anabolic reaction after eating 20 grams of whey protein before exercise .

Other benefits of protein intake before exercise include:

  • Better anabolic reaction, or muscle growth .
  • Improve muscle recovery .
  • Increase lean strength and mass .
  • Increase muscle performance .


While glycogen is used for short and intense exercise, fat becomes the fuel source for long-term and moderate-to-low exercise regimes .

Some studies have investigated the effect of fat on sports performance. However, these studies consider a high-fat diet over a long period of time, not before exercise .

For example, one study showed that a diet containing 40% fat for 4 weeks increased the running time of healthy professional joggers .

Summary: Carb helps maximize the amount of glycogen storage for intense exercise, while fat helps the body recharge energy for moderate and prolonged intensity exercise. Proteins improve muscle protein synthesis and help restore.

Time to eat before practice is the key

It is best to eat meals before exercising for up to 3 hours

Meal time is also an important aspect of nutrition before practice.

To maximize your training results, try to eat a complete meal containing carb, protein and fat 2-3 hours before training.

However, in some cases you cannot eat a full meal 2-3 hours before you practice.

In that case, you can still eat a decent meal before practicing. Just keep in mind when eating earlier than you practice, you should break down the meal more easily and simply.

So, if you eat 45-60 minutes before exercise, choose easily digestible foods that contain a large portion of carb and some proteins.

This helps prevent any stomach discomfort during exercise.

Summary: You should eat a complete meal before exercising 2-3 hours. For meals eaten earlier before training, choose simpler carb types and some proteins.

Some examples of pre-workout meals

What kind of food and how much to eat depends on the type, time and intensity of exercise.

A general rule is to eat a mixture of carb and protein before exercising.

If you eat fat along with a meal before exercising, you should eat at least a few hours before .

Here are some examples of balanced meals before exercise:

If your training starts in 2-3 hours or more

  • Sandwich with whole grain bread, lean protein and salad.
  • Omelette and whole-baked bread served with sliced ​​butter and some fruit.
  • Lean protein, brown rice and grilled vegetables.

If your training starts within 2 hours

  • Protein smoothie made from milk, protein powder , bananas and berries.
  • Whole grains and milk.
  • A cup of oatmeal covered with bananas and sliced ​​almonds.
  • Sandwich with whole wheat bread, natural almond butter and fruit.

If your training starts in 1 hour or less

  • Greek yogurt and fruit.
  • Bar nutrition with protein and healthy ingredients.
  • A piece of fruit like bananas, oranges or apples.

Note that you do not need to eat many meals before training at different times. Just choose one of them.

For best results, experiment with different times and ingredients of a meal before exercising.

Summary: The combination of carb and protein is recommended for pre-workout meals. Fat may also be beneficial, but should be consumed at least two hours before the episode.

Supplements can also be useful before practicing

The use of popular supplements for sports use. These products can enhance performance, improve strength, increase lean mass and reduce fatigue.

Here are some of the best supplements before exercise.


It is almost the most commonly used sports supplement.

It helps increase muscle mass, increase size, strength and muscular strength, and help prevent fatigue .

Using creatin before exercise is helpful, but it seems effective after training .

Drinking 2-5 grams of creatine monohydrate daily will be effective.


Among many benefits, caffeine has been shown to improve performance, increase strength and internal strength, reduce fatigue and stimulate fat burning .

Caffeine can be consumed in coffee, tea and energy-rich drinks, but is found in pre-exercise supplements and tablets.

How you consume is not a problem, because the effects on performance are often the same.

The effect of caffeine is highest after consuming 90 minutes. However, it has been shown to be effective even when eating before 15-60 minutes .

Branched amino acids (BCAAs)

The essential amino acids are valine, leucine and isoleucine.

Studies show that taking BCAAs before exercise reduces muscle damage and increases muscle protein synthesis .

A dose of 5 grams or more proved to be effective when administered at least one hour before training .


Beta-alanine is an amino acid that increases the mass storage of muscle carnosine. It is most effective for short and intense exercises.

It takes place by increasing exercise ability and muscle strength while reducing fatigue .

The recommended dose should be 2-5 grams per day. However, you should eat at least 0.5 grams before practicing .

The multi-functional functional foods before exercise

Combining many foods can bring better results

Some people like the product that contains the mixture of supplements mentioned above.

The combination of these components can have a synergistic effect and significantly improve performance .

Caffein, creatine, beta-alanine, branched amino acids, arginine and vitamin B are the most commonly used ingredients in these products .

These pre-exercise supplements showed increased performance, strength, endurance, anaerobic respiration, reaction time, concentration and alertness .

The specific dose depends on the product, but it is usually recommended about 30-45 minutes before training.

Summary: Creatin, caffeine, BCAAs and beta-alanine are often recommended before practice. Multi-component supplements before practicing to combine many different ingredients.

Hydration is also important

Drinking enough water is always important

Your body needs water to function optimally.

Good hydration has been shown to maintain and even increase efficiency, in dehydration associated with significant performance degradation .

Both water and sodium should be used before exercise. This will improve fluid balance .

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends taking 16-20 ounces (0.5-0.6 liters) of water at least four hours before the episode and 8-12 ounces (0.23-0, 35 liters) of water 10-15 minutes before practice .

In addition, they recommend drinking sodium-containing soft drinks to retain water .

Summary: Water is very important for performance. You should drink water and beverages that contain sodium before exercising to enhance fluid balance and prevent excessive dehydration.

Coordinate all together

To maximize performance and resilience, it's important to load your body with the right nutrients before you practice.

Carb helps maximize the body's ability to use glycogen to provide energy for short and high-intensity exercises, while fat helps the body save time for longer exercise.

Eating proteins helps improve muscle protein synthesis, prevents muscle damage and promotes recovery. Good hydration is also associated with increased performance.

Pre-exercise meals can be consumed 2-3 hours and 30 minutes before practice. However, choose foods that are easy to digest, especially when your training session starts in an hour or less. This will help you avoid any stomach discomfort.

In addition, many different supplements can support performance and promote recovery.

In general, these Simple pre-training can help you achieve better results and recover faster.

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