Role Of The Role Of Vitamin C For Colds

Many people think that consuming a lot of vitamin C will help prevent colds

I had a severe cold last weekend.

Runny nose, sore throat , mild fever and cough. You know how bad all these symptoms are.

There is nothing to do here, the common cold is a common infectious disease in humans and an average person has a cold a few times a year.

But it makes me think about a previous hypothesis that high doses of vitamin C can prevent colds.

Does Vitamin C help treat colds? Fact and fiction

This theory was popular in the 1970s when the writer won the Nobel Prize published a book on the prevention of colds by taking high doses of vitamin C. He uses about 18,000 mg per day (RDA - Recommended Dietary Allowance is about 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men).

At that time, there were no reliable studies that proved this to be true.

Since then, this has been extensively studied.

Vitamin C and immune system

is an antioxidant and necessary for the production of collagen for the skin. Collagen is the most abundant protein found in mammals, keeping skin and other tissues strong but flexible.

The result of this missing set is called (disease of blood due to lack of vitamin C). This disease is not really a problem of medicine today, because most people get enough vitamin C from food every day.

However, a little-known thing is that vitamin C is also highly concentrated in immune cells and consumed quickly when infected .

What effect does it have on the common cold?

Vitamin C can only reduce the severity and duration of colds but not prevent

Over the past few decades, many randomized controlled studies that have tested this vitamin have any real effect on the common cold.

The results are quite disappointing.

A meta-analysis of over 29 reports including 11,306 participants revealed that taking 200 mg of vitamin C or more did not reduce the frequency of colds .

However, vitamin C tends to reduce the severity and duration of colds.

Main message

Basically, if you take vitamin C you will find that you still have colds as much as before, but they may be less serious and the duration is shorter.

There are, of course, many potential benefits of vitamin C supplementation, and there is a lot of epidemiological evidence to suggest that the amount of vitamin C from food is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer .

Healthy foods and typical high levels of vitamin C are oranges , Kale and bell peppers. They also contain many healthy nutrients.