The 16 Most Effective Diabetes Control Foods

Diabetes complications can cause heart disease, so choosing the right foods for diabetics is important

Finding the best food for people with diabetes is not easy.

The main goal is to control blood sugar levels in the best way.

However, it is also important to choose foods to prevent diabetes complications such as heart disease.

Here are the 16 best foods for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

1. Fat fish

Fat fish is one of the healthiest food on the planet.

Salmon , sardines, herring, anchovies and mackerel are sources omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA are beneficial for cardiovascular health.

People with diabetes need to get enough of these fats regularly, because they are at a higher risk of heart disease and stroke .

DHA and EPA protect cells that cover the inner surface of blood vessels, reduce the signs of inflammation and improve arterial activity after eating .

Some observational studies show that people who eat fatty fish regularly have a lower risk of heart failure and a lower risk of death from heart disease .

Other studies have shown that triglyceride levels and signs of inflammation have decreased when older men and women eat fatty fish 5-7 days a week for 8 weeks .

Fish also contains a lot the protein High quality, help you feel full and speed up metabolism .

Conclude: Fatty fish contain omega-3 which helps reduce inflammation and risk factors for heart disease and stroke.

2. Green vegetables

Green vegetables are extremely nutritious and few calories . They are also very few carb easy to digest - substances that increase blood sugar.

Spinach, Kale and other green vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C.

In one study, increased levels of vitamin C reduced signs of inflammation and blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure .

In addition, green vegetables also contain antioxidants and . These antioxidants protect the eyes from the common complications of diabetes and cataract .

Conclude: Green vegetables are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that help protect cardiovascular and eye health.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon can improve control of blood sugar, insulin, cholesterol and triglyceride sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Cinnamon is a delicious spice with strong antioxidant activity.

Some controlled studies have shown that cinnamon can reduce blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity .

Prolonged diabetes control is usually done by measuring the amount . This is an indicator of average blood sugar levels within 2-3 months.

In one study, patients with type 2 diabetes had eaten cinnamon for 90 days, and as a result, their hemoglobin A1c was more than doubled compared to those who had only conventional care .

A recent analysis of 10 studies shows that cinnamon may also lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels .

However, some other studies have not been able to prove that cinnamon is beneficial for blood sugar and cholesterol, including one in adolescents with type 1 diabetes .

Moreover, you should eat less than 1 teaspoon of cassia cinnamon (or Chinese cinnamon - a type of cinnamon sold at most grocery stores) every day.

Because this type of cinnamon contains substances if used in high doses this will cause health problems .

On the other hand, cinnamon "ceylon" (cinnamon - "true cinnamon") contains less coumarin.

Conclude: Cinnamon can improve control of blood sugar, insulin, cholesterol and triglyceride sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes.

4. Eggs

Eating eggs helps to last long

Eggs can bring these health benefits great.

In fact, eggs are one of the best foods to help maintain satiety for hours .

Eating eggs regularly can also reduce the risk of heart disease in many ways.

This food helps reduce inflammation, improves insulin sensitivity, boosts HDL cholesterol levels and changes the size and shape of harmful LDL .

In one study, people with type 2 diabetes ate two eggs in each diet rich in protein improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels .

In addition, eggs are one of the sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, a high quality antioxidant that protects the eyes from diseases .

Eat both yolk and egg white for the sake of eggs mainly because of the nutrients in the yolk, not the white.

Conclude: Eggs improve the risk factors for heart disease, enhance blood sugar control, protect eye health and help maintain satiety.

5. Split seeds

Fiber in chia seeds helps reduce hunger

Particles is a great food for people with diabetes.

This seed contains a lot of fiber, but low in carbohydrates easily digested.

In fact, in 28 grams of chia seeds provide 12 grams of carb and 11 grams of which is fiber, meaning that it does not increase blood sugar.

The viscous fiber in chia seeds can help lower Blood sugar by reducing the rate of movement of food absorbed through the intestine .

Split seeds can help you achieve a healthy weight because fiber reduces hunger and makes you feel full. In addition, fiber can reduce calories absorbed from other foods at the same meal .

In addition, chia seeds have been shown to reduce blood pressure and inflammatory signs .

Conclude: Split seeds rich in fiber, low in carb are easily digested and can reduce blood pressure and inflammation.

6. Turmeric


Turmeric is a spice that brings many impressive health benefits.

In turmeric contains an active ingredient is curcumin capable reduce inflammation , hypoglycemia and reduce the risk of heart disease .

Furthermore, curcumin seems to be very good for the kidneys of diabetics as diabetes is one of the leading causes of kidney disease .

However, we cannot absorb curcumin if used alone. You should eat turmeric with piperine (found in black pepper) to enhance curcumin absorption by about 2,000% .

Conclude: Turmeric contains curcumin that helps reduce blood sugar and inflammation, while fighting heart disease and kidney disease.

7. Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt helps maintain blood sugar levels at a healthy level

Yogurt Greece is one milk product Good for diabetics.

It has been shown to improve blood sugar control and reduce the risk of heart disease, perhaps thanks in part to its composition. probiotic .

Studies have found that yogurt and other dairy foods can help weight loss and improve body structure in people with type 2 diabetes.

It is believed that these benefits come from calcium content and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) high in dairy products .

Moreover, Greek yogurt contains only 6-8 grams of carb in each serving, lower than regular yogurt. It also contains higher protein content, help lose weight by reducing appetite and reducing calorie intake .

Conclude: Greek yogurt helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels, reduces risk factors for heart disease and supports weight control.

8. Nuts

Regular nuts can reduce inflammation and reduce blood sugar, HbA1c and LDL

Nuts are very tasty and nutritious.

All nuts contain fiber and low in easily digestible carbohydrates, but some have more than others.

Here is the easily digestible carb content in every 28 grams of nuts:

  • Almond: 6 grams.
  • Brazil nuts: 4 grams.
  • Cashew: 7.7 grams.
  • Chestnut: 2 grams.
  • Macadamia seeds: 5 grams.
  • Pecan pecans: 2 grams.
  • Pistachio: 5 grams.
  • Walnuts: 2 grams.

Research on many different nuts suggests that eating nuts regularly can reduce inflammation and reduce blood sugar, HbA1c and LDL .

In one study, people with diabetes were supplemented with 30 grams walnuts on a daily diet for one year of weight loss, as a result their body composition has improved and reduced insulin levels .

This finding is important because people with type 2 diabetes often have high levels of insulin that can lead to obesity.

In addition, some researchers believe that high insulin levels often increase the risk of other serious diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease .

Conclude: Nuts are a healthy supplement in the diet of diabetics. This type of food is low in carbohydrate and helps reduce blood sugar, insulin and LDL.

9. Broccoli

Broccoli can help reduce insulin levels and protect cells from harmful free radicals

Broccoli is one of the most nutritious vegetables.

Half a cup of ripe broccoli contains only 27 calories and 3 grams of carb easily digested with important nutrients like vitamin C and magnesium .

Studies in diabetics have found that broccoli can help reduce insulin levels and protect cells from harmful free radicals produced during the process. metabolically .

Moreover, broccoli also provides lutein and zeaxanthin. These are important antioxidants that help prevent eye disease .

Conclude: Broccoli is a low calorie food, but carb has high nutritional value. This vegetable contains many healthy plant compounds that can protect against various diseases.

10. Pure olive oil

Pure olive oil Very beneficial for cardiovascular health.

This oil contains oleic acid, a type of monounsaturated fat that has been shown to improve triglyceride and HDL levels at levels harmful to people with type 2 diabetes.

Olive oil can also increase satiety .

In a large analysis of 32 studies of different types of fats, olive oil is the only substance that can reduce the risk of heart disease .

Olive oil also contains antioxidants called polyphenols. This substance works to reduce inflammation, protect cells on the inner surface of blood vessels, protect LDL cholesterol from being destroyed by and lower blood pressure .

Pure olive oil does not purify and retain antioxidants and other properties that make it a healthy product. Choose pure olive oil from a reputable manufacturer, because there are lots of olive oils mixed with cheaper oils like corn and soy bean .

Conclude: Pure olive oil contains healthy oleic acid. It is beneficial for blood pressure and cardiovascular health.

11. Flax seeds

Flaxseed may reduce the risk of stroke

Linseed is an extremely healthy food.

Part of the insoluble fiber of flax seed is lignan, which can reduce the risk of heart disease and improve blood sugar control .

In one study, patients with type 2 diabetes were used from flax seeds and in 12 weeks their hemoglobin A1c index has improved markedly .

Another study found that flaxseed may reduce the risk of stroke and potentially reduce the dose of thrombotic drugs .

Flaxseed contains a lot of viscous fiber, enhances intestinal health, insulin sensitivity and increases satiety .

Our bodies cannot absorb all flax seeds, so buy crushed or self-ground flax seeds at home. You should pay attention to covering flax seeds and storing them in the refrigerator to prevent damage.

Conclude: Flaxseed is capable of reducing inflammation, risk of heart disease, reducing blood sugar and improving insulin sensitivity.

12. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar

Apple cider vinegar brings a lot of health benefits.

Although this type of vinegar is made from apples, but Street in fruits fermented into acetic acid and the final product contains no more than 1 gram of carb in each tablespoon.

Apple cider vinegar has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels. It can also reduce the blood sugar response to 20% when eating foods containing carb .

In one study, people with poor diabetes control had a 6% reduction in blood sugar when they ate 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before sleeping .

Apple cider vinegar can also slow the withdrawal of food from the stomach and maintain a longer feeling of fullness.

However, this kind of vinegar can cause problems for people who have it a delay in the withdrawal of food from the stomach is common in people with diabetes, especially type 1 diabetes .

To combine apple cider vinegar into the diet, start drinking 1 teaspoon of vinegar and one cup country every day then gradually increase to a maximum of 2 tablespoons daily.

Conclude: Apple cider vinegar can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels. It can also maintain satiety for longer periods of time.

13. Strawberry

Strawberries contain many antioxidants called anthocyanins

Strawberry is one of the most nutritious fruits.

This fruit contains many antioxidants called anthocyanin. This makes the strawberry red.

Anthocyanin has been shown to reduce cholesterol and insulin after meals. It also has the ability to improve blood sugar and risk factors for heart disease in people with type 2 diabetes .

One cup of strawberries contains 49 calories and 11 grams of carb, of which 3 grams is fiber.

This strawberry also provides more than 100% vitamin C RDI, providing additional anti-inflammatory benefits for cardiovascular health .

Conclude: Strawberries are a low-sugar fruit with very strong anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

14. Garlic

Garlic is a delicious flavored herb with impressive health benefits.

Some studies show that garlic has the ability to reduce inflammation, reduce blood sugar and LDL cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes .

It may also be effective in lowering blood pressure .

In one study, people with uncontrolled hypertension used old garlic for 12 weeks, and as a result they lost an average of 10 points of blood pressure .

A raw garlic clove contains only 4 calories and 1 gram of carb.

Conclude: Garlic helps reduce blood sugar, inflammation, LDL cholesterol and blood pressure in people with diabetes.

15. Recipes

Recipes contain beneficial antioxidants

Squash is one of the healthiest fruits.

Winter squash varieties include hard shells including strawberry pumpkin, pumpkin and pumpkin (squash).

Summer squash with soft cover is edible. The most common type is and like Italian pumpkin.

Like most other vegetables, squash contains beneficial antioxidants. Many winter squash have high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin, which help protect against cataracts and macular degeneration.

Animal studies using pumpkin extracts have also been shown to reduce obesity and reduce insulin intake .

Although there is very little research on human squash, one study has shown that people with type 2 diabetes use winter pumpkin extracts. Cucurbita ficifolia significantly reduced blood sugar .

However, winter squash varieties contain more carb than summer varieties.

For example, 1 cup of cooked pumpkin contains 9 grams of easily digested carb, while 1 cup of cooked pumpkin contains only 3 grams.

Conclude: Summer and winter pumpkins contain beneficial antioxidants and can reduce blood sugar and insulin levels.

16. Shirataki noodles

Shirataki noodles containing glucomannan have the ability to create a feeling of fullness

Shirataki noodles are good for diabetics and support weight control.

This noodle has a content glucomannan tall potato root extract.

The sweet potato plant is grown in Japan and is made into noodles or rice called shirataki.

Glucomannan is a viscous fiber, able to create a feeling of fullness. This substance also reduces the "hungry hormone" .

Moreover, glucomannan has been shown to reduce blood sugar after eating and improve risk factors for heart disease in people with diabetes and .

100 grams of shirataki noodles contain less than 1 gram of easily digestible carb and 2 calories.

However, these types of noodles are usually packed with fishy liquids and you need to wash them thoroughly before use. After that, for this type of noodles to remain in texture, cook noodles in a few minutes in a hot pan and don't need to add oil.

Conclude: Glucomannan in shirataki noodles enhances satiety and improves control of blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Things to remember

Diabetes loss of control can lead to an increased risk of some serious diseases.

However, foods that help control blood sugar, insulin and inflammation can significantly reduce the risk of developing complications.