The Truth About the Grape Seed - "Healthy Food" Does Not Be Good ...

Grape seed oil is probably inflated

Rarely does a week go by without a new "healthy food" appearing on the market.

In many cases, claims that they are healthy are not real and no real research is behind them.

This seems to be true for an oil called grape seed oil.

Due to high levels of polyunsaturated fat and vitamin E, it is advertised as healthy.

It is believed to have all health benefits, including lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of heart disease.

The problem with many foods called healthy foods is that they are not healthy at all.

In some cases, they are actually harmful.

In this article, I will take a closer look at grape seed oil and try to find the truth from fiction.

What is grape seed oil and how is it produced?

Made from grape seeds, formed as a by-product of the wine making process.

Like other oils, grape seed oil is extracted in plants using toxic industrial processes.

That makes this oil really a great idea from a business perspective.

For thousands of years, winemakers have left tons of these useless grape byproducts.

Thanks to modern technological advances, they are now able to extract oil from grape seed which was impossible a hundred years ago.

Oils are often extracted in factories using industrial processes. It includes high temperature and various chemicals including solvents toxic.

"Healthy" vegetable oils and seed oils are "cold pressed" or "pressed" - this is a much more natural way to extract oil from seeds.

If the oil does not specify how to treat it, you should assume that it was extracted using chemicals like hexane.

Summary: Grape seed oil is extracted from grape seed, a byproduct of the wine making process. The process of creating grape seed oil often involves various chemicals, including toxic hexane solvents.

Grape seed oil has a low nutrient content but contains omega-6 fatty acids

Omega-6 fatty acids are harmful to health

The health requirements for grape seed oil are based on the amount of nutrients, antioxidants and polyunsaturated fats.

But we have an urgent news here, most of the nutrients and antioxidants (including ) from grape seed not in oil .

After undergoing a rigorous chemical extraction process, most good substances were filtered out.

The only nutrient left there with significant amounts of vitamin E. One tablespoon contains 3.9 mg accounting for 19% of RDA .

However when calculating calories , grape seed oil is NOT an impressive source of vitamin E.

Other better sources include nuts, spinach and many more ... these foods also have other beneficial nutrients instead of vitamin E.

The fatty acid composition of grape seed oil is:

  • Saturation: ten%.
  • Unsaturated single: 16%.
  • Polyunsaturated: 70%.

Marketers quickly point out that this product has low "dangerous" cholesterol and saturated fat.

But in recent years, saturated fat and food cholesterol have been shown to be harmless. All things "arterial clogging" are rumors .

However, one of the true statements is that grape seed oil contains a lot of

However, it is important to note that there are two types of polyunsaturated fats, Omega-3 and Omega-6.

We need to consume these two types according to a certain amount of balance to maintain optimal health. Most people are eating too little Omega-3 and too much Omega-6 .

Many studies show that too much Omega-6 leads to poor health and disease .

But it turns out that grape seed oil contains mainly Omega-6 fatty acids.

In some cases, grape seed oil is also found to contain (PAH) at hazardous levels - substances known to be animal carcinogens (10).

Really nothing positive to talk about grape seed oil. That's a bad news in general.

Summary: The only nutrient found in grape seed oil is vitamin E. This oil also contains a lot of Omega-6 fatty acids, which most people eat too much.

How does grape seed oil affect your health?

Grape seed oil is similar to other seed oils

I can't find a study of grape seed oil that affects any human being.

However, it is very similar to other vegetable oils such as soybean oil, corn oil and rum oil.

The health effects of grape seed oil are very similar to other oils because fatty acids and nutritional components are similar.

The problem is yes so many, so much Research shows that these oils have harmful effects in humans.

It is true that seed oil and vegetable oil can lower LDL cholesterol, but in this case it does not reduce the risk of heart disease.

In fact, there are a number of controlled experiments in which these oils do increase risk of human heart disease .

There is also a study showing that the amount of Omega-6 in cell membranes (grape seed oil so many, so much Omega-6) is clearly associated with the risk of heart disease .

There are studies that show that high levels of Omega-6 can increase inflammation in the body, potentially increasing the risk for all types of diseases .

The truth is that nut oil is generally not healthy, as opposed to what some people want you to believe.

In contrast, grape seed oil even worse Other oils because it contains an even higher amount of Omega-6 fatty acids.

Summary: Many studies show that seed oil has adverse health effects, including an increased risk of heart disease.

Is this a good cooking oil?

When heated, grape seed oil forms harmful compounds

Grape seed oil has a high smoke point.

For this reason, it is advertised as a good choice for with high temperatures like frying.

This is based on a misunderstanding very big It is the smoke point of an oil that is NOT a determinant of whether it should be used for cooking.

The number of double bonds in fatty acid molecules is much more important.

Polyunsaturated fat is called poly (poly = many) because they contain many double links.

These double bonds react and tend to react with oxygen when heated, forming harmful compounds and free radicals .

Because grape seed oil is rich in polyunsaturated fats, it is actually one of the worst oils you can use to cook.

Healthy cooking oils are oils that are rich in saturated fats (like butter and coconut oil ) because they have no double bonds and are therefore less likely to react with oxygen when heated.

Grape seed oil is beneficial for hair and skin ... but should NOT be eaten

Grape seed oil is not bad ... there are many people who think that this oil is good for moisturizing hair and skin. It is also used in massages and aromatherapy.

For this reason, it may have some distinct benefits.

But really DO NOT eat. There is nothing good about it.

The amount of vitamin E is not impressive when you consider high calorie intake and most of the grape antioxidants are not in oil.

What we have is a highly refined oil filled with omega-6 fatty acids that cause inflammation and make you susceptible to disease, the type that most people eat too much.

If good health is what you are, avoid grape seed oil just like avoiding plague.