The Truth About The Weight Loss Effect Of Fiber

Not all fibers help reduce fat

Fiber is a widely known nutrient, but is not widely understood.

Put simply, fiber is the carbohydrates that people cannot digest.

Fiber is classified into two types, soluble and insoluble based on whether they are soluble in liquids.

The function of insoluble fiber is mainly the "swelling" agent and not really outstanding.

However, soluble fiber has a lot of effects strong health and metabolism .

Some studies show that soluble fiber helps lose weight . But this kind of fiber need to There are certain properties.

Let me explain.

Fiber that nourishes bacteria in the intestinal tract

It is estimated that more than 100 trillion bacteria live in the human intestinal tract, mainly in the large intestine .

These bacteria are called .

Bacteria Living in the intestinal hearing sounds uncomfortable, but this is really a good thing.

Different types of bacteria play many important roles in aspects of health, including weight management, blood sugar control, immunity and even brain functions .

Like other creatures, bacteria need to eat well to grow healthy.

This is where fiber (mostly soluble) passes. It passes through the digestive system that is almost unchanged, so that eventually to the beneficial bacteria in the intestine, the bacteria will digest these fibers and convert them into usable energy.

Nourishing beneficial bacteria in the intestine is known as an effect of It is said to be very beneficial for health and body weight .

Another type of fiber is called starch resistant pepper Also works in the same way.

Conclude: Fiber is not digested and tends to go down to the large intestine in almost unchanged condition. There, the soluble fiber helps nourish beneficial bacteria, which is essential for good health.

Probiotics help fight inflammation, causing obesity and disease

Bacteria in the intestine have long been known to affect the biochemical reaction chain of inflammatory mechanisms .

They create nutrients for the body, including short-chain fatty acids that help nourish cells in the colon.

This helps reduce intestinal inflammation and improves related inflammation .

It's important to understand that acute inflammation (short-term) is often beneficial because it helps the body fight off invading ingredients from outside and repair damaged cells.

However, chronic inflammation (long-term) becomes a major problem when it is not suitable for the body's tissues.

We now know that chronic inflammation, low-grade inflammation play an important role in most chronic diseases in the West, such as heart disease, Alzheimer's syndrome and metabolic syndrome .

There is also evidence that inflammation is the cause of weight gain and obesity, possibly through its effects on hormones. leptin .

Some observational studies have shown that eating a lot of fiber can reduce the level of inflammation in the blood .

Conclude: Inflammation is the main cause of all kinds of illnesses, including obesity. Consuming fiber helps reduce inflammation.

Lubricant helps reduce appetite without trying

Although I do not think that work count calories is necessary, but the truth is we need to reduction calories if you want to lose weight.

That means, the amount of calories (energy) that needs to be released must be higher than the body's calorie intake.

Anything that helps reduce appetite can also make us load fewer calories No need to think about it.

Fiber is often said to have this effect, which is to help us feel full, so that we can eat less.

However, according to evidence, there is only one type of fiber Specifically Only have this ability.

Only viscous fiber can reduce appetite

A recent report of 44 studies showed that while 39% of fiber treatments increased appetite only 22% actually reduces feed intake (21).

If you look closely at the problem, it seems that the more viscous fiber is, the more effective it is to reduce appetite and intake.

Simply put, of substances related to its resistance to stress - also called "density" of fluids. For example, honey is more viscous than water.

Soluble viscous fibers such as pectin, β-glucan, thread code, glucomannan and guar gum are all concentrated in the water, forming a gel-like substance in the intestine .

This gel slows gastric emptying and increases the time it takes to digest and absorb nutrients. The result is to help prolong the feeling of fullness and significantly reduce appetite .

Some evidence suggests that the weight-loss effect of dietary fiber is particularly aimed at Belly Fat , is the harmful fat in the abdominal cavity that is closely related to metabolic diseases .

Conclude: High viscosity fiber has been shown to increase satiety, reduce appetite and thereby help with weight loss. In contrast, low viscosity fiber does not seem to have any effect.

Is dietary supplement effective in weight loss?

Really only the best new food

Dietary fiber supplements are often made by separating plant fiber.

Although this isolated fiber has some health benefits, the evidence of weight control is inconsistent and quite unconvincing.

A large research report showed that guar code and gum (both containing soluble viscous fiber) are functional foods that are not effective in weight loss .

A notable exception is glucomannan, a fiber extracted from konjac tubers.

This is one of the highest viscosity fibers ever known, and has been shown to be a functional food that can help with weight loss .

But in fact, only combine resources Of all the nutrients in the new food that offer the greatest benefit, the use of the isolated nutrients will not be able to achieve the same effect.

Therefore, eat all kinds of fiber in plant foods pure is the best.

Conclude: Dietary fiber supplements are almost useless for weight loss, except for a fiber called glucomannan. Eating fiber from plant foods is the best and healthiest way to absorb it.

Food sources are rich in viscous fiber

Brussels sprouts

The viscous fiber is found only in plant foods.

Foods that are rich in viscous fiber can include names such as beans (legumes), flaxseed, asparagus, Brussels sprouts and oats.

If you plan to switch to a high-fiber diet, remember to adjust slowly so your body can adapt.

Abdominal discomfort, cramps and even diarrhea are common side effects if you increase the amount of fiber consumed too quickly.

Main message

Eating lots of foods with fiber (especially viscous fiber) can be an effective way to lose weight.

But like other weight loss methods, it will not have lasting results without changing your lifestyle.

Also, don't forget that health is not just about weight. Eat more fiber from food pure It also provides many other health benefits.