Things You Need To Know About Pepper Resistant Starch

There are several types of starches that are resistant to digestion

Most carbohydrates in your daily diet are starch.

Starches are glucose chains found in cereals, potatoes and various foods.

But not all the starches we eat are digested. Sometimes a small portion of our starches eat through the gastrointestinal tract but are not altered there. In other words, it is resistant to digestion.

This type of starch is called starch resistance to pepper , function like soluble fiber.

Many studies in humans have shown that resistant pepper can bring great health benefits.

These benefits include improving insulin sensitivity, lowering blood sugar, reducing appetite and other digestive benefits .

Today's resistant starch has become a very popular topic in medicine. In the past few months, there have been tests on hundreds of people with pepper-resistant starches to observe significant changes by adding it to their diet.

There are 4 different types of resistant pepper

Not all resistant pepper starches are the same. There are 4 different types .

  • Type 1 It is found in cereals, seeds, legumes and it is resistant to digestion because it binds to the cell walls of fiber.
  • Type 2 It is found in some starchy foods like raw potatoes and green bananas.
  • Type 3 Formed when some starchy foods like potatoes and rice are cooked and cooled. Cooling of food turns some digestible starches into resistant pepper through a process called reverse reaction .
  • Type 4 is made by humans and formed through chemical processes.

However, the classification is not simple because some types of resistant pepper can co-exist in the same food.

Depending on how we treat food, the amount of resistant pepper will change. For example, if we let the bananas ripen (turn yellow), its resistant starch will decrease and become normal starch.

Conclude: There are 4 different types of resistant pepper. The way we treat food greatly affects the amount of resistant pepper starch that ultimately exists in food.

What is the mechanism of action of resistant pepper starch?

The main reason for the question why Digestible starch can work in the body, because it functions as soluble and fermented fiber.

Anti-pepper starch provides food for beneficial bacteria in the intestine and enhances the production of short-chain fatty acids like butyrate

It passes through the stomach and small intestine without being digested, eventually reaching the large intestine, where it becomes food for the beneficial bacteria in the intestine .

The bacteria in our gut ( t) 10 times more than the body's cells. From that perspective, we are not entirely human but only 10% are human .

While most of the foods we eat are just a source of food for 10% of our cells, fermented fiber and resistant pepper are the source of food. 90% remaining .

There are hundreds of different species of bacteria that exist in the intestinal tract. Over the past few decades, scientists have discovered that amount and species Bacteria can have a huge impact on health .

Anti-target starch helps feed bacteria in the intestinal tract, which has a positive effect on this type of bacteria as well as their quantity .

When the bacteria in the intestine digest pepper-resistant starches, they form some compounds, including short-chain gases and fatty acids, especially a fatty acid called butyrate .

Conclude: One of the main reasons why pepper powder can improve health is that it provides food for beneficial bacteria in the intestine and enhances the production of short-chain fatty acids like butyrate.

Anti-pepper starch is super food for the digestive system

Anti-pepper starch greatly improves the function of the digestive system

So, when we consume pepper powder, its digestive path ends in the large intestine, where the bacteria digest it and turn it into short chain fatty acids .

The most important thing in these short chain fatty acids is butyrate .

Butyrate is really kind favorite fuel of cells that fill the large intestine .

Therefore, resistant pepper becomes a food source for both beneficial bacteria and indirectly feeds the cells in the colon by increasing the amount of butyrate.

Anti-pepper starch provides some benefits for the colon.

Resistant pepper starch reduces pH, decreases and make some useful changes will reduce the risk of rectal cancer, which is the 4th most common cause of cancer death worldwide .

Short-chain fatty acids that are not used by the cells in the large intestine will travel to the bloodstream, liver and the rest of the body, where they will become useful .

If you want to learn more about the incredible benefits of butyrate for health, then I recommend it by Dr. Stephan Guyenet.

Anti-pepper starch may be beneficial for people who are experiencing various digestive disorders because it has a therapeutic effect on the large intestine. These include inflammatory bowel diseases such as Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease (chronic intestinal inflammation), constipation, diverticulitis and diarrhea .

However, we still need accurate studies with controlled human trials before making any suggestions.

In animal studies, scientists have also demonstrated that resistant pepper starch increases the absorption of minerals .

Conclude: By enhancing butyrate production, resistant pepper starch feeds on the cells of the colon and greatly improves the function of the digestive system.

Anti-pepper starch enhances insulin sensitivity, lowers blood sugar and improves metabolism

Pepper-resistant starches offer many different benefits for metabolism.

Some studies have shown that it can improve insulin sensitivity in the same way that the body's cells respond acutely to insulin .

Starch-resistant starch is also very effective in making Reduce blood sugar levels after meal

It also brings "the effect of a second meal" - meaning that if you eat pepper that is resistant to breakfast, it will also lower blood sugar levels at lunch .

The effect of pepper-resistant starch on glucose and insulin metabolism is also impressive. Some studies have shown an improvement in insulin sensitivity of up to 33-50% after 4 weeks of consuming 15-30 grams of resistant starch per day .

The importance of insulin sensitivity not yet highly appreciated .

Low insulin sensitivity (insulin resistance) is thought to be the major cause of some of the most serious diseases in the world, including metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's disease.

By improving insulin sensitivity and reducing blood sugar levels, pepper-resistant starches help prevent chronic illness and can help you live longer, healthier lives.

However, Not all studies All agree that pepper-resistant starch brings these benefits. The effect will depend on the individual, the amount and type of resistant pepper used.

Conclude: Many studies show that resistant pepper starch improves insulin sensitivity and reduces blood sugar, especially after a meal.

Anti-pepper starches can help you lose weight by reducing your appetite

Anti-pepper starch helps to lose weight

Anti-pepper starch has fewer calories than regular starch (the ratio is 2 and 4 calories / gram).

Therefore, the more starch the pepper contains, the less calories it will contain.

Some studies show that the addition of soluble fiber can contribute to weight loss, primarily by increasing satiety and reducing appetite .

It seems that pepper resistant starch has the same effect. If we add resistance to starch at meals, they will increase satiety and help us Eat less calories .

There are a number of animal studies that show that resistant pepper starch may help with weight loss, but this has not been studied correctly in humans.

Personally, I do not believe that the addition of resistant pepper in the diet will bring any significant effect on my weight, but it can promote the weight loss becomes easier by other methods.

Conclude: Anti-target starch has fewer calories than regular starch and it can increase satiety, help people eat less.

How to add pepper-resistant starch to your diet

Get food-resistant starch

There are two ways to add pepper to your diet, you can absorb it from food or take additional supplements.

Some commonly consumed foods contain very high levels of resistant starch.

These foods include raw potatoes, cooked and cooled potatoes, green bananas, beans, cashews and pure oats. Here is these foods.

As you can see, these are all foods rich in carbon hydrate, so they are not for you if you are applying. Low carb diet (although there are some low-carb dishes in.) about 50-150 grams may be suitable for you).

It is worth mentioning that, you can still add anti-digestible starch to your diet without any additional digestible carbohydrates. For this purpose, the Potato Star brand Living in Bob's Red Mill is being recommended by many people (and also has very good feedback).

Each tablespoon of raw potato starch contains about 8 grams of pepper and almost no carbohydrate. This kind of potato starch is also very cheap.

It has no taste and you can add it to your diet in a variety of ways, such as sprinkling on food, dissolving in water, grinding in vitamins, etc.

4 tablespoons of potato starch will give you 32 grams of resistant starch. It is important that you start small and increase the dosage slowly according to your condition, because too much use in a short period of time can cause bloating and discomfort.

Using too much will not bring any benefit because when your body absorbs to a limit of 50-60 grams per day, the remaining residue will be eliminated.

It will take a while (2-4 weeks) for your body to start producing short-chain fatty acids, so be patient to achieve the best results.

Should try pepper-resistant starch?

If you are a trying person change your weight If you have high blood sugar, digestive problems ... or you simply want to try it yourself, trying out resistant pepper will probably be a good idea for you!