Top 11 Misconceptions Misfortune About Nutrition Sources

Wrong views about nutrition sources

There is a lot of false information regarding the main source of nutrition.

In this article, I have listed these wrong views, but unfortunately it is just like salt.

Here are the top 11 serious misconceptions about the main nutrition sources.

1. Eggs Not Healthy

Nutrition experts have conducted research and demonstrated that eggs are a very healthy food.

A good example of eggs making eggs unhealthy is because eggs contain large amounts of cholesterol, so it is considered a food that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

But recently, scientists have shown that dietary cholesterol doesn't actually raise blood cholesterol levels. And in fact, the main increase in eggs is that "good" cholesterol is not related to the risk of cardiovascular disease.

And what we're throwing away is the most nutritious healthy food on the planet. Eggs have all kinds of nutrients, and unique antioxidants that protect our eyes.

Although eggs are high in fat, nutrition experts have demonstrated that eating eggs for breakfast can help significantly lose weight compared to bread.

In short, eggs are the most complementary food on the planet, not causing heart disease. Eating eggs at breakfast can help you lose weight effectively.

2. Saturated Fat Not Good For You

A few decades ago it was thought that eating too much fat, especially saturated fat, was the cause of cardiovascular disease.

In 2010, a major newspaper published the results of 21 potential epidemiological studies on 347,747 subjects. And the results show that there is no relationship between saturated fat and cardiovascular diseases.

The idea that saturated fats increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases is an unproven hypothesis, and somehow it has become an unwise perception.

Eating saturated fat increases the amount of HDL (good cholesterol) in the blood, reducing bad LDL cholesterol. Therefore it is completely benign, non-toxic.

Saturated fats are high in meat, coconut oil, cheese, butter, etc., and you don't need to worry about using these foods.

Summary: The latest research has shown that saturated fat does not cause heart disease. Natural foods that are high in saturated fat are good for your health.

3. Should People Eat Cereals?

Should I eat cereal?

The idea that humans should limit cereal consumption, but that doesn't make sense to me personally.

The agricultural revolution happened throughout the evolutionary history of mankind, but their genes did not change much.

Cereals have a lower nutrient content than vegetables. They are also rich in phytic acid, which adheres to essential intestinal minerals and prevents them from being absorbed.

The most common cereals in the Western diet today are wheat. Wheat can cause a range of serious health problems from small to large. Modern wheat contains a large amount of protein called gluten, which is evidence that most of the population is sensitive to wheat.

The consumption of gluten can damage the intestinal mucosa, causing pain, bloating, fatigue and abdominal distention. Gluten has also been proved to be related to schizophrenia and cerebellar ataxia (degenerative brain), these are both extremely serious diseases of the brain.

Summary: Cereals are relatively low in nutrients, and grains can be eaten, but gluten-free cereals should not be consumed, as gluten can cause many health problems.

4. Eat More Protein Not Good For Your Bone And Kidneys

Food rich in protein

Recently, a high-protein diet has been claimed to cause osteoporosis and kidney disease.

It is true that eating protein increases calcium excretion from bone in the short term, but long-term studies are repeated for the opposite effect.

In the long run, protein has a strong link to bone health, helps improve bone quality and reduces the risk of bone fractures.

In addition, there are no studies showing that high protein consumption is associated with kidney disease in healthy people.

In fact, the main cause of kidney failure is diabetes and high blood pressure. And a protein-rich regimen improves both causes.

So you should maintain a high-protein diet, which will help you fight osteoporosis and kidney failure.

Summary: A protein-rich diet helps improve bone health, reduce the risk of fractures, and reduce blood pressure, improve the symptoms of diabetes, thereby reducing the risk of impairment. kidney.

5. Good Low-Fat Foods For You

Low-fat products

Do you know how ordinary food tastes when all the fat is removed from it?

Of course, it smells like the carton cover and no one wants to eat it.

Food manufacturers all know this, so they put other substances in place of fats. Usually these are sweeteners such as sugar, corn syrup, or artificial sweeteners like aspartame.

We still use sugar regularly, but here I want to point out that artificial sweeteners do not have calories. There is much evidence that they are no better than sugar.

In fact, many studies show that diseases like obesity, congenital syndrome, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, premature birth and depression are all related to this type of food.

In low-fat, healthy natural fats are being replaced by extremely toxic substances.

In short: low-fat foods often contain lots of sugar, corn syrup or artificial sweeteners. They are very unhealthy.

6. You Should Eat More Small Meals During The Day

Is eating too many meals a day good?

The idea that eating a lot of small meals during the day to maintain the "best metabolism" is an unfounded hypothesis.

It is true that proper eating will increase metabolism while eating meals, but that is the total amount of food that determines the energy used, not the number of meals.

This problem has been put to the test and rejected many times. Studies in two target groups, the same amount of food, one group ate several meals, one group ate fewer meals showed significant differences between the two groups.

Some studies on obese men also show that people who eat 6 meals a day often have less emotion than those who eat 3 meals.

Moreover eating too often will be detrimental to many people's health, because the body is always in a state of eating.

When the body does not eat regularly, they will have time to automatically clean the body's waste products. So not eating too often is good for your health.

Some studies have also shown an increased risk of colon cancer (the most common cause of cancer death) by more than 90% in the case of eating 4 meals a day.

In summary: There is no evidence to prove that eating smaller meals during the day is better than eating larger meals and fewer meals a day. Time to separate between meals is very good for your body. If your frequency is too constant, you may be at higher risk of colon cancer.

7. Carb Is The Biggest Kalo Source

The key point is that people should maintain a low-fat, starchy diet that accounts for about 50-60% of total calories.

This diet contains a lot of cereals, sugar, and less fatty foods like meat and eggs.

This diet may be suitable for some people, especially thin people. But for people who are obese, have metabolic syndrome, diabetes, this amount of carbohydrate is very dangerous.

The high-carb diet was widely studied by fish scientists. High carb diets were compared to low-carb, high-fat diets in many controlled randomized trials.

The results are always on low carb diets and high-fat diets.

In short: Low-fat, high-carb diets have not been proven as good as previously perceived. It's not as good as low carb, more fat.

8. High Omega-6 and Good Vegetable Oil For You

Polyunsaturated fats are considered healthy because some studies show they reduce the risk of heart disease.

But there are many types of polyunsaturated fats and not all fats have the same effect.

There are two types of Omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids.

Omega-3 is an anti-inflammatory and reduces the risk of many inflammatory diseases. The human body really needs the right ratio between Omega-6 and Omega-3. If the Omega-6 ratio is too high, it will cause problems.

So far, the largest source of Omega-6 is found in vegetable oils such as rich soybeans, canola oil, sunflower oil ... etc. Therefore, the Omega-6 that humans normally load into the body is unnatural.

Many studies show that these unnatural omega-6 increase the risk of heart disease.

To supplement omega-3, you should consider adding fish liver oil, but avoid industrial vegetable oils.

Summary: People need to take Omega-6 and Omega-3 fats in a certain percentage. Eating too much Omega-6 from industrial vegetable oils increases your risk.

9. Very Dangerous Low Carb Diet

I personally believe that a low-carb diet can overcome many common health problems in western countries.

Low-fat diets around the world are not effective against these diseases.

Each randomized controlled trial of low-carb diets shows that they:

  1. Body fat is much more reduced than low-calorie low-fat diets, although people on low-carb diets are allowed to eat as much as they want.
  2. Significant hypotension.
  3. Lower blood sugar and the symptoms of diabetes are much better than low-fat diets.
  4. Increase HDL (good) cholesterol more.
  5. Blood fat is much lower than a low-fat diet.
  6. Change LDL (bad) cholesterol from small, dense (very bad) to large LDL - benign form.
  7. Low-carb diets are easy to apply, probably because this diet does not require limiting calories.

In short: Low-carb diet is the fastest and most effective way to lose weight, while preventing metabolic diseases. This has been scientifically proven.

10. Road Not Healthy Because It Contains Hollow Kalo

It is said that sugar is not good for you because it contains empty kalo.

It's true, sugar has a lot of empty kalo, but there's no essential nutrients. But that doesn't say anything.

Sugar contains high levels of fructose, which affects metabolic processes causing rapid fat gain and metabolic disease.

Fructose is metabolized in the liver and turned into fat, which is then released into the blood like VLDL particles. This leads to increased levels of triglycerides (a type of blood fat) and cholesterol.

It also causes resistance to insulin and leptin, a factor that leads to obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

Summary: Sugar contains many kalo empty, devastating metabolism in our body, causing weight gain and leading to many serious diseases.

11. Fatty Foods Will Make You Fat

People often think that eating fat will make you fat.

Although fat has more calories than carbohydrates or protein, but a high-fat diet will not make you fat. This depends on the circumstances and depends on each person.

In fact, a diet high in fat (low-carb) helps the body consume more fat than a low-fat diet.

Through this article, I hope you will know how to choose the healthiest foods, and bring the most health benefits to your whole family.