What You Need To Know About Insulin And Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance is a common medical condition

Insulin is an important hormone that controls many processes in the body.

However, problems with this hormone are at the core of many modern medical conditions.

Sometimes our cells don't respond to insulin as they should.

This situation is called resistance insulin and extremely popular.

In fact, a 2002 study found that 32.2% of the US population could have insulin resistance .

This number can increase to 70% in adult women who are obese and over 80% in some groups of patients . About one-third of obese children and adolescents may also have insulin resistance .

These numbers are scary, but the good news is that insulin resistance can be significantly improved with simple lifestyle methods.

This article explains what insulin resistance is, why you should care and how to manage it.

Explanation of insulin and insulin resistance

Insulin resistance occurs when cells stop responding to insulin, leading to a chain of misbehavior that is then harmful to health

is a hormone secreted by the organ called the pancreas.

Its main role is to regulate the amount of nutrients circulating in the blood.

Although insulin is primarily involved in the management of blood sugar, it also affects fat metabolism and protein.

When we eat a meal containing carbohydrates , blood sugar will increase.

The cells in the pancreas recognize this, then release insulin into the blood.

Then, insulin moves throughout the blood, telling the body's cells that they should absorb sugar in the blood.

This leads to a reduction in blood sugar, and collects the amount of sugar in the right place, which is in the cell for use or storage.

This is very important, because blood sugar can have toxic effects, is dangerous and can be fatal if left untreated.

However, due to various reasons (discussed below), sometimes cells stop responding with insulin as usual.

In other words, they become "resistant" to insulin.

When this happens, the pancreas starts producing more insulin to lower blood sugar. This leads to high levels of insulin in the blood, called

This may continue to evolve for a long time. The cells become increasingly resistant to insulin, and both insulin and blood sugar levels increase.

Eventually, the pancreas may not be able to keep up, and the cells in the pancreas may be damaged.

This leads to reduced insulin production, so insulin levels are low at this time and The cell does not respond to the low amount of insulin available. This can skyrocket blood sugar.

When blood sugar exceeds a certain threshold, people then have type 2 diabetes. In fact, this is a simplified version of how the type 2 diabetes progresses.

Insulin resistance is the cause main causing this common disease, affecting about 9% of people worldwide .

Resistance and sensitivity

Insulin resistance and insulin sensitivity are two sides of the same problem.

If you have insulin resistance, you have low insulin sensitivity. Conversely, if you are sensitive to insulin, you will have low insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance is bad, while insulin sensitivity is good again.

Summary: Insulin resistance refers to cells that do not respond well to insulin hormones. This makes insulin levels higher, blood sugar levels are higher and can lead to type 2 diabetes and other health problems.

What is the cause of insulin resistance?

There are many underlying causes and factors that cause insulin resistance.

The main cause of insulin resistance may be due to overeating and increased body fat, especially in the abdomen

One of the main causes is increased blood cholesterol.

Many studies show that large amounts of free fatty acids in the blood make cells, such as muscle cells, stop responding to insulin .

This may be due in part to fat and fatty acid metabolites formed in muscle cells, called . This breaks the signal path needed for active insulin .

The main cause of high free fatty acids is overeating calories and too much body fat. In fact, eating too much, weight gain and obesity are closely related to insulin resistance .

Increased visceral fat, harmful abdominal fat around organs, seems to be a very serious problem.

This type of fat can release many free fatty acids into the blood, and may even release inflammatory hormones that stimulate insulin resistance .

However, people with normal or lean weight may also have insulin resistance, which is much more common among overweight people .

There are several other causes that can cause insulin resistance:

  • Fructose: Consume much fructose (from Street Additives, not fruits) have been linked to insulin resistance in mice and humans .
  • Inflammation: Increasing oxidative imbalance and inflammation in the body can lead to insulin resistance .
  • Not active: Physical activity causes insulin sensitivity, and inactivity causes insulin resistance .
  • Enteral microflora: There is evidence that disorders in the intestinal bacteria environment can cause inflammation that exacerbates insulin resistance and other metabolic problems .

There are also various genetic and social factors, blacks, Hispanics and high-risk Asians .

This list is not yet finished. Many may affect insulin resistance / sensitivity.

Summary: The main cause of insulin resistance may be due to overeating and increased body fat, especially in the abdomen. Other factors include eating a lot of sugar, inflammation, non-movement and genetics.

How to know if you have insulin resistance

Having high levels of insulin and high blood sugar are the main symptoms of insulin resistance

There are several ways that a doctor can determine if you have insulin resistance.

For example, fasting insulin concentrations are a clear sign of insulin resistance.

An experiment called HOMA-IR estimates insulin resistance from blood sugar and insulin levels, and it is quite accurate.

There is also a way to measure blood sugar more directly, such as the oral glucose tolerance test, when you are given glucose and blood sugar measured within a few hours there.

If you are overweight or obese, and especially if you have a lot of fat around your abdomen, then you probably have insulin resistance.

There is also a state in the skin called involving black patches on the skin may indicate insulin resistance.

High levels of HDL ("good" cholesterol) and high blood triglycerides are two other signs closely related to insulin resistance .

Summary: Having high levels of insulin and high blood sugar are the main symptoms of insulin resistance. Other symptoms include high abdominal fat, high blood triglycerides and low HDL levels.

Insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes

Insulin resistance is a typical sign of two very common medical conditions, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Insulin resistance is also a major cause of type 2 diabetes

is a group of risk factors related to type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other problems.

High blood triglyceride symptoms, low HDL levels, elevated blood pressure, central obesity (abdominal fat) and high blood sugar .

Sometimes this condition is called "insulin resistance syndrome" .

Insulin resistance is also a major cause of type 2 diabetes. High blood sugar is caused by cells not responding to insulin anymore .

Over time, pancreatic insulin-producing cells may stop working, leading to insulin deficiency .

By blocking the development of insulin resistance, it can help prevent most cases of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Summary: Insulin resistance is the core of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, which is currently one of the most serious health problems in the world.

Insulin resistance is related to heart disease and all other health problems

Insulin resistance is also closely related to heart disease, which is the strongest killer in the world .

In fact, people with insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome have a 93% higher risk of heart disease .

There are many other insulin-related diseases, including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Alzheimer's disease and cancer .

Summary: Insulin resistance can cause a variety of diseases, including heart disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, Alzheimer's disease and cancer.

Ways to reduce insulin resistance (Improve insulin sensitivity)

Lifestyle changes can reduce or completely eliminate insulin resistance

The positive thing about insulin resistance that is very easy to affect it.

In fact, you Completely reversible Insulin resistance by changing lifestyle.

Here are some scientific evidence-based ways to reduce insulin resistance:

  • Do exercise: This may be the simplest way to improve insulin sensitivity. The effect is almost immediate .
  • Reduce belly fat: Try to reduce fat, especially "internal" fat, located deep in the liver and abdomen. This article lists some scientific evidence-based advice ways to reduce belly fat .
  • Stop smoking: Smoking can cause insulin resistance, so quitting will be helpful .
  • Reduce sugar: Try reducing sugar, especially sugary drinks .
  • Healthy eating: Eat a diet primarily based on unprocessed whole foods. Includes nuts and fatty fish.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Eating lots of omega-3 fatty acids in many cases can reduce insulin resistance. They may also reduce blood triglyceride levels, often in people with high insulin resistance .
  • Use functional foods: Using foods called berberine may be effective for increasing insulin sensitivity and reducing blood sugar . Magnesium supplements can also be useful .
  • Sleep: There is some evidence that poor sleep causes insulin resistance, thus improving sleep quality will help .
  • Reduce stress: If you are overly stressed, try controlling your stress level . Meditation is useful in this case .
  • Blood Donation: High iron levels in the blood are associated with insulin resistance. Blood donation can improve insulin sensitivity in men and postmenopausal women (51, ).
  • Intermittent fasting: According to a eating pattern called fasting interruption can improve insulin sensitivity .

Most of the items on the list are the same as what we usually do for good health, longevity and disease resistance.

However, keep in mind that this article is not a medical advice.

Insulin resistance has been linked to many serious health problems and I recommend talking to your doctor about your options. There are also different medical treatments that may be effective.

Summary: Insulin resistance can be reduced or even completely reversed with simple lifestyle methods. They include exercising, eating healthy, reducing belly fat and caring for sleep and stress levels.

Low carb diet and insulin resistance

Another noteworthy thing is a low-carb diet.

Limited carbohydrate diets can have these benefit extremely strong for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes (55, 56), and this is partly due to reduced insulin resistance .

However, when consumption of diets is very low in carb, such as the ketogenic diet, the body can cause insulin resistance to store blood sugar for the brain.

This is called insulin resistance. "(Contrary to" pathology ") and not a bad thing .

Summary: Low carb diet reduces harmful insulin resistance associated with metabolic disease. However, very low-carb diets such as ketogenic can cause a harmless type of insulin resistance to store blood sugar in the brain.

Main message

Insulin resistance can be one of the main factors of many (if not said almost ) Chronic diseases today kill millions of people every year.

The good news is that it can be significantly improved with simple lifestyle methods, like lose weight , healthy eating and exercise.

Preventing insulin resistance can be one of the most powerful things you can do to live longer, healthier and happier.