Whey protein: everything that beginners need to learn ...

Not all proteins are created equal.

Whey protein is one of the best supplements in the world

There are some forms of protein such as whey that are better than others.

Whey protein contains a wide range of essential amino acids that are easily absorbed .

Many studies have shown that this protein can help your body increase health, increase muscle mass and reduce a significant amount of fat in the body .

However ... whey is not just a protein, it also has tons of other nutrients and some of them have very powerful biological effects.

Whey protein has also been shown to be beneficial for depression, blood pressure, blood sugar and even help treat symptoms of HIV and cancer .

In fact, it is one of the studied supplements the best on the world.

This article will detail whey protein ... what it is, how it works, and how it can help you achieve fitness and health goals.

What is whey protein?

Whey protein is a mixture of proteins extracted from whey. Whey is the liquid milk that is separated from cheese production.

Milk actually contains two main proteins (80%) and whey (20%).

Whey is found in the milk portion of the milk, when the cheese is produced, the fat portion of the milk will coagulate, and whey is removed from the cycle as a by-product .

If you open a box of yogurt you will see the liquid floating on the surface of the box, which is whey. Cheese producers have often removed that part before realizing it has commercial value .

After being ripped during cheese production, whey will have to go through a series of steps to become what people commonly know as whey protein ... a powder added to vitamins, alternative meals. and protein bars .

This is whey protein powder:

Whey protein itself is not delicious, which is why it is often flavored. Chocolate, vanilla and strawberry flavors are quite popular flavors.

The important thing is that you should read Ingredients list because some may contain unhealthy additives like refined sugar .

Using whey protein is a convenient way to add 25-50 garm of protein a day to your diet. This can be very important for fitness and fitness enthusiasts, as well as those in need weight loss or simply lack of protein in the diet.

Most whey proteins have attractive flavors and can be used to create delicious nutritious recipes (like smoothies).

Whey is usually quite tolerable, though people with lactose intolerance need to be careful. Some people are also allergic to whey .

Conclude: Whey protein is a mixture of milk proteins, which is a byproduct of cheese production. It is often sold as a flavored powder added to vitamins, alternative meals, protein bars. Supplementing whey protein can help your body strengthen protein and supplement BBAC.

Protein is the main ingredient that makes up the human body

Protein smoothies provide a high nutritional content for the body

They are used to create important parts from small to large.

That includes ligaments, organs, skin ... as well as hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and all small molecules.

Proteins are also considered as forming factors in muscle.

The proteins aggregate together through amino acids, smaller molecules joined together like small particles in a chain.

Some types of amino acids are produced by body cells, while others are taken from food. The things that we synthesize from food are "essential" amino acids.

The protein that provides all the essential amino acids is best ... and whey protein carries all of them essential amino acids.

It specially contains the Important (BCAA) as and a large amount of Cysteine ​​.

Studies have shown that Leucine is the most important amino acid in promoting growth, and Cysteine ​​may help promote cellular antioxidant Glutathione content .

Whey protein seems to be particularly effective in promoting human development. In fact breastmilk provides 60% whey compared to cow milk is 20% .

Conclude: Protein quality in whey is very high. Whey contains many essential amino acids such as Leucine and Cysteine.

Whey proteins: concentrated, isolated and hydrolyzed

There are quite a few common whey proteins.

The main difference between them is in processing and processing.

  • Concentrate: contains about 70-80% protein. Contains a little lactose (milk sugar) and fat and has the most delicious taste.
  • Isolate (Isolate): contains 90% protein or more. Contains less lactose and fat, lacking many beneficial nutrients found in concentrated whey protein.
  • Hydrolysate (Hydrolysate): Also known as hydrolyzed whey, this type has been previously digested so it is absorbed more quickly. It helps increase insulin faster than isolate type 28- 43% .

Whey protein concentrates seem to be the best… cheapest and retain most of the nutrients you can find in natural whey. There are also many people who like its taste perhaps because it contains a small amount of lactose and fat.

If you have problems with concentrate tolerance or are trying to consume protein to control it carb and fat, the whey protein isolate (or hydrolysate) may be a better choice.

Remember, although concentrate is the most common whey protein, whey protein isolate is used in most studies.

Conclude: Whey proteins are mainly concentrated, isolate and hydrolysate. They may vary in protein content, taste, digestibility and price.

Supplementing whey protein has an effect on muscle mass and strength.

The most well-known use of whey protein is to increase muscle mass and strength.

Whey protein is quite popular among athletes, bodybuilders, bodybuilders and people looking to improve looks in the gym.

Whey protein is essential for high-intensity practitioners

The effects of whey protein on muscles and strength are:

  1. Ingredients that make up muscle: It provides protein and amino acids, which play a role in enhancing muscle growth.
  2. Hormones: It enhances the release of anabolic hormone that stimulates muscle growth like insulin (13).
  3. Leucine: It contains many amino acids Leucine, known to stimulate muscle protein synthesis at the molecular and genetic levels .
  4. Quick absorption: Whey protein is absorbed and used very quickly compared to other proteins .

Whey protein has been shown to be particularly effective in promoting muscle growth when used before and after exercise. But protein synthesis takes place in muscle often maximizing after the training period .

However, some assessments on recent evidence have concluded that the total daily absorbed protein is the most relevant factor for muscle development. Whether or not the protein is loaded during the exercise period does not seem to matter much .

When compared with other proteins such as magnetic proteins soy bean , whey proteins often show slightly better expressions .

The evidence is more complicated when compared with casein. Whey seems to be effective for a short time, while casein stimulates muscle growth for a long time. Therefore the final effect seems the same .

However ... remember that if your diet is not deficient in protein, whey supplementation may not have a big effect on the results.

In a study of elderly people who ate enough protein, there was not much difference in muscle development between whey and starch loading during 12 weeks of sustained exercise .

Therefore, the trace effect of whey protein on muscles and quite mixed strength. Results may vary depending on the individual.

If you have a lot of meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products (which already contain high quality protein), the benefits of whey supplementation may be very small.

Conclude: There is a lot of evidence that whey protein is effective in muscle growth and strength, although some studies have found it to be ineffective.

Whey protein makes you feel full and can help you lose weight

Whey protein helps to saturate long

Famous whey protein helps to lose weight.

Hitherto , it is the type that carries the most macronutrients .

Proteins can promote metabolism from 80 to 100 calories every day and automatically make people eat 441 fewer calories per day .

In one study, eating 25% of calories accounted for 60% of appetite intake and reduced the craving for supper by half .

Using whey is a great way to increase the amount of protein in your diet. This provides important benefits for weight loss.

Studies have shown that replacing other sources of whey protein with combined weight training can reduce 17.6 kg while increasing muscle mass .

So ... if you are trying to lose weight, supplementing with whey protein can help you both lose weight and retain your precious muscle. ).

Conclude: Protein has shown that it can help with weight loss by promoting metabolism (consuming calories) and reducing cravings (calorie intake). Whey protein also helps to consume fat while maintaining muscle mass.

Other benefits of whey protein

The nutritious jaws in whey protein are quite rich

Whey is not only a source of valuable protein but also contains many other beneficial nutrients.

Include beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin and immunoglobulin . In addition to muscle, strength and toughness, whey protein also offers many other health benefits.

That includes lowering blood pressure, reducing blood sugar and symptoms of stress and depression .

It has also been shown to help fight cancer and reduce symptoms of hepatitis inflammation, increase bone density, enhance immunity in HIV-infected patients and increase life expectancy in mice ( ).

The fact that whey protein has a high content of amino acids Cysteine ​​has intermediate effects on health benefits. Cysteine ​​does this by increasing the amount - the main antioxidant in the body's cells .

Here is a list of health benefits:

Conclude: Protein has many other useful ingredients besides protein. It contains large amounts of amino acids Cysteine ​​- which helps increase antioxidant Glutathione levels and is associated with all other benefits.

Dosage and side effects

Add whey protein only when needed

The recommended dose is 1-2 tablespoons (about 25 - 50 grams) daily and usually after exercise.

You should follow the instructions printed on the package.

Note: if your protein diet is already high, adding protein daily is absolutely unnecessary.

Although there are some concerns that proteins damage kidneys and osteoporosis, this is not true.

In fact, protein has been shown to combat osteoporosis, while it does not cause adverse effects on the kidneys in healthy condition .

However, people who are suffering from kidney and liver problems should avoid whey protein, or at least consult a doctor before use.

Eating too much whey also causes digestive problems like nausea, flatulence, diarrhea, pain and cramps. Some people are also allergic to whey.

If you cannot absorb whey protein concentrate, then isolate or hydrolysate may be more suitable for you ... or simply avoid using whey protein and instead eat other protein-rich foods.

But in general, whey protein is safe and most people can use it without problems.

Messages to note

Generally, adding whey protein to your diet is very good for your health. It is a valuable source of protein that the body can absorb and use effectively.

It is especially important for athletes, bodybuilders or those who want to strengthen their muscles and strength at the same time want to lose weight.

When it comes to muscle growth and fat loss, protein is the first nutrient ... and whey protein is even better than other proteins.

To find out more about the benefits of protein and how much you should eat, read more: