10 Benefits Of Grapefruit Proven Science

Pomelo is a citrus tropical fruit, sweet and sometimes sour.

It is rich in nutrients, antioxidants and fiber, making it one of the healthiest citrus fruits you eat.

Research indicates that it may have some incredible health benefits, including weight loss and a lower risk of heart disease.

Here are 10 scientifically proven benefits of grapefruit.

1. It is low in calories but rich in nutrients

Grapefruit contains many vitamins and minerals

Grapefruit is an extremely healthy food and should be included in the diet. That's because it's rich in nutrients but few calories . Actually, it is one of a kind fruits contains the least calories.

It provides a moderate amount of fiber, not to mention there are more than 15 other beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Here are some of the main nutrients found in a medium-sized grapefruit :

  • Calories: 52
  • Carb: 13 grams
  • The protein: 1 gram
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Vitamin C: 64% RDI
  • Vitamin A: 28% RDI
  • Potassium: 5% RDI
  • Vitamin B1: 4% RDI
  • Folate: 4% RDI
  • Magie: 3% RDI

Moreover, it is an abundant source of some powerful antioxidant organic compounds, which can have many health benefits.

Summary: Pomelos contain less calories and also provide an important source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

2. It can benefit the immune system

Grapefruit contains a number of vitamins and minerals known for its role in preventing infection

Eating grapefruit regularly can benefit the immune system.

It is highly appreciated for its content vitamin C High antioxidant properties known to protect cells from harmful viruses and bacteria .

In addition, some studies show that vitamin C is beneficial for helping people recover faster after the common cold .

Many other vitamins and minerals found in grapefruit benefit the immune system, including vitamin A, which is believed to help protect the body from infections and some other infectious diseases .

Grapefruit also provides a small amount of vitamin B, zinc, copper and iron, all combined in the body to promote the function of the immune system. They also help maintain the condition of the skin, acting as a protective barrier against infection .

Summary: Grapefruit can benefit the immune system because it contains a number of vitamins and minerals known to play a role in preventing infection.

3. Can control appetite

Grapefruit contains a moderate amount of fiber - 2 grams of half-sized pomelo .

Research indicates that a diet rich in fiber from fruits is beneficial, including feeling full. This is because fiber slows the digestion rate of the stomach, increasing the time it takes to digest food .

Therefore, consuming enough fiber can automatically help you eat less calories during the day by preventing cravings .

Summary: Grapefruit contains fiber to help control appetite by stimulating satiety.

4. It helps to lose weight

Pomelos contain plenty of water to help quickly fill

Grapefruit is one Friendly food for weight loss.

It has several properties related to weight loss, especially fiber content that stimulates satiety and reduces the amount of calories loaded into the body intake .

Moreover, grapefruit is low in calories but watery, another characteristic known to help lose weight .

A study of 91 obese subjects showed that those who consumed half of fresh grapefruit before meals reduced a significant amount of weight over those who did not eat .

In fact, people in the group who ate grapefruit lost an average of 3, 5 pounds (1, 6 kg) in 12 weeks, while participants in the group that did not eat grapefruit lost an average of less than 1 pound (0.3 kg) on ​​average. .

Other studies also found similar effects in helping to lose weight of grapefruit. For example, one study showed participants reduce waistline when they consume grapefruit every day during meals .

This is not to say that grapefruit alone will cause weight loss, but adding it to a healthy diet can be beneficial.

Summary: Eating grapefruit before meals can help with weight loss. Fiber and water in grapefruit can stimulate satiety and reduce calorie intake.

5. Grapefruit can help prevent insulin resistance and diabetes

Eating grapefruit regularly can help prevent insulin resistance, which can cause diabetes.

Insulin resistance occurs when cells stop responding to insulin.

Insulin is a hormone that regulates many processes in the body. For example, it involves many aspects of metabolic processes, but it is best known for its role in regulating blood sugar .

Insulin resistance will eventually lead to high levels of insulin and high blood sugar . These are the 2 main risk factors for type 2 diabetes .

Eating grapefruit can help control the amount of insulin, thus potentially reducing the likelihood of insulin resistance .

In one study, subjects who ate half a fresh grapefruit before a meal significantly reduced both insulin intake and insulin resistance compared to those who did not eat grapefruit .

Moreover, eating fruits in general is related to better control of blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes .

Summary: Grapefruit can help reduce insulin resistance, which can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

6. Eating grapefruit can improve cardiovascular health

Grapefruit contains many nutrients and antioxidants that are thought to help protect the heart

Regularly eating grapefruit is thought to improve cardiovascular health by reducing risk factors that lead to heart problems such as high blood pressure and cholesterol.

In one study, people who ate grapefruit 3 times a day for 6 weeks significantly reduced blood pressure during the study. They are also believed to have improved total cholesterol and LDL harmful cholesterol .

These effects may be due to important nutrients in grapefruit, which play a role in keeping the heart's functioning functioning properly.

First, grapefruit is quite rich in potassium, a mineral responsible for many aspects of cardiovascular health. Half grapefruit provides about 5% of the daily necessary potassium .

Consuming a sufficient amount of potassium is associated with a lower risk of high blood pressure. Moreover, it has also been shown to reduce the risk of death from heart disease .

Secondly, the fiber in grapefruit can also increase cardiovascular health, because the high intake of fiber is related to lowering blood pressure and cholesterol .

In general, researchers believe that taking fiber-rich and antioxidant-rich fruits like grapefruit as a healthy diet helps protect the body from diseases like heart disease and stroke .

Summary: Grapefruit contains many nutrients and antioxidants that are thought to help protect the heart by regulating blood pressure and cholesterol.

7. It is rich in powerful antioxidants

Grapefruit contains some Antioxidants Different brings many health benefits, including reducing the risk of certain diseases .

Antioxidants protect cells from being destroyed by free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can cause harmful reactions to the body .

Below is an overview of most important antioxidants in grapefruit:

  • Vitamin C: Strong antioxidants dissolve in water in large quantities in grapefruit. It can protect cells from injury, often leading to heart disease and cancer .
  • Beta-carotene: It is converted into vitamin A in the body and is thought to help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer and eye-related disorders such as macular degeneration .
  • Lycopen: Known for its ability to prevent the development of certain types of cancer, especially prostate cancer. It can also slow the growth of tumors and reduce the side effects of conventional cancer treatments .
  • Flavanone: Their anti-inflammatory properties are believed to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease .

Summary: Grapefruit contains some antioxidants that can help prevent the development of certain chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer.

8. May reduce the risk of kidney stones

Citric acid in grapefruit creates a less favorable environment for the formation of kidney stones

Consumption of grapefruit can reduce the risk of developing kidney stones, resulting from kidney waste accumulation.

These wastes are produced during metabolism, often filtered through the kidneys and excreted from the body through the urine.

However, when they crystallize in the kidneys, they can become stones. Large kidney stones can cause clogging of the urinary system, which can cause extreme pain.

The most common type of kidney stones is calcium oxalate. Citric acid, an organic acid found in grapefruit may work to prevent them from binding to calcium in the kidneys and excrete it from the body .

Furthermore, citric acid is able to increase the concentration and pH of urine, creating a less favorable environment for kidney stone formation .

Summary: Citric acid in grapefruit can help reduce the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones.

9. Contains lots of water

Pomelos contain a lot country And so it helps the body absorb more water. In fact, water makes up most of the weight of pomelos.

There are nearly 4 ounces (118 ml) of water in a half-sized pomelo, accounting for about 88% of the total weight .

While drinking lots of water is the best way to absorb water, eating foods that are high in water can have the same effect.

Summary: Grapefruit contains plenty of water, which helps you absorb enough water.

10. Easy to add to the diet

Pomelos do not need to be processed much

Grapefruit does not require very little processing, so adding it to the diet is quite easy.

Even if you have a very busy life, you can still enjoy pomelos daily without worrying about spending too much time.

Here are some ways you can enjoy grapefruit:

  • Snack with chopped pomelo.
  • Eat like a healthy alternative dessert.
  • Try dishes This is with grapefruit, kale and butter.
  • Mix it into the dish This with other fruits and vegetables.
  • Put it in a cold pudding during a healthy breakfast this.

Summary: Grapefruit is a healthy food that is easy to get into the diet.

Grapefruit is not good for everyone

There are several reasons why some people may need to avoid grapefruit.

Interaction with drugs

For some people, consuming grapefruit or grapefruit juice can lead to a reaction to the drug .

This is because it contains containment substances a body enzyme used to metabolize certain drugs.

If you eat grapefruit while taking these drugs, your body can destroy them, which can cause an overdose or other side effects .

Drugs that might respond to grapefruit include .

  • Immunosuppressive drugs
  • Benzodiazepine
  • Most drugs prevent calcium
  • Anti-HIV drug indinavir
  • Carbamazepine
  • Some statins

If you are taking any of the above medicines, ask your doctor before adding grapefruit to your diet.

Erosion of tooth enamel

In some cases, eating grapefruit can lead to tooth enamel erosion.

Citric acid is available in all types citrus fruit often causes erosion of enamel, especially if you consume too much .

If you have sensitive teeth, you may need to avoid acidic fruits. However, there are some things you can do to protect tooth enamel while still enjoying grapefruit:

  • Never suck grapefruit or other acidic fruits and avoid placing them directly on your teeth.
  • Rinse mouth with water after eating fruit and wait 30 minutes to brush your teeth.
  • Eat cheese with fruit. This will help neutralize the acid in the mouth and increase the production of saliva.

Summary: If you are taking certain medications or have sensitive teeth, you may need to limit eating grapefruit or avoid it completely.


Grapefruit is one of the healthiest fruits on the planet. It contains important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants with abundance.

In general, grapefruit is delicious and very easy to add to the diet.