10 Scientifically Healthy Benefits Proved Whey Protein

In proteins, whey is the highest quality type

Whey protein is one of the best supplements in the world that has been studied to serve good purposes.

It has very high nutritional value and scientific studies have shown many health benefits.

Here are 10 health benefits of whey protein that have been confirmed through human studies.

1. Whey is an excellent source of high quality protein

Whey protein is the liquid part that separates milk during cheese production.

It is a high quality and perfect protein that contains all essential amino acids.

In addition, it is easily digested and absorbed from the intestine faster than other proteins .

These properties make whey protein one of the best sources of protein available.

This is a common whey protein powder:

There are three types of whey protein powders: whey protein concentrate (WPC), whey protein separator (WPI), and whey protein hydrolyzate (WPH).

This type of concentrate is the most popular and also the cheapest.

As a dietary supplement, whey protein is widely known in bodybuilders, athletes, and people who want to add protein to their diet.

Summary: Whey protein has a very high nutritional value and is one of the best sources of high quality protein. It is easily digested, and is rapidly absorbed compared to other proteins.

2. Whey protein promotes muscle gain

Supplements for protein supplements help increase muscle

Muscle mass decreased naturally by age. This often leads to increased fat and increased risk of chronic diseases.

However, the combination of strength training and a reasonable diet can somewhat slow, prevent, or reverse adverse changes in body structure.

Endurance training combined with consumption High protein foods or protein supplements have been shown to be an effective prevention strategy .

Particularly effective are high quality protein sources, such as whey rich in branched-chain amino acids called .

Leucine is the strongest growth promoter (assimilation) among amino acids .

For this reason, whey protein is effective in preventing age-related muscle loss, as well as improving health and helping your body look better .

For muscle gain, whey protein is shown to be slightly better than other proteins, such as casein or soy .

However, dietary supplements will not make a big difference unless your diet is low in protein.

Summary: Whey protein is excellent for enhancing muscle growth and maintenance when combined with endurance exercise.

3. Whey protein can lower blood pressure

ACE inhibitors in whey protein are effective for blood pressure

Abnormal high blood pressure (hypertension) is one of the leading risk factors for heart disease.

Many studies have linked consumption dairy products with lowering blood pressure .

This effect is due to a group of bioactive chain amino acids in milk, also called "angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors" (ACE inhibitors) .

In whey protein, ACE inhibitors are called lactokinin . Several animal studies have demonstrated their effectiveness in blood pressure .

A limited number of human studies have investigated the effects of whey protein on blood pressure, and many experts believe the evidence is unconvincing.

One study in overweight people showed that taking whey protein supplements at 54 g daily for 12 weeks reduced systolic blood pressure by 4%. Other milk proteins (casein) have similar effects .

This was demonstrated by another study that showed significant efficacy when participants used concentrated whey protein (22 g / day) for 6 weeks.

However, blood pressure only decreases in patients with high blood pressure or begins to increase slightly .

No significant effect on blood pressure was detected in a study using much lower whey protein levels (less than 3.25 g / day) mixed with milk drinks .

Summary: Whey protein can help lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. This is because bioactive chain amino acids are called lactokinin.

4. Whey protein can help treat type 2 diabetes

Whey protein should be used before or with a high-carb diet

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar and weakened insulin function.

Insulin is a hormone that is thought to stimulate blood sugar uptake into cells and keep it within healthy limits.

Whey protein has been found to be effective in regulating blood sugar, increasing both concentration and insulin sensitivity .

When compared to other protein sources, such as white egg or fish, whey protein seems to dominate .

Whey protein properties can even be compared to the properties of diabetes medications, for example .

Therefore whey protein can be used as an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes.

Using whey protein supplements before or with high carb diets has been shown to reduce blood sugar in both healthy people and people with type 2 diabetes .

Summary: Whey protein is effective in controlling blood sugar, especially when taken before or with a high-carb diet. It may be particularly useful for people with type 2 diabetes.

5. Whey protein can help reduce inflammation

Inflammation is part of the body's response to injury. Short-term inflammation is beneficial, but in certain cases it can become chronic.

Chronic inflammation can be harmful, and is a risk factor for many diseases. It may reflect basic health problems or unhealthy living habits.

A large-scale evaluation study showed that high doses of whey protein supplements significantly reduced (CRP), a major sign of inflammation in the body .

Summary: High-dose whey protein has been shown to reduce the amount of active protein C in the blood, suggesting that it may help reduce inflammation.

6. Whey protein may be beneficial for inflammatory bowel disease

Inflammatory bowel disease is a condition characterized by chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

This is a general term for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

In both mice and humans, supplementation with whey protein has been found to have beneficial effects on inflammatory bowel disease .

However, available evidence is not enough and further research is needed before certain statements can be made.

Summary: Whey protein supplements may have beneficial effects on intestinal inflammation.

7. Whey protein can enhance the body's antioxidant protection barrier

Whey proteins can reduce oxidative imbalance and increase glutathione levels

Antioxidants are substances that prevent oxidation in the body, reducing oxidative imbalance and the risk of various chronic diseases.

One of the most important antioxidants in humans is .

Unlike most antioxidants we get from the diet, glutathione is made by the body.

In the body, the production of glutathione depends on the supply of some amino acids, such as cysteine, which is sometimes provided limited.

For this reason, foods with high cysteine ​​content, such as whey protein, may increase the body's natural antioxidant capacity .

Several studies in both humans and rodents have found that whey protein may reduce oxidative imbalance and increase glutathione levels .

Summary: Supplementing whey protein can enhance the body's antioxidant defense by promoting the formation of glutathione, one of the body's main antioxidants.

8. Whey protein may work well for blood fats

High cholesterol, especially is a risk factor for heart disease.

In one study of overweight people taking 54 grams of whey protein daily for 12 weeks significantly reduced total cholesterol and LDL .

Other studies have not found the same effect on blood cholesterol , but this inefficiency may be due to differences in research design.

Further research is needed before making conclusions.

Summary: Long-term supplementation of whey protein may lower cholesterol levels. Evidence is still very limited at this time.

9. Whey protein is highly satisfying (satiety) which can help reduce hunger

Whey protein is especially useful for those who need to eat less calories and lose weight

Satisfaction is a term used to describe the feeling of satiety that we experience after eating.

This is in contrast to appetite and hunger, so appetite and appetite are dominated.

Some foods are more satisfying than others, which is partly due to the high nutritional content ( the protein , carb , fat) contained in regulated foods.

Proteins cause the most remarkable satiety of the three major nutrients .

However, not all proteins have the same effect on satiety. Whey proteins seem to be more satisfying than other proteins, such as caseins and soybeans .

These features are especially useful for those who need to eat less calories more and lose weight.

Summary: Whey protein provides a high sense of satisfaction (satiety), even more than other proteins. This makes it a useful supplement in weight loss diets.

10. Whey protein can help you lose weight

Increasing protein consumption is a well-known weight loss strategy .

Whey protein has a better effect on burning fat and is more saturated than other proteins

Eating a lot of protein can boost lose weight by:

  • Stop feeling anorexia, leading to reduced calorie consumption .
  • Enhance metabolism, help you burn more calories .
  • Help maintain muscle mass when losing weight .

Whey protein has been shown to be particularly effective and may have a better effect on burning fat and is more saturated than other proteins .

Summary: Eating a lot of protein is a very effective way to lose weight, and some studies show that whey protein may have a better effect than other proteins.

Side effects, dosage and administration

Whey protein is well tolerated by most people if consumed in moderate amounts

It is easy to incorporate whey protein into the diet.

It is sold as a powder that can be mixed into vitamins, yogurt , or simply mixed with water or milk.

25-50 grams per day (1-2 tablespoons) is the recommended dose but must comply with the dosage instructions on the package.

Remember that too much protein is useless. The body can only use a limited amount of protein at a given time.

Excessive consumption can also cause digestive problems, such as nausea, pain, bloating, cramps, flatulence, and diarrhea.

However, moderate consumption of whey protein supplements is well tolerated by most people, with only a few exceptions.

If you are lactose intolerant, whey protein hydrolyzate or cleavage may be more suitable than concentrated whey protein. If you have ever had liver or kidney disease, ask your doctor before taking protein supplements.

Finally, whey protein is not only a convenient way to increase your protein, but it can also provide some great health benefits.