7 Reasons For Eating More Citrus Fruits

The fruits of the orange and tangerine lines are sweet, bright colors such as bringing warm sunshine in the cold winter. Not only that, they are also good for your health.

Citrus fruits include: lemon green, lemon yellow, orange, grapefruit, as well as many hybrids and other forms.

They have many health benefits, from enhancing immunity to fighting cancer.

Read the following article to learn more about 7 reasons to eat more citrus fruit.

There are many types of citrus fruits and their health benefits are also varied

What is citrus fruit?

Citrus fruit trees are grown into small, flowering shrubs. They are characterized by a skin-like outer shell that is somewhat tanned white outside the succulent part inside.

They originate in Australia, New Guinea, New Caledonia, and possibly in Southeast Asia .

Today, they are grown in tropical and subtropical climates around the world. The main production regions are Spain, Brazil, China, USA, Mexico and India .

Interestingly, nearly one-third of these citrus fruits are used as juice .

You can find all citrus fruits all year round. The main crop of oranges and grapes in the Northern Hemisphere is between December and April.

Here are some popular citrus fruits:

  • Orange sugar: Valencia (American orange), Navel, blood orange, Cara Cara.
  • Tangerine: Satsuma, Clementine, Tangor, Tangelo.
  • Green Lemon: Persian, lemon, Thai lemon.
  • Grapefruit: White, pink, oroblanco.
  • Lemon: Eureka, Meyer.
  • Other types: Thanh yen, sudachi, yuzu, pomelo pomelo

Read on for 7 reasons why these fruits should be added to your diet.

1. They are rich in vitamins and plant compounds

The amount of plant compounds in citrus includes 60 flavonoids, carotenoids and essential oils

Citrus fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C, a nutrient that boosts the immune system and keeps skin supple and elastic .

In fact, eating only a small orange means you have enough vitamin C in a day .

Citrus fruits also have a large amount of other vitamins and minerals needed for your body, including B vitamins, potassium, and phosphorus. magnesium and copper .

In addition, they contain many plant compounds that have many other health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

These compounds include 60 flavonoids, carotenoids and essential oils, which are primarily responsible for the many health benefits of citrus fruits .

Summary: Citrus fruits are very nutritious, providing a wide range of vitamins, minerals and plant compounds that help your body stay healthy.

2. They are a good source of fiber

Citrus fruits are a good source of fiber. Only one cup of full orange meat contains 4 grams of fiber .

Considering that, you should consume about 14 grams of fiber per 1,000 calories consumed. It is estimated that only about 4% of men and 13% of women in the US receive this amount of fiber .

Fiber has many health benefits, including improving the digestive system and helping weight loss .

Oranges are exceptionally high in soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol .

Compared to other fruits and vegetables, citrus fruits are unique in that they have a high rate of insoluble fiber .

Summary: Citrus fruit is a good source of soluble fiber, which helps reduce cholesterol and aid in digestion.

3. Citrus fruit contains low calorie

If you are following calorie intake In the diet, citrus fruit is a good choice.

They have a low calorie content, but the amount of water and fiber added helps you feel full.

Here are calories in citrus fruit :

  • 1 small tangerine: 35
  • 1 medium orange : 62
  • ½ pink grapefruit : 52
  • ½ white grapefruit: 39
  • Juice from a yellow lemon: twelfth

Furthermore, a 2015 study of people's eating habits and weight within 24 years showed that eating citrus fruit was associated with weight loss .

Summary: Fruits with low calorie content, they are a smart choice for those looking for ways to reduce or maintain weight.

4. They can reduce the risk of kidney stones

Citrus fruit, can increase the amount of citrate in the urine, reducing the risk of kidney stones

Kidney stones are mineral crystals that cause pain.

They can form when your urine has a higher amount of minerals that make up stones than usual.

Another reason may be due to low citrate levels in the urine.

Many fruits and vegetables, especially citrus, can increase the amount of citrate in the urine, reducing the risk of kidney stones (17).

Drinking juice or eating these fruits can provide a natural substitute for supplements .

According to data on American eating habits for more than 40 years, kidney stones are more common in people who eat less citrus .

Summary: Eating citrus fruits helps reduce the risk of kidney stones in some people by increasing the amount of citrate in the urine.

5. They can help fight or prevent cancer

Some flavonoids in smelly fruits can prevent the expression of some genes that cause some degenerative diseases, including cancer.

Many studies have shown that citrus fruit links help reduce the risk of certain cancers .

In one study, people who ate a grapefruit or drank a part of grapefruit juice daily had a lower risk of lung cancer .

Other studies suggest that citrus fruits can also protect and fight cancers of the esophagus, stomach, breast and pancreatic cancer .

This fruit contains a variety of plant compounds, including flavonoids - that can help prevent cancer .

Some types of flavonoids work like Antioxidants and can prevent the expression of some genes that cause some degenerative diseases, including cancer .

Citrus fruit also helps fight cancer by inhibiting cancer, preventing the formation of new types of cancer and making cancer cells inactive .

Summary: Citrus fruit has been extensively studied for their protective effects on some types of cancer

6. They contain many nutrients that enhance cardiovascular health

Eating citrus fruits is very good for the heart.

In fact, a study in Japan found that people who ate many of these fruits had lower rates of heart disease and stroke .

Moreover, a 2017 review suggested that pomelos are related to employment hypotension systolic .

Several compounds in citrus fruits can improve cardiovascular health signs.

For example, soluble fiber and flavonoids can improve cholesterol levels by increasing HDL (good cholesterol) and lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides .

And many flavonoids in citrus fruits, including the so-called type are powerful antioxidants that benefit the heart in many ways .

Summary: Many compounds in citrus have many cardiovascular benefits by improving cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure.

7. They can protect the brain

Types of flavonoids in citrus fruits can help prevent neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's - as a result of damaged cells in the nervous system.

Causes of these diseases are partly due to inflammation.

The flavonoids found in citrus fruits are anti-inflammatory, and are believed to help protect against a string of events that make the nervous system worse .

Specific flavonoids like and has been shown to protect brain cells and improve brain function in studies in mice and in vitro .

Some studies in adults also show that juice from citrus fruits promotes brain function .

Summary: Citrus fruits and their juices can help boost brain function and protect the brain from degenerative disorders.

Disadvantages of citrus fruit

Although the status of citrus fruits is very beneficial, there are some potential disadvantages.

Eating a lot can cause tooth decay

Eating lots of citrus fruits or juice made from them can increase the risk of tooth decay. That's because the acid in them can erode tooth enamel

This is a fairly exceptional risk if you keep drinking lemonade all day long, so your teeth are always soaked in acid.

Interestingly, certain compounds in citrus pods can fight cavities that cause tooth decay, although they need more research to see how this information can be used .

Fruit juice is not good for health with fresh fruit

Juice contains many sugar

While orange and grapefruit juice is rich in vitamin C and other nutrients commonly found in citrus fruits, they are also not good for health.

That is because part of the type fruit juice provide more sugar and less fiber than fresh fruits .

There are several reasons why this is a problem.

First, it will cost a lot Street For each part is equivalent to more calories. Drinking fruit juices and other high-calorie drinks can make you gain weight .

Second, when your body absorbs a large amount of sugar fructose (sugar in fruit juice), it will quickly be absorbed into the blood and transferred to the liver .

If your liver receives more fructose than it can handle, it turns some fructose into fat. Over time, these fats can cause fatty liver disease .

Absorbing too much fructose from fresh fruit is not a problem if only a small amount is received at a time. In addition, the fruit's fiber reduces fructose, making it slow to absorb into the bloodstream

Grapefruit can react with some medicines

Eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice can be problematic if you are taking some medicines.

Having an enzyme in the intestine reduces the absorption of certain drugs. - a chemical in grapefruit, binds to this enzyme and makes it not work properly.

As a result, your body absorbs more drugs than it needs .

Furanocoumarin is also found in tangerines Tangelo and orange Seville (the type used to make jam).

There are a number of prescription and over-the-counter medicines that are affected by grapefruit, including :

  • Some statins for people with high cholesterol include Lipitor and Zocor.
  • Some drugs block calcium channels for high blood pressure such as Plendil and Procardia.
  • Cyclosporine immunosuppressive drugs.
  • Some psychotic drugs, including Valium, Halcion and Versed.
  • Other types, including Allegra, Zoloft and Buspar.

Summary: Although citrus fruits are generally good for health, they also have some limitations. Their acids can erode tooth enamel and grapefruit may interact with some medicines.


There are many reasons to eat citrus fruit.

They are rich in nutrients and contain many plant compounds that can protect and fight many different diseases like cancer, heart disease, brain dysfunction and kidney stones.

However, the main goal is to eat fresh fruit rather than drinking juice, because high sugar levels can cause many health problems.

In general, healthy citrus fruits, have low calorie intake and are very convenient to eat. Most people will get many benefits when adding them more in the diet.